Not sure if there's been more info on this, but I write my opinion/question here.
As we already know, the Antique Shop will remain open for an unspecified amount of time so that players on the EU servers can still use the shop after they get reimbursed for their previous recharges. This is perfectly fine, and I agree with it. What bugs me a little is that many players (even on the EU servers) have already spent most of their coins and they can't get more since May 9th and they can only spend the ones they have left (if they have any). Many players had already spent most or all of their coins before May 9th as it was said that the shop would close on that day. But it didn't happen and the team said not so long before that date that all the event items would be available during future events. But we didn't know this from the very beginning, and we couldn't take this into consideration at first when we were shopping. After we had been given this information, I tried buying only the items I wouldn't be able to get later, but I ran out of coins and there was no way to get more after May 9th, so I couldn't get everything I had wished for. And I believe I'm not the only one.
I already got reimbursed for my recharges on the Hungarian server (it was before they announced the Antique shop would remain open after the end of May), and there are still some items I would have liked to get there as well, but I can't, because I don't have any more coins and I can't get more.
I understand that the Antique shop was made primarily for the EU servers, but there are players there as well, who would like to get some more things, but they can't anymore snice they spent all their coins and either got reimbursed or they can't get reimbursed. And we couldn't foresee all of this at the beginning, we didn't know how long the shop would be open as the date changed (twice) during the time it's been open, or how to use the coins we had, because we were given the information in little pieces at a time, and we thought if we waited we would have been running out of time.
My question is, since the shop will be open for an unspecified amount of time, why don't they bring back the AC bags for recharges even for just a week or two? It would be profitable for them as there are players on the US and BR servers, as well as on the EU servers now, who might still want to get more coins and would be willing to pay for the recharges.
Last edited by Amaelia (05/31/2021 at 11:28)