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#51 07/21/2020 at 17:48

Shadow Guard
Posts: 1 787

@ everyone, I'm cleaning the thread, please hang on while I delete any player back and forth

Okaaaaaaay so real quick before I reopen here

Your mod team currently

We understand everyone has an opinion, and that's good. You all have the right to post if you are disgusted/angry. You also have the right to post if you are excited about the new changes and A New Era.

Post whatever you want, I ( and the rest of the mod team) just ask you not call other players out on their opinions and to not use profanity.

We understand things are very heated right now ( go read the Brazilian forum, they have the highest player count and the topic is huuuuge there) We just ask that you remember no matter where your opinion falls that the mod team, nor the admin were behind any changes to this game. Please do not direct any hatred or praise at us.

Again, post your feelings, that might help with some kind of catharsis, and don't blame others for their opinions. Beemoov is made of adults, they can handle it. We all come from different walks of life so we all react differently to this kind of change.

Now, I'm going back to my Animal Crossing Island to hide for a bit *waves*


#52 07/21/2020 at 18:41

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 4

An apology but I must complain.

As soon as I enter and I find this thing, Ezarel is gone ... ahhh and it is getting worse, I think they killed Valkyon and put another character (who is not even Lance) into the game.

They didn't learn anything when they screwed up with Sucrette, removing three routes putting in new characters without personality, how many people stopped playing? How many casualties did they end up changing the country system because it did not bear fruit?

In part, the fact of the change doesn't bother me so much. I always loved Leiftan and I like Nevra a lot; The fourth route that is in the shadows can be Ezarel, because it can be like with Nathaniel who appeared chapters later, very aside that Ez only retires ...
But that killing Valkyon is the last straw, I adored that character so that they come out with these stupidities ...

They really should take into account the complaints of their consumers that we are, because without us they would not earn a penny.



#53 07/21/2020 at 20:32

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 18

i am dissapointed but not surprised /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png
Bemoov have shown time and again they really dont care about their userbase or their opinions aslong as the money keeps coming in. I get that they are a buiness and they need to keep the lights on but even from that perspective this seems like a bad decision, when they implemented the same AP changes and cut love intersts on MCL it lost them a pretty decent chunk of players and revenue so why try the same thing here when it bassicly failed and was so hated on their other platform? A comnpany that doesnt understand or listen to its customers will enventually run itself into the ground. Personaly i wont be spending other penny on eldarya.


#54 07/21/2020 at 20:49

Shadow Guard
Posts: 93

I was scared when i was told Leiftan died last season (have yet to finish the first season, i'm just a couple of episodes behind)

I'm so relieved he is still there
Also my second fav which is Nevra (i'm guessing lance is the mystery one?)

I guess that's why it is good I mostly prefer poster boys/main love interests

The posibility of them re-appearing is always higher


I am kinda worried with the AP consumption, but I used to get so stuck in some parts that I genuinely hated some passages in the story (those gosh darn caves of doom lol)

Stopped playing because I had so much in my mind a year ago (and I was in the middle of moving to study abroad so priorities and anxiety kinda took over)

So hopefully the new season engages me back into it /static/img/forum/smilies/big_smile.png (i did enjoy mcl second season and I used to love eldarya for the most part)

Probably helps I'm not as active on social media anymore, and my excitment won't be affected by the horrendous hate that happened with mcl in the past with people actually harrassing other users that were happy with the new season (that truly drove me off from the beemoov community alltogether back then)

Last edited by Aozumi (07/21/2020 at 21:07)


#55 07/21/2020 at 21:39

Absynthe Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 9

if ezeral and valkyon are gone then who leads the the absynth and the obsidian gaurd?
/static/img/forum/smilies/neutral.png  /static/img/forum/smilies/neutral.png  /static/img/forum/smilies/neutral.png  /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png  /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png  /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png


#56 07/21/2020 at 21:48

Shadow Guard
Posts: 93

Sakura272535 wrote

if ezeral and valkyon are gone
then who leads the the absynth and the obsidian gaurd?
/static/img/forum/smilies/neutral.png  /static/img/forum/smilies/neutral.png  /static/img/forum/smilies/neutral.png  /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png  /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png  /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png

Probably new fellas

Those are not fixed posts and really anyone can get them if they want to (as mentioned within the story by the guys themselves on how they became leaders of their respective guards)


#57 07/21/2020 at 22:23

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 2 425

I was pretty bored with this game already. And with the maana change, I am definitely never going to play any episodes ever again.

If the new events end up being horrible like the last few we've had, then I'll probably stop logging in at all and find something else to play.

o,..,o am snek. hiss.


#58 07/21/2020 at 23:25

Young Recruit
Posts: 2 712

In all honestly, when I took a look in why Eldarya was trending I already knew why. I honestly laughed because Beemoov really do have the guts and ignorance to go and do this to their players again. Sorry to those who got hurt, you really should stop believing in Beemoov, they do their fans dirty everytime.

Anyway byebye to Valkyon and Ezarel, the only himbos I really respected in the game. Also here is my whole reaction to this situation:


#59 07/22/2020 at 01:27

Posts: 103

Eldarya wrote

Concerning your love life, you can have a relationship with one of the four boys available as Crushes. You’ll find Nevra, the charmer of the city and Leiftan, the savior of the Lands of El. A new arrival may also catch your eye: Mathieu, with whom you have a lot in common. Finally, the fourth Crush, true to himself, is staying in the shadows for now… /static/img/forum/smilies/wink.png

Holy yikes..I honestly thought Beemoov had learned after the backlash with MCL, but I guess that was wishful thinking. My heart goes out to all the Ez and Valkyon fans because...this is just awful.

If the fourth "mystery" crush is Lance, this is just an even bigger slap in the face for Valkyon fans. How hard is it to just keep the original cast + Lance? Seven years have passed, it shouldn't be hard to create new conflict...smh.

Last edited by Heartlines (07/22/2020 at 01:28)


#60 07/22/2020 at 02:51

Shadow Guard
Posts: 71

Oh my... Who is he? *-*


#61 07/22/2020 at 03:01

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 1

To be honest I have never gotten involved with any of the drama when they first made these mistakes in MCL, but now I have a lot to say.
First, I understand that at the end of the day Beemove is a business and they have people to pay for so it makes sense why they want to make more money but at the same time,I hope that they don't make excessive and unnecessary dialogue just to make players waste more points. When they converted the AP system in MCL I wasn't entirely against it because I was able to see that it did help with story progression and you didn't have to waste your points wandering around aimlessly. But to convert it to dialogue for Eldarya makes me a bit concerned, reason being because Eldarya has SO MUCH DIALOGUE. I can only hope that the game makers make the system balance out.

Second, what is with the drop in Love interests? I could be a bit biased here since I was following Ezreal's route and therefore I am disappointed- but I just don't see a reason to throw them out? These characters have so much potential but it feels like your writers are too lazy to bring that to the surface. There's a lot to unpack here. And I'm sorry but the new guy doesn't seem all that interesting. It's a fantasy game- why not give us an exotic character instead of someone who seems so simple. But I'll keep my mind opened to see what they do with him.
I understand that by bringing in more characters it can bring in more players and keep the returning players entertained by spicing things up. But I just don't see why you continue the story with the same characters but drop love interests. It'd be better if either they stuck with all the love interests or create a whole new story with new characters. That way players can feel like they can have closure and move on. It's hard to do that when some of the other players still get to keep their boys. I would be 100000% more satisfied if they were to just create a whole new game then continuing a story that is missing the characters that made it interesting to begin with.

Overall I am very disappointed. I've always kept on Beemove's side because I could understand where they were coming from about certain things, but to be honest, I don't think I can do that anymore. This and MCL had so much potential. The characters are fun, the artwork is amazing ( aside from some uncompleted illustrations- which is a whole other rant itself), and the story has potential. But with each conclusion to every season, it feels disappointing because of the plot holes that fall through and the unbelievable changes that throw the players off. There's so much to unpack in this story alone- I think it was possible to go up to episode 70 instead of stopping at episode 30. I don't get why they are in such a hurry to move onto the next project when they can't seem to fully explore and flush out the project they already have.I want well developed story and characters. Not 50 characters with nothing to themselves but their name. I sure hope they dive deeper into the story in the second season because if they don't it will be sad. Such wasted potential, it's really frustrating.

P.S. Nevra and Leiftan lookin mighty fine tho- I actually enjoy the new designs  /static/img/forum/smilies/roll.png

Last edited by Laurzaboon (08/05/2020 at 18:04)


#62 07/22/2020 at 06:52

Shadow Guard
Posts: 34

Nooooo  /static/img/forum/smilies/sad.png  /static/img/forum/smilies/sad.png  /static/img/forum/smilies/sad.png
My fave guy was Valkyon.. My second fave was Ez.. </3
I was so hoping they wouldn't go down the MCL-route..

I understand maybe some characters stories just being done, but then why not just have a whole new main cast for the new era, and leave the old cast as side characters? Like, a new main character, with her own new love interests, and leave Erika to just be happy together with whoever was her LI in the original.
The old LIs could still just retain their roles in HQ, and act as friends/mentors or whatever to the new girl. Same with Erika.
But the new character would just have her own LIs, and her own (hi)story.

Also very sceptical about the new Maana-situation.
I'm imagining it's gonna end up like MCL, where they add a lot of unneeded dialogue/monologue and it's gonna end up costing atleast 3 times as much total Maana as before to finish an episode.. Hope I'm wrong though. /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png

Ugh I'm so frustrated.
I really don't want to crap on Beemov, as I'm sure they work really hard and stuff. But this just seems to be going the same way as MCL.. which is not good.. It makes me sad.


#63 07/22/2020 at 07:02

Obsidian Guard
Posts: 2 309

So thanks again Beetroot for ruining everything with the new maana system and the removal of LIs. Great. First I lose Armin on MCL and now I lose Valkyon on Eldarya. Thanks for that.

This company is nothing but full of greedy and selfish people who don't care about anything else than profit. They don't care about their players at all. They never listen. They just want money. This is complete bullsh*t. There are multiple bad things I could call this company but I won't since they'll probably remove this comment. Or maybe they will anyway, wouldn't be surprised since they love to treat us like trash and don't care about what we have to say.

Last edited by Evelina (07/22/2020 at 09:31)

My Wishlist


#64 07/22/2020 at 11:37

Shadow Guard
The Answer to Everything
Posts: 1 709

hot take, but Nevra? Hot

Taking away Love interests again? Not

S  o     y  o  u ' r  e     a  f  r  a  i  d     o  f     t  h  e     d  a  r  k  ?
W  e  l  l     d  o  n  t     w  o  r  r  y     c  h  i  l  d   ,   f o  r     I     w  i  l  l     l  e  a  d    y  o  u     t  o     t  h  e     l  i  g  h  t


#65 07/22/2020 at 12:35

Shadow Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 234

Sakuramei wrote

1. After MCL, WHY would you remove love interests again?! Like seriously. I lose my route in MCL and now again here. I know what I'm not playing now I guess.

2. Making this dialogue based is a mess when Eldarya has A LOT of dialogue due to lore and being fantasy based and the episodes were generally already pretty pricey.

But ugh, if anything, this shows me that Beemoov just doesn't care about their fans anymore. They're repeating the same mistakes and just going for whatever they think will make them money over any actual quality or communication.

And boom, here lies the issue. It's blatant cash grab. They saw the absolute mess that's become of MCL and how the players hate that system but decided to put it here as well. Hope Beemoov has fun bleeding players again. MCL has a broken system, Moonlight Lovers system is downright busted, and now Eldarya has a broken system. Anything else Beemoov feels like ruining for no reason?

At this point, I feel like we've moved past giving them the benefit of the doubt. They're doing this with the knowledge that the players don't like it.

~ Angels In Flight ~


#66 07/22/2020 at 13:24

Shadow Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 140

In MCL I was ok with the old crushes being removed for a new era, because they were changed to a more diverse group. So I'm really excited to see these new crushes, but also really nervous because Ezarel and Valkyon were such great characters which will be hard to replace. Tho I was really expecting one of the new crushes to be female. Well at least Nevra is still looking extra fine.
I guess Mathieu could be a girls name, but I highly doubt that it will be in this case

Last edited by Nio (07/22/2020 at 13:49)


#67 07/22/2020 at 14:02

Obsidian Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 4

No to this whole thing.

First off, they remove two LIs from the story like it was no big deal.

Then they mess with the AP system, make it an absolute nightmare despite the fact that literally EVERY player hates it, but I guess it brings money so why not, eh?

But the thing I'm most upset about is that they are about to TRAMPLE on the whole romance concept of Origins. It's ridiculous but hear me out.

The MC, Guardienne pledged her undying love to one of those guys right? Called him the love of her life, soulmate etc.. How are you gonna let the MC remember everything like her friends, Eldarya, the Guard and such most likely her ex-boyfriend (whom she called her soulmate on several occasion, mind you) and then do a MCL and and be like 'Eh, yea I had a boyfriend before and he was kinda impoetant but I love you soooooo much, we're be together forever~'. Like NO. Let us start literally from scratch and don't just trample on the love story we spent X years on.

Am I really the only one being bothered by this? Because this feels shady af. It's not lifelike at all, if you catch my meaning.

This new season is already messed up and it isn't even out yet.


#68 07/22/2020 at 14:22

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 55

Listen, all my feelings have been said in other posts and I have nothing constructive to add.

I was one of the OG players in MCL and left over the system change. I am one of the OG players in Eldarya, and I just feel everything happening again.

I am tired of being disappointed by this company and I am getting tired of holding out hope and being excited. You can't make a game to work with one system, then change that system completely later at the drop of a hat. Just like in MCL it creates issues.

I actually am a player that spent (past tense because I am tired) money on this game frequently. I just... don't want to anymore.
I am not asking them to do everything the players want. I am not asking them to make literally everything free. All I ever asked was to have fun and listen to what players think is fun and what frustrates them so the experience could be better for everyone.

I am just so tired and I don't know if I can keep doing this.


#69 07/22/2020 at 14:30

Obsidian Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2

Okay, let's go by parts. I'll try to be constructive as usual.

The crushes
First of all, you had many years to know what happened with MCL, why do the same mistake with Eldarya? Perhaps it's just a coincidence that I lost my two favourite men of the game (and I found them better than MCL's love interests), but... Have you considered that we had Leiftan shoved down our throats a bit too much? All this fated stuff, him and Erika dying a thousand times, only tobe revived again...
Mathieu could be interesting, so I'll wait to see him, and I've always seen Nevra like some sort of my Guardienne's best friend, so this is good. And the last one... If it is who I think it is, I'll be happy. But it'll be bittersweet, because we lost too much. Glad for the ones who keep their route, though.

Other characters
Glad to see Jamon, Chrome and Huang Hua back!She really was one of the most trustworthy people, and really brave in general. About Karenn, I'm somehow happy too, but I hope she isn't as present as Amber in UL (even if Nevra's way better than Nath).
But please, don't bring Miiko back! Or one of those self-inserts that only exist to annoy the players. It's not healthy.

The first hairstyle is very similar to mine, so I'm really happy! I'll probably buy it, if it isn't bank exclusive. And we can use the same wardrobe back and forth? Nice!
If only we could have illustrations changing Guardienne's colors like it happens with Candy's...

AP system
It doesn't seem a bad decision, besides the obvious need to gain more money. Even if people claim that moving system is better than dialogue:
-We don't know how many Maanas each dialogue we'll consume, so we can't jump to conclusions.
-We don't know if the dialogues will improve, like the differences between Vladimir and Aaron's routes.
-This would hopefully mean separating currencies for gameplay and shopping.
-Considering the video policy, it will be even harder to find accurate movement guides. With ML, many people are spreading false information, so it could be the same here.

So I guess I'm somehow sad, but not as much as I thought I'd be?


#70 07/22/2020 at 14:56

Obsidian Guard
Posts: 2 309

The thing that Beemoov doesn't seem to realise is that even though yes, it's their game and yes, they get to make the decisions, Eldarya would be nothing without its players. Beemoov would be nothing without people playing their games and giving them money.

And what does the company do? Make major decisions that the majority of the players hate, actively driving them away and making people less willing to give them any money.
I suspect that by this rate there might be no Beemoov after 5-7 years or so.

If the company wants to treat us as bags of money, fine. But maybe it's time for them to realise that these bags of money have better things to spend their money on than a game that fails time after time to take their players' opinions into concideration.

Like I said before, I have nothing good to say about this company. Almost every time they make a decision my thoughs of them being greedy and selfish get stronger and stronger and this is no exception. I had no expectations for them but this is a new low they just reached.

My Wishlist


#71 07/22/2020 at 15:27

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2 123

For everyone thinking that this move is going to destroy beemoov as a company and that it's a mistake and they're going to make their entire player-base leave isn't looking at the big picture.

beemoov put a lot of effort into making mobile versions of their games.

Let's be real, this is the age of mobile gaming. No matter how many of us are browser-only, the way to make money and reach a wider audience is to focus on making the ideal mobile game.

And although it sucks for players, the big money making style of gaming is the "free-to-play" but pay to go faster model. Which beemoov was already doing, but there's something that they weren't doing that all other free-to-play modeled dating games WERE doing. And that's making the daily energy cost always progress the story (no matter how slowly).

Any average mobile gamer who might try their app briefly would most likely immediately quit with the explore system. They want new players to keep playing, so they're changing the energy system.

Another thing. To attract new players is to make their story accessible to them. That's hard with a "season 2" continuation so they need to find ways to "reboot" the story. The "attempt" at making a continuation of the first story is to try to keep some long-time players. I'd imagine they meticulously made choices they think will keep the most amount of old players story-wise. They kept the most-played love interests. Then, because there was such an intense fan following, I'd imagine they're adding Lance/Ashkore to keep them playing. And I've already seen some commenters say they weren't attached to any of the love interests and so they're intrigued to see the new ones.

They made these choices with the knowledge they'd lose some players, but their decisions were to make the players they lose be the smallest group possible, because if the Eldarya changes pay off like MCL did for them then they're only going to gain more players, which is what they're hoping for.

I'm not saying you shouldn't feel how you feel. I'm not saying their decisions aren't hurting anybody. They are.

I'm just saying all this talk about how it's bad for business and they're going to tank their company by making these changes are completely untrue. The changes they're making that seem identical to the MCL changes are because "they worked" they attracted new players and kept them playing and paying. If they gained 20 new consistent players for every 5 old consistent players they lost, then that's still a gain for them.

It's always lucky when a gaming company maintains a good game and cares about and considers their fanbase and pleasing them. It's possible beemoov might've been that way in the past, before MCLU, but nothing stays the same forever. Someone in power in their company decided the games need to make more money, and decided the easiest way was at the cost of a part of a player-base that cares deeply about the game.

I'm sorry beemoov hurt any of you with their decisions.


#72 07/22/2020 at 16:58

Absynthe Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 13


leiftan looks hideous now. why does he have a mullet? for the love of god, remove the braid.

i cant believe we lost a dragon and an elf, both essential to high fantasy stories, just to be left with a weak vampire and what i assume is another human. wow, we really must be witnessing the pinnacle of fantasy otomes here!

honestly guys, we're better off playing obey me or the arcana. if you want to keep up with this story, you're also better off finding someone who does videos in private (as people do for moonlight and mcl already). just do anything to keep money out of the pockets of this company that clearly despises its players.


#73 07/22/2020 at 16:59

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 1

So... guess Beemov didn't care at all about the massively negative feedback concerning MCL? Unsurprising. I have always been behind on episodes and by changing the game to a dialouge system, it will be impossible for me to complete it. I'm gonna go burn the rest of my maana before they destroy the game. Might as well dump it and be gone.

It is honestly so disappointing. Beemov is only concerned with making money rather than making a good product.

RIP Eldarya./static/img/forum/smilies/sad.png


#74 07/22/2020 at 17:24

Shadow Guard
Posts: 93

I wonder if we are going to have to wait until september for the new season


#75 07/22/2020 at 17:36

The Answer to Everything
Posts: 1 505

I just spent all 2500 of my maana on episodes and now I'm broke. I don't regret it though, going through an entire episode has made me realize just HOW MUCH DIALOGUE it takes. Like, tons and tons of dialogue. I hope that it's not going to be as messed up as the AP system in MCL, but I know that all Beemoov's going to do now is let us down - most, if not all of the playerbase.


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