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#176 08/11/2020 at 15:23

Shadow Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 17

Larjus wrote

They appear randomly everywhere. I keep spamming the 10-energy places and have gotten them several times.

I've tried that but I barely get anything.(>﹏<)


#177 08/11/2020 at 15:56

Shadow Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 15

Valkyarie wrote

Oh, I can't wait until I get the hair for myself. Looks so beautifully epic yo. :smiling_face_with_3hearts: (I use that emoji a lot in discord lol)

sig made by @Vince ;-;


#178 08/11/2020 at 17:20

Shadow Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 265

Okay, here's my review of the event.

I really like the outfits although all together some of pieces do look a little busy. I also think that the pieces seem like they might be difficult to use to create outfits separately (something that occasionally happens with some of the event clothes). One thing I'm very happy to see is more unique skins, although I do hope we'll get more skins that aren't sea related since we have four already (one bank) and now three more added to the list.

Abyss Creature
My favorite parts of this outfit is the tattered skirt, net belt, and I love how the hair looks like its moving (something I want more of). I also love the skin as it looks mermaid-like but has feet (glad to see since we already have 2 mermaid tail skins already) so I can make some beached mermaid outfits. The one part I don't like from the outfit is the shells, they look very busy and not to my taste.

Legend of Sea
I love the water skirt, the water surrounding Guardian, and the octopus-like hair. I also like the different skin, but I can't really see it to well because the outfit covers most of it. All the pieces together look a bit too busy, but all the pieces seem great.

Marvellous Manta
I love everything about this outfit. I love the chain necklace and the hair but my favorite parts of the outfit is the creature skin, the eyes, and I'm really happy to see some more fangs.

Most the mini-games are pretty fun but the Island Olympics one is a bit iffy (which I'll get more into). Making the mini-games cost 40 gold to replay is kinda dumb since you can pay 1 gold and get a shell; why would you replay a game as you only have the chance of 2 shells (and you may only get 1 shell if you fail). The 1 shell for 1 gold is a great price, but that is most likely because the event has you essentially having to play every day and play all 5 times because you can only miss 30 shells (and I'm sure plenty of us are going to mess up the Island Olympics a few times). The final issue, while its not as bad as MCL with the 3 hour wait, you still have to wait 2 hours and people have jobs, school, and sleep to do.

This is a very easy game and I'm glad to see that it doesn't get more difficult the next day.

Island Olympics
This is a bit of a more iffy mini-game, it's not a bad one but there are a few issues with it. First the hit box of the companion is fine but other times it seems like the I get hit even when I'm not too close to the objects. The other issue is that towards the end of the game it starts to go too fast and makes me a bit dizzy so I have to focus myself on the companion so I don't get dizzy, but leaves me having a higher chance of getting myself hit by objects.

Lovely Companion
This is another easy mini-game and the Regarius is the cutest thing.

They are all cute companions, but I'm probably not going to go out of my way to try and catch them (or buy from the bank, bleh).

While its nice to see the pirate and mermaid outfits in exploration, I am disappointed that the Queen of Cups outfit isn't as well, especially since it's only available in gold and the price in the shop for it is insanely expensive. The other issue I am having is not finding a single item in exploration so it seems like the drop rate of the items are very low (and should be patched) and it's a bit frustrating.

Overall this is a pretty good event but it does have a few hiccups here and there. The outfits, companions, and the Hide-and-Seek and Lovely Companion mini-games are all great. But the amount of shells needed/time, Island Olympics mini-game, and the exploration drop rates are the more negative aspects of the event.


#179 08/11/2020 at 18:57

Shadow Guard
Posts: 49

CottonCandy wrote

Most the mini-games are pretty fun but the Island Olympics one is a bit iffy (which I'll get more into). Making the mini-games cost 40 gold to replay is kinda dumb since you can pay 1 gold and get a shell; why would you replay a game as you only have the chance of 2 shells (and you may only get 1 shell if you fail). The 1 shell for 1 gold is a great price, but that is most likely because the event has you essentially having to play every day and play all 5 times because you can only miss 30 shells (and I'm sure plenty of us are going to mess up the Island Olympics a few times).

Ahahaha, and I wondered if there was anyone else who noticed the absurd of it /static/img/forum/smilies/tongue.png
Seems like devs weren't paying attention to their math, so we're in luck so far, yay us

the damn olympics is one chance per 10 tries to get 2 shells, not gonna bother to poke my eyes with this one


#180 08/11/2020 at 19:11

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2 123

DarkEmpress wrote

CottonCandy wrote

Most the mini-games are pretty fun but the Island Olympics one is a bit iffy (which I'll get more into). Making the mini-games cost 40 gold to replay is kinda dumb since you can pay 1 gold and get a shell; why would you replay a game as you only have the chance of 2 shells (and you may only get 1 shell if you fail). The 1 shell for 1 gold is a great price, but that is most likely because the event has you essentially having to play every day and play all 5 times because you can only miss 30 shells (and I'm sure plenty of us are going to mess up the Island Olympics a few times).

Ahahaha, and I wondered if there was anyone else who noticed the absurd of it /static/img/forum/smilies/tongue.png
Seems like devs weren't paying attention to their math, so we're in luck so far, yay us

the damn olympics is one chance per 10 tries to get 2 shells, not gonna bother to poke my eyes with this one

if you refresh the browser page before you lose you can retry the game


#181 08/11/2020 at 19:13

Absynthe Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 305

This event is relatively easy, the event items are lovely and the companions are adorable, though the drop rate is awful. I have a legendary event companion and I'm finding nothing. /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png Getting a bunch of items for the companion mini-game, and nothing much else in regards to finding companions, previous event equipment or backgrounds. In regards to the companions found via exploration, does anyone know if the baits can be found in exploration as well?

Got event items or companion food you'd like to get rid of? Message me on Discord and I'll take them off your hands! Mizore#1203


#182 08/11/2020 at 21:18

Shadow Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 17

The island olympics freeze sometimes. Does anyone has this same problem? It's also harder than I realized. I noticed that you have to dodge before getting anywhere near the obstacles or you'll lose a life. Sometimes when I've thought I dodged it completely, it says I've lost a life. I've only received 2 shells one time.


#183 08/11/2020 at 22:45

Shadow Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 265

DarkEmpress wrote

Ahahaha, and I wondered if there was anyone else who noticed the absurd of it /static/img/forum/smilies/tongue.png
Seems like devs weren't paying attention to their math, so we're in luck so far, yay us

the damn olympics is one chance per 10 tries to get 2 shells, not gonna bother to poke my eyes with this one

People have noticed that the shell amount is a bit ridiculous. I feel bad for anyone who starts the event late because it’s impossible to finish the event since they can only miss one day (and they must be a perfect score in everything) before needing to pay for more shells. Since it’s a month long it would be better if the cost of pieces of the outfits were lower. For example if it cost 15 shells it would take 22 days to complete the event, 16 shells would be 24 days, 17 shells 25 days, and even 18 shells would be 26 days. By lowering the cost of the outfit pieces it allows people to have more time whether it be because they make mistakes during the mini-games, started the event late, or couldn’t play all 5x a day because their busy. But let’s be real Beemoov wants to make things difficult, look at the Eldarya Easter and MCL Summer event, people posted that the events were impossible to complete (at least this one you can complete, but it still takes a lot of dedication) in the first few days and they only changed it to make it easier last second (obviously to make people panic and spend, no doubt).

brokenendings wrote

if you refresh the browser page before you lose you can retry the game

I’ll keep that in mind, I’ve messed up twice so far on the Island Olympics, let’s just hope Beemoov doesn’t patch that.

And in other news, it’s day 2 of me not finding anything in exploration (and yes, I’ve cleared my cache and cookies).

Last edited by CottonCandy (08/11/2020 at 22:49)


#184 08/11/2020 at 23:47

Shadow Guard
Posts: 86

brokenendings wrote

Has ANYONE found fearless captain or fancy mermaid items while exploring? I've only seen some lucky people got the new backgrounds but none of last year's clothing

I just finally got my first item (fancy mermaid skin) after two full days of exploration. I guess if the event's a month long, then at this rate we might be able to get around 10-15 items...hooray -_-

Mizore wrote

In regards to the companions found via exploration, does anyone know if the baits can be found in exploration as well?

I was wondering the same. The bait's are super expensive in the shop, just like the wispirit from music day, so I'm guessing not. Not like it matters much anyway cause I haven't encountered a single companion yet either

Last edited by MarinaLou (08/11/2020 at 23:47)


#185 08/12/2020 at 00:25

Absynthe Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 305

MarinaLou wrote

Mizore wrote

In regards to the companions found via exploration, does anyone know if the baits can be found in exploration as well?

I was wondering the same. The bait's are super expensive in the shop, just like the wispirit from music day, so I'm guessing not. Not like it matters much anyway cause I haven't encountered a single companion yet either
Given the drop rate of the exploration, the bait might be attainable though, however, I know better than to have high expectations - hopefully someone runs into the companion or the bait to be able to confirm either hypothesis. If the companions are like that of the Wispirit, then that's nothing short of disappointingly expected.  /static/img/forum/smilies/roll.png /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png

Got event items or companion food you'd like to get rid of? Message me on Discord and I'll take them off your hands! Mizore#1203


#186 08/12/2020 at 01:33

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 4 306

Wow would it be nice if we could play, the minigames, all the five rounds in a row u know? Like, no need to wait and get anxious about forgetting to play... That just gives me bad anxiety and can't really focus on anything else. Great job thinking about the players once again Beemoov :)

Also! What's with the minigames??? If you won't make to the end of the game, you will get only 1 shell... :) I seriously had less than a second left of the olympics game and I ran into something AND GOT ONLY 1 SHELL! How sad is that :)And the other one too like I missed one and got only one shell. Is it just a glitch though?

Last edited by Jupiterr (08/12/2020 at 11:07)

▵ they/him 勇気がある ▵

▵ 負けるが勝ち ▵


#187 08/12/2020 at 02:59

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 2 826

I've just seen the Legend of the Sea skin and it is amazing


It's been a pleasure serving in the guard with you all, but it's time for me to leave.
Hope you all have a wonderful time here in the lands of El.

Concept Art Suggestions
My Interactive Adventure: Don't worry, I will find the best treasure...Or not...


#188 08/12/2020 at 04:07

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 15

It keeps glitching and throwing me out of the Island Olympics game!


#189 08/12/2020 at 04:17

Shadow Guard
Posts: 71

I'm kinda late for this event... OOPS ! Just found out about it today. I'm pretty sure I will manage to get at least 2 outfis...RIGHT? >.<

Also, has anyone seen the color variations of the outfits? I'd like to see them ♥

Last edited by Aronis (08/12/2020 at 04:22)


#190 08/12/2020 at 04:23

Obsidian Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 362

NoName_NoPower wrote

I've just seen the Legend of the Sea skin and it is amazing

It looks like the turtle companion

Eternal Blobby Fan and Zemyx aficionado.


#191 08/12/2020 at 04:38

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 2 826

Aronis wrote

I'm kinda late for this event... OOPS ! Just found out about it today. I'm pretty sure I will manage to get at least 2 outfis...RIGHT? >.<

Also, has anyone seen the color variations of the outfits? I'd like to see them ♥

I found them here:


It's been a pleasure serving in the guard with you all, but it's time for me to leave.
Hope you all have a wonderful time here in the lands of El.

Concept Art Suggestions
My Interactive Adventure: Don't worry, I will find the best treasure...Or not...


#192 08/12/2020 at 04:43

Obsidian Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2

This event seems much better than the MCL one. Better minigames (and 2 instead of 5), better waiting time and better outfits. Usually Eldarya has more style  /static/img/forum/smilies/big_smile.png
A few things that should improve:
-The needed shells or the time to get them. We can barely fail any minigames, so it's a bit risky. Knowing you, it could change during the last week.
-The drop rates for exploration. Not only for the minigame, but for the clothes as well. It seems much harder than usual to get items or is it just me?
-The eyebrows: they should be separated from the wig, most of them make us not want to use them, and it's a shame.
-The Queen of Cups outfit. Don't outfits change price to maana or appear in exploration after a year?
Thank you!


#193 08/12/2020 at 06:26

Shadow Guard
Posts: 71

I need a little help.
What should I do with the bubbles for the companion? He refuses them if i release the click on his body or head, so what should I do with them?

EDIT: Found out. I have to put it on one wing XD

Last edited by Aronis (08/12/2020 at 06:29)


#194 08/12/2020 at 06:29

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 2 826

Aronis wrote

I need a little help.
What should I do with the bubbles for the companion? He refuses them if i release the click on his body or head, so what should I do with them?

You've got to place it somewhere near here:


It's been a pleasure serving in the guard with you all, but it's time for me to leave.
Hope you all have a wonderful time here in the lands of El.

Concept Art Suggestions
My Interactive Adventure: Don't worry, I will find the best treasure...Or not...


#195 08/12/2020 at 06:33

Shadow Guard
Posts: 71

NoName_NoPower wrote

Aronis wrote

I need a little help.
What should I do with the bubbles for the companion? He refuses them if i release the click on his body or head, so what should I do with them?

You've got to place it somewhere near here:

♥ Thank you for all your help ! ♥


#196 08/12/2020 at 11:02

Obsidian Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 362

The outfits are kinda good, though several seem like they'll have trouble mixing and matching with other clothes not from their set. That Manta set is DROP. DEAD. GORGEOUS. though and I don't care if I'll never use the pieces, I NEED it. I will definitely be using the calypso hair all the time.

The mini games... are kind of boring to be honest. MCL's event was a crap show due to the point requirements, but the mini games were FUN, so much so that I was excited that the prize for finishing the event was unlimited mini games. So coming off an event with amazing mini games like that really makes these seem slow and dull by comparison.

Taking care of the companion is fun though. It'd be great if we got partial credit for that mini game instead of all or nothing, however. Say, the first two items you give it for a day give u one shell each and the final item gives u 3 shells for a grand TOTAL of 5?

Overall it's an okay event, I'm enjoying it.

Edit: Also the sheer number of little outfits pieces (12, seriously?!) seems like they're just drawing it out. It works for the Manta set for that lovely layering affect but really? Different teeny tiny little fins for the abyss creature instead of having it part of the skin? Lame sauce

Last edited by Ennarcia (08/12/2020 at 11:04)

Eternal Blobby Fan and Zemyx aficionado.


#197 08/12/2020 at 11:49

The Answer to Everything
Posts: 1 505

Omigosh. PEOPLES!!!! I just got a bait!!!! So yes, they are available in exploration! I don't know if they just implemented this today or it was here the whole time, because I just got a food piece on my Spanish account and five minutes later I got a bait in my English account. So yeps!

Edit: I just got a bait in my German account and another in my French account. Yeah, I think they just implemented that today.

Last edited by Kaitlynne (08/12/2020 at 11:57)


#198 08/12/2020 at 13:04

Shadow Guard
Posts: 86

Kaitlynne wrote

Omigosh. PEOPLES!!!! I just got a bait!!!! So yes, they are available in exploration! I don't know if they just implemented this today or it was here the whole time, because I just got a food piece on my Spanish account and five minutes later I got a bait in my English account. So yeps!

Edit: I just got a bait in my German account and another in my French account. Yeah, I think they just implemented that today.

No way, that's so exciting! I had really just accepted that I probably wouldn't get the companions, so this is a pleasant surprise!


#199 08/12/2020 at 13:29

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 63

I just got a "Prickly Star" bait does anyone know which companion uses it? My guess is the crab one but I'm not 100% sure.

                                                                                 "all my flowers grew back as thorns"


#200 08/12/2020 at 13:48

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2 123

knkuroneko wrote

I just got a "Prickly Star" bait does anyone know which companion uses it? My guess is the crab one but I'm not 100% sure.

just looked it up. it's the bait for the salamander one.

the other bait that looks like a leaf is for the crab


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