For the game Island Olympics (just in case refreshing the page to start over doesn´t work anymore) I saw that on the phone app it is much easier, it is no longer that sensitive with the object around it and it also goes much slower.
Before I had kept losing lives and I think only once I got 2 shells on laptop, but on the app I mostly get 2 shells.
Also I don´t recommend at all playing Hide and Seek on the phone app, it is too fast and hard to follow.
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#201 08/12/2020 at 14:36
#202 08/12/2020 at 15:49
I think the app version for Island Olympics is more difficult It is slower etc. but at least for me controlling it with a finger was more difficult than using a keyboard. Never got 2 shells when I tried the app version, but I have always gotten the maximum of 2 shells when playing using the browser version on my laptop.

#203 08/12/2020 at 16:23
Overall I think this is a pretty easy event. And the outfits look breathtakingly beautiful. Can’t wait to get all three outfits if I can.

Are you satisfied of you? Always try to do your best~

#204 08/12/2020 at 17:17
Mythil wrote
Mythil wrote
The Manta outfit is just so,
kisses fingers
In case anyone wanted to know the different color variations, and wanted easy access to find out!
Marvelous Manta
Legend of Sea
Abyss Creature
For those that missed it, here are the different color variations to the outfits! Thank you Mythil!
Last edited by Dempsey (08/12/2020 at 17:17)
#205 08/12/2020 at 17:27
I'm quite sad that to get all three outfits, the minimum number of shells today is 72. I'm nowhere near that number orz
I just hope they will increase the number of shells given from the minigames.

#206 08/12/2020 at 19:58
Nur wrote
I'm quite sad that to get all three outfits, the minimum number of shells today is 72. I'm nowhere near that number orz
I just hope they will increase the number of shells given from the minigames.

Are you satisfied of you? Always try to do your best~

#207 08/12/2020 at 22:24
Has anyone had the beach game reset on them. I played it at 9 and when I went to check how much longer I had to wait it was ready. I knew something was wrong because it said 3/5 but I had just played game three.
#208 08/13/2020 at 07:59
Playing hide and seek crab game on mobile like

#209 08/13/2020 at 13:49
imagine losing the racing game 1 second before the end ,man do I hate that mini-game ,by the 35 second mark your eyes start to get blurry it's about 10 seconds too long for me
#210 08/13/2020 at 13:50
Kataleynn wrote
Playing hide and seek crab game on mobile like

Are you satisfied of you? Always try to do your best~

#211 08/13/2020 at 13:51
I don't know if this has been addressed earlier in the thread, but for people having difficulties with exploration---I've had more luck exploring in high-energy-cost areas (25-30, for reference) than spamming low-energy areas, both for minigame purposes, baits, and the few items from last year's event that I've found. I don't know if it's just luck or if they've actually upped the chances of finding event items in these places, but it might be worth checking out if you've been having a hard time.
#212 08/13/2020 at 14:26
Anna16 wrote
imagine losing the racing game 1 second before the end ,man do I hate that mini-game ,by the 35 second mark your eyes start to get blurry it's about 10 seconds too long for me
*me dying inside as I flash back to the times when I lost with 0 seconds left*

#213 08/13/2020 at 14:33
Is it possible to get all the Pieces by just doing two of the three games If youDon’t miss a day of playing them
#214 08/13/2020 at 14:47
I’m playing from an IPad so I can’t even play the Olympic companion mini game. Which means I won’t have enough shells to complete every outfit. Major bummer. I’d use a pc but my family’s computer died ages ago and we haven’t gotten a new one since.
Last edited by Venta_Black_17 (08/13/2020 at 14:49)

Are you satisfied of you? Always try to do your best~

#215 08/13/2020 at 14:52
Ailinu wrote
I don't know if this has been addressed earlier in the thread, but for people having difficulties with exploration---I've had more luck exploring in high-energy-cost areas (25-30, for reference) than spamming low-energy areas, both for minigame purposes, baits, and the few items from last year's event that I've found. I don't know if it's just luck or if they've actually upped the chances of finding event items in these places, but it might be worth checking out if you've been having a hard time.
I’m actually having more luck that way too. Though I still haven’t found any of the two companions you can supposedly find while exploring, even though I have a lot of bait. And I do mean a LOT of bait...
Also, for those that answered my question on the bonus points, thanks for the fast reply! I hadn’t expected to have answers so soon xD
#216 08/13/2020 at 15:36
I rely messed up big time I spent my first 20 yesterday on the necklace for the third outfit now I don’t know what to do
#217 08/13/2020 at 15:37
Venta_Black_17 wrote
I’m playing from an IPad so I can’t even play the Olympic companion mini game. Which means I won’t have enough shells to complete every outfit. Major bummer. I’d use a pc but my family’s computer died ages ago and we haven’t gotten a new one since.
#218 08/13/2020 at 16:18
Valkyarie wrote
Venta_Black_17 wrote
I’m playing from an IPad so I can’t even play the Olympic companion mini game. Which means I won’t have enough shells to complete every outfit. Major bummer. I’d use a pc but my family’s computer died ages ago and we haven’t gotten a new one since.Have you tried using the app? I have no issues with the mini games there. If you have trouble with the app I would suggest submitting a ticket to the dev team.
No, I don’t have the app. The iPad I’m playing on is actually my mother’s.
She’s letting me borrow it for awhile while mine gets fixed cause my brother accidentally stepped on it.
I was so upset about it too. T~T
I wouldn’t dare mess with any of her apps on her iPad without her permission.

But it’s fine. I’ll manage somehow with the mini games I can play. So don’t worry about me.

Are you satisfied of you? Always try to do your best~

#219 08/13/2020 at 16:46
Nur wrote
I'm quite sad that to get all three outfits, the minimum number of shells today is 72. I'm nowhere near that number orz
I just hope they will increase the number of shells given from the minigames.
I already told you I myself cannot commit the time to even attempt that my friend. I just........I CAN'T DO IT.

#220 08/13/2020 at 16:53
Am I the only one whose eyes go haywire after the olympics game? Everything's zooming

#221 08/13/2020 at 17:03
halowars50 wrote
Am I the only one whose eyes go haywire after the olympics game? Everything's zooming
Haha same goes here my dear! So no, you aren't the only one

#222 08/13/2020 at 17:37
I only need to get 700 more to get all three I was freaking because I spent my first 20 already
#223 08/13/2020 at 21:54
In the first mini game of the first crab companion, during the fifth and last round, there is the sound of the shells moving but the shells themselves don't move at all, and so I cannot see and know where the crab companion could be hidden. So I have to pick one by chance (and usually most of the time the wrong one). So, I usually get one shell. This happens all the time, since the first playing in the first day till now. I have cleared the whole history along with its cache and cookies. No improvement. In the second mini game with the salamander companion, I lose lives even though I click and move away from the obstacles. I usually get zero shells from it. You get one shell when there is left 20 seconds or less. Meaning, you lave to survive at least 40 seconds to win one shell. And playing the games all the five times isn't possible every day. In the third companion's mini game, I didn't get all three items the first day, so I lost a chance and five shells. I will not get most of the outfit pieces, especially my favourite ones, and as of actually finishing the event, it is completely impossible. Also, the paying option through telephone hasn't been working for many months now, so I cannot buy gold to help finish and get more of the event's clothing items.
#224 08/14/2020 at 04:46
I really like the new outfits and can't wait to get them all, I still dislike the waiting time since I'm quite busy and could only play twice or thrice at most but I'm glad the waiting time has decrease from 3 hours to 2 now but only getting 1-2 shells per game when I can only play the mini games twice at average would only get me around 5-6 shells a day. Hopefully I'll be able to complete at least one outfit

#225 08/14/2020 at 08:00

Is it just me or are there more obstacles in the mini game today? :P