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#26 07/21/2020 at 11:28

Shadow Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 18

This is the first time i've ever posted on the forum (i just checked and apparently i've posted multiple times /static/img/forum/smilies/tongue.png) , because my main account is on the French one, and I don't speak French, but Wow. I'm am so so so so disappointed in y'all. Leiftan is my route and he looks disgusting in the "New Era" and i had to rub my eyes 3 times before I realised that was Nevra. Did his eye magically heal because the crystal restored? I know a lot of people think he looks hotter now, but i strongly disagree. Unless that's the new route, and he just looks similar to Nevra, Nevra looks completely different and it seems like they changed his face ( or i'm blind )

Idc about the new AP system if it works, even though y'all proofed us that it didn't work in mcl s2 and s3.

You guys don't have to be vague about the 4th route unless you want more people to drop this xxxxx game. Just tell us if it's Lance, Ezarel or a female and more people might stay.

If the game sucks and I can't get through an episode without buying my Maana, i'll just end up deleting my 2 accounts and just re-play all of the Dragon Age games. You suck Beemoov.

P.S you even ruined Jamon. Thanks.

Last edited by Eunice (07/21/2020 at 12:39)


#27 07/21/2020 at 11:34

Shadow Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 089

Personally I MOSTLY play this site for events and dressing up my guardian. I really only use small portions of maana at a time playing episodes.

Maana change:
I'm kinda unbothered by this change. There are ups and downs. You don't have to worry about how long it takes to find someone nor do you have to worry about getting lost in the forest or cave (and I get lost in those places), but you can get cut off mid conversation with someone (which can be annoying). I prefer the change because it will guarantee progress when I do play episodes, but I play the story so infrequently that I don't care too much either way.

LI Changes:
Was never invested in any of the current boys...
Maybe a new guy will catch my interest, maybe not.
Sucks for those who got invested with a guy who will no longer be available though.

Shop Outfits:
Look pretty nice. I might buy a few pieces if they're available for maana.

Can't wait to see the new stuff.


#28 07/21/2020 at 11:37

Shadow Guard
Posts: 36

lex12 wrote

Celosia wrote

I really don't get the negs about the maana change, can someone explain please /static/img/forum/smilies/smile.png

See my previous post, or check out Moonlight Lovers.
I already thought characters in Eldarya are rather stupid and irresponsible, guardian included, but now they'll also have a habit of making prolongued speaches about nothing.

I love ya!
Everything u said until now is right. I hate it already.
The most I agree with ur %#*&€@€$£$¥$£ statement. So right. Even tho I would use €$€$€$€$€$€$€ on this one. Take a hin Beemoov.

They better make Ez the person in the shadow. Otherwise we will have a lot of trouble Beemoov!


#29 07/21/2020 at 11:50

Absynthe Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 1 790

Uhmmm errrr errr wt*


#30 07/21/2020 at 11:52

Absynthe Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 8

Ahhh! It looks beautiful and Leiftan is there <3 First impression I love it and look forward to playing in the future  /static/img/forum/smilies/smile.png


#31 07/21/2020 at 12:01

Obsidian Guard
Posts: 2 284

Eunice wrote

Did his eye magically heal because the crystal restored? I know a lot of people think he looks hotter now, but i strongly disagree. Unless that's the new route and he just looks similar to Nevra, Nevra looks completly different and it seems like they changed his face ( or i'm blind )

His eye still looks damaged. I think that after several years it's healed so much he doesn't need to use the eye-patch anymore. But it definitely isn't normal.
And I agree, he doesn't look hotter. He looks really weird and not himself at all but a completely different character. (And not hot at all, I'm not fond of his new design.)


#32 07/21/2020 at 12:33

Shadow Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 18

Larjus wrote

Eunice wrote

Did his eye magically heal because the crystal restored? I know a lot of people think he looks hotter now, but i strongly disagree. Unless that's the new route and he just looks similar to Nevra, Nevra looks completly different and it seems like they changed his face ( or i'm blind )

His eye still looks damaged. I think that after several years it's healed so much he doesn't need to use the eye-patch anymore. But it definitely isn't normal.
And I agree, he doesn't look hotter. He looks really weird and not himself at all but a completely different character. (And not hot at all, I'm not fond of his new design.)

Ah, I see it now. Thanks for the clearance!

I just noticed that the damaged eye is blind? The way they drew that eye is the same way as Raphael's from moonlight lovers, so maybe eye-laps weren't fashionable enough 7 years later or his vision has really gotten better.

( If i'm correct, there is not visible  pupil? )

Last edited by Eunice (07/21/2020 at 12:35)


#33 07/21/2020 at 12:51

Shadow Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 291

Eunice wrote

Idc about the new AP system if it works, even though y'all proofed us that it didn't work in mcl s2 and s3.

You guys don't have to be vague about the 4th route unless you want more people to drop this xxxxx game. Just tell us if it's Lance, Ezarel or a female and more people might stay.

If the game sucks and I can't get through an episode without buying my Maana, i'll just end up deleting my 2 accounts and just re-play all of the Dragon Age games. You suck Beemoov.

P.S you even ruined Jamon. Thanks.

I signed up to Eldarya because I loved the idea of a fantasy romance game. DA will always be my favourite, so this sounds exactly like what I think I'll end up doing. I've practically left MCL for the dialogue/points mechanics, and if Beemov does do this, I won't be playing/paying. Yup Beemov team, I'm apparently part of your target audience, as I do usually go to the bank during events. Most of the people who pay are the ones that do it for events, not exploration (with the exception of those new accounts that want to speed run the game). Your existing system is why people signed up. Good businesses do not change tactics after they've built up their customer base.

They've been told about this before, and seeing as how MCL is practically dead in the water now because of it, it's not a smart business move. This is their last successful game, and I can already see the vultures hovering. All they had to do was write a new story and update the map, not rewrite the whole game model.

I'm happy that they've kept the outfits and Jamon, but that won't be enough to keep the players. As they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Edit: seeing as how some of the other comments have got quite heated, I'll explain my response. I'd be more accepting of these changes if this was the first time it had happened. However as we have seen with MCL, there was a literal boycott following their last move. This was partially due to loss of outfits (which has been thankfully left out this time), partially due to loss of LIs, and partially due to changes in gameplay/AP drain. It's difficult to stick with an otome if you can only get through a few lines and a bunch of 'Next's per day. If there is a major cut in dialogue, that would help. If we could exchange manna for blocks (such as with the spinoff games and gold), that would also help.

I suppose it just frustrates me because this is what happened last time. A long post that leaves several details out, some users being hopeful, some users not being hopeful, and some users telling the less hopeful users to leave the site if they don't like it. The changes are made, a curveball is thrown, users get angry and leave en masse. I keep trying to find the tumblr post, but someone managed to find the site traffic stats for MCL at that time. It didn't thrive when a few people walked away. It was badly underperforming, like site-closingly bad. New players came to beef up the numbers, but a lot of their old fanbase left. That is why I'm worried, because I would hate for there to be a repeat of that.

Last edited by RegineA (07/21/2020 at 16:07)


#34 07/21/2020 at 13:21

Obsidian Guard
Posts: 143

SecretHere wrote

I love ya!


And for real, I hope I'm wrong about it.
I do not think episodes will cost more maana (oh, maybe a tiny little bit, nothing too drastic), but they'll be prolly more painful to play thru.
Prolongued speeches may not necessary be a thing either, maybe instead of that we'll have every character and their mother will have to say hi every time guardian takes one step.

As I said before, I do not care  about romance (they really can't write it) but you know what would make me happy (oh, only if it would be written decently)? If mysterious LI was Kero, I always liked him more than other boys there.


#35 07/21/2020 at 13:30

Shadow Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 132

even before the maana system change i wasn't playing
much since i prefer to spent my maanas on clothes, but
i think now i will not play at all considering what
happened with mcl too. i really want to believe that
will be in the players advantage, but beemoov already
lost all my trust.

anyway, i'm here more to say the new design are ugly and
stiff, the only thing that improve is the shading. the
faces look very weird and the character design aren't
good at all in my opinion. like... that hair on leiftan?
nope! now the characters don't even look like themselves
anymore. i'd rather have a more simple design than this.
it took me a hot minute to realize that was in fact nevra.
this are more stiff than the jojo poses(especially nevra).

now really the only thing that will keep me log in will
be the events so i can flex with the event clothes on the

Last edited by Azrial (07/21/2020 at 13:32)

━━「 ❝I may have lost my mind,❞ he told her.
❝Isn't it wonderful?❞ 」


#36 07/21/2020 at 13:43

Obsidian Guard
Posts: 804

So...No Valkyon? Okay, bye.

I'm grim, full of gloom in my dim gothic tomb.


#37 07/21/2020 at 14:08

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2 123

Everyone keeps wondering why beemoov is giving eldarya the same treatment "because it failed already"
Just because you or any active forum users stopped playing MCL because of the changes doesn't mean it failed.

In fact, if they're doing it again, I'm willing to bet they either maintained their revenue or increased revenue from the changes on MCL
If they lost players but were getting more money on average then that's a win for them.

Also, you have no idea how many new players signed up AFTER the changes. If they were attracting more new users AFTER the changes than they were before the changes then that means more people using their site, using their app, seeing the ads, and potentially spending money.

The fact that beemoov is changing eldarya's love interests and changing the progression format again, it's because they already benefited from doing it before.

It sucks that these decisions negatively affect anyone, but this is only about their gain.

Last edited by brokenendings (07/21/2020 at 14:08)


#38 07/21/2020 at 14:30

Young Recruit
Posts: 2 373

I want to preface this by; yes everyone has the right to express an opinion, and my opinion is as follows:

Beemoov is a company, a companys purpose is to make money, they have given us so much for free all these years, not that some of you ungrateful snot noses will acknowledge that fact, and everyone that thinks that they therefor are obligated to continue doing so needs to grow up. All companies on this earth demand money for their products why is Beemoov not allowed to do so.

Last edited by Kore (07/21/2020 at 21:36)


#39 07/21/2020 at 14:37

Shadow Guard
Elf Sidekick
Posts: 7 604

I had a feeling something like this would happen. As My Candy Love has remained the same after those changes to the website.

Thankfully I play this game so I can dress up my avatar/guardian. My online friends motivate me to stay on Eldarya.

As long as new EVENT clothes are made for the same avatar/guardian, I will be staying.
It is unfortunate that Beemoov is not listening to the players.

Last edited by Lataryia (07/21/2020 at 15:19) want items in this game, if you have the items i want, you can sell the item(s) to me, here is the link to know what items i want:,4-market-exploration-wishlists.htm&#p40468


#40 07/21/2020 at 14:43

Posts: 60

I’m really excited about this  and i have been wanting to say the same things that celosia said on many of the online games I play  the people that make these games should be thanked for making them   It is a hard job  creating games-is not easy to do   It just doesn’t happen overnight


#41 07/21/2020 at 14:55

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 80

MCL episodes used to cost hundreds of AP, with the new dialogue system, they now cost thousands.
I really hope Eldarya won't suffer the same fate but... it's Beemoov we're talking about...

Also, deleting routes that have been there for YEARS is a very bad move. Considering the outrage on MCL when they did that and how badly received the new LI were, I'm surprised they haven't learned from their mistakes. I mean, come on, what kind of Otome game deletes LI without even giving the players a proper ending and a sens of closure?
Besides, isn't Ezarel quite popular (at least more than Nevra)? I guess that's not how they pick who stays anyways because they removed Lysander and Armin's routes on MCL and they were waaay more popular than Nathaniel...

Maybe the new LI will turn out to be great and the new system won't end up screwing us over too much...

lmao I can't believe I still have hopes in this company



#42 07/21/2020 at 15:00

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 38

I'm excited and I think Leiftan and Nevra look great, but I'd really hoped that more skin-tones would be offered for illustrations in the new season. Inclusivity is really important. I'm also hoping that all the love interests will be in the new season. I'm on episode 28 so I didn't read the whole post to know.

Last edited by Angxl (07/21/2020 at 22:30)


#43 07/21/2020 at 15:05

Shadow Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 254

I'm fairly excited for the new season, especially since we don't have to have finished The Origins to play it. I suppose the only thing that's slightly off-putting is that I'll lose my route and I was already expecting that for a while.

Last edited by Mithuna (07/21/2020 at 15:06)




#44 07/21/2020 at 15:10

Shadow Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 214

Absolutely amazing. Literally surprising to absolutely nobody, we get the literal same UL formula of:

- Removing some Love Interests and keeping others

- Ruining the Maana system

- Killing any plausible enjoyment of this game for the people who still haven't beaten Part 1 yet.

It's unbelievable how hilariously dedicated Beemoov is to making everyone hate them. Like I'm dead serious, I'm convinced they are doing this on purpose. There's no justification to them knowing just how much everyone hated these changes on MCL and then doing the literal exact same thing on Eldarya.

@Pandoraa, I'm not sure where you get the idea that Armin and Lysander were "way more popular" than Nathaniel. Nathaniel was probably the 2nd most popular LI after Castiel...which is almost certainly why those are the two that they kept.

Logically (in Beemoov's half-baked mind), only the two most popular LIs are worth keeping for a second season.

Last edited by Maoyui (07/21/2020 at 15:33)


#45 07/21/2020 at 15:25

Shadow Guard
Soldier of the Guard
Posts: 622

You know what? @Celosia is right, my comment was way out of line lmao it was just the frustration of the moment and I'm sorry. I've chilled now and I figured it would be better I deleted it, so I guess I'll actually add something constructive.
The AP system is a little bit scary cause Eldarya is very dialogue heavy, but as long as they increase the daily maana to compensate I guess it should be fine. I'M SO GLAD LEIFTAN'S AB WINDOW IS GONE. It was such an odd outift choice imo, so I'm glad it's gone. Also Nevra looks cute.
I'm still mad about Ez and Valkyon and I will remain mad, it's just such an odd choice for an otome? I guess that if I understood why I wouldn't be as mad. But idk there's always so much backlash when they do this so I just plain don't understand WHY.
Also weird thing to comment on but I like the idea of having a set companion for the episodes,  I have a Galorze and they are HUGE so every time the companion is like laying on the bed or in Gardienne's lap it's like uhhhh... ma'am that's a horse not a puppy.

Last edited by Lucette (07/21/2020 at 15:28)

Call me Lucie~


#46 07/21/2020 at 15:55

Shadow Guard
Posts: 1 787

Dang, my expectations were low and you still managed to hit all the "bad" checkmarks.

Now I find it hard to believe that Leiftan managed to come back. So Valk's players don't get him back, but Leiftan is still alive? Really?

And that fourth LI is obviously either Lance or Ez. Hoping it's Ez. You can maybe get some players back if it is.

But it probably isn't.

"It's more economical" for the dialogues are costly options huh?  So episodes on MCL going from 350 AP to 1400 AP is cost effective? So Eldarya is going from 4000 mana per episode to 16000? Great. I can play 4 episodes before I'm out at least. I must have slept through my econ class where the professor told us to throw out everything he had just told us.

The ONLY reason I can think you tried this again, is that these changes on MCL didn't impact the PAYING players or did in fact raise profits at the cost of player morality. Newer players would pay a lot to play a little then walk away while veteran players wouldn't pay as much. The ear of the company goes to whatever turns a profit after all.

Whenever Beemoov makes announcements like this I do like to run around on the different forums of the versions I play, in this case BR and FR. FR is mixed leaning more positive it seems.  BR is mainly negative it seems.

I watch Let's Plays of the games to see the routes I don't play. I'm not about to drop money on another route, and I'd be interested to see if that rule ever made anyone pay more money to see the route they missed out on. On MCL, I usually just view the episode illustration and figure out what happened.

If beemoov is trying to make themselves separate from most mainstream otome games, this is how you do it, just not for the right reasons. Show me an otome where LIs just vanish after 1 season? I'm a regular playing Voltage games and I can def say they have no games where that happens.

I want beemoov to post the logic behind their decisions. Surely they can do that without revealing the almighty MaRkEtInG sTrAtEgY.

Players, all I ask is please remember the mods and the site admin had no input in this decision.

Le sigh, it's 2018 all over again >.<


#47 07/21/2020 at 16:29

Shadow Guard
Posts: 80

Also, they only say that there will be only eight old characters according to this introduction which are Leiftan, Nevra, Chrome, Karenn, Huang Hua, Purrekos(yes there are many but I count them as one because they don't have a big role in the story but to use as much of your money), Jamon and I am pretty sure the last one is Lance because "he likes being in the shadows"

So did they just Thanos snap half of the cast and will replace people with new faces and think: "yeah people are going to love these even if they are already emotionally invested in the old ones?"

And of course, the video police is in place so now you cannot even watch the story because it will not bring Beemov money.

edit: well at least they fixed something that bothered me which was how much skin the characters show. And no there is nothing wrong with that but in a world where there is a lot of fighting is it really wise to show your abs like Leiftan when you could just stab him straight in the stomach. More clothes = less chance of getting vitally hurt.

Last edited by Felicie (07/21/2020 at 16:39)

May your heart be your guiding key


#48 07/21/2020 at 16:40

Shadow Guard
Posts: 1 787



1. an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God or to a divine or supernatural figure.
"they offer sacrifices to the spirits"
ritual slaughter

1. offer or kill as a religious sacrifice.
"the goat was sacrificed at the shrine"
offer up

Not sure if it counts as a sacrifice if it's easily undone... more like it should ahve been called the "White convenient happening" or "White Nap"


#49 07/21/2020 at 16:49

Shadow Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 265

Ok, there's a lot to talk about and unfortunately its not very positive.

The Crushes
So we learn that Beemoov, after the great response they got from UL, decided to remove Ezarel and Valkyon and add two new people.

Four Crushes!?
Why is there only four crushes? MCL has five so why only four?

Leiftan and Nevra's New Look
Honestly I think their new look is just off, like they look like them but they also don't. I'm pretty conflicted on how I feel about their new appearance.

New Crushes
It appears that Mathieu is hinted at being a human. My issue with this is who wants to romance a boring human when you have a magical world full of magical people. Although I can't judge him too much yet because I know nothing about him so I'll have to wait and see.

Let's be real, I think most of us know that Lance is going to be the new crush. Yup, that's right, Beemoov is replacing one of the love interests with their murderer. Honestly when Ashkore was first shown I loved his design, he seemed like an interesting villain, and I loved his cool/calm attitude so I didn't mind the idea of having them as a romance option. Once his face was revealed his whole character went downhill. He went from having a cool/calm attitude and turned into a whiny baby crying about how his parents and all the other dragons had to be sacrificed, even though they didn't mind so they could save Eldarya, and wanting pointless revenge. And as I mentioned before the worst part of adding him is that he is replacing his brother aka the person he murdered. Despite my dislike of the character I do hope the people who want him as a romance option do get a good route with him.

The Deleted Crushes
I feel bad for all the players who had their route taken out, it seems like Beemoov didn't learn their lesson with MCL and all the outrage that generated. If there's any word of comfort I can give is that on MCL I was on Nathaniel's route so of course I was going to chose his route in UL but than I found out they completely changed the personality of the character that I really loved. I honestly would have preferred if they had removed him completely instead of twisting him into this unrecognizable character. So the one positive of them being removed is at least Beemoov can't ruin them anymore with their bad writing, but it's still unfair that they took them out.

Out of all the crushes I think Valkyon was the one who we learned the most about, but even then I still feel like I barely know the character. Valkyon and his fans deserve better.

Ezarel not returning doesn't make much sense. First we barely learned anything about Ezarel and his arc really wasn't an arc. We know he worked for the royal family of elves, he took care of Mary-Anne, and ran away from the elves and that's about it. You know what would have been a really good arc? Perhaps having Ezarel arrested by the elves because he ran away, and Guardian goes undercover in the elf kingdom and tries to rescue him all while learning about the elves (who seem to have a very interesting story) and Ezarel and his family. Second, unlike Valkyon, he's alive and somewhere around Eldarya. And third, are you telling me that most likely he's going to hear about Guardian returning and not run back to HQ to see the woman he loves?

I'm glad to see the wardrobe transferring to New Era although I kinda figured it would since Guardian's sprite looked almost exactly the same.

This is a bit confusing, I understand that we have one companion that we have in the game and another used for exploration, but can I still use my Ciralak or do I need to hatch another companion? Also are the energy bars of the companion shared in both versions (if I explore a 10 energy place in New Era will my companion also lose 10 energy in origins) or is it separate?

Great we're going back to the terrible AP in MCL! Also this quote makes me laugh.

Eldarya wrote

Note: This new system is still being calibrated. Our main objective is to offer a system that is at least equivalent, or more advantageous concerning the cost of episodes, therefore more equal for all the players by eliminating the random variable of movements.

Let's be real Beemoov we can all see how you've become more obsessed with getting money than focusing on quality of your games. I also seem to recall that in the old system of MCL I only spent 200-400 AP and with this system its now over 1,000AP. I bet there is going to be more pointless dialogue with the characters and more monologue thoughts of Guardian just so we can waste maana. I am not optimistic for this change and I'm expected it to be just as bad as MCL.

I have no problems with this.

Video Policy
The video policy is just dumb honestly. I like the fact that people could record videos because there were plenty of times I would go and watch people's videos because I can go back and read/watch what I had forgotten. So now I either have to take a ton of screenshots or record myself playing through and keep it saved on my laptop.

New bindles sound good and I hope there's some nice new things in there.

I'm happy to hear that we can play the events both in Origins and New Era. It's annoying how MCL only had/has them available for UL and then LL and you can't use the outfits you get in LL events in UL even though the sprite is almost the same.

Final Thoughts
Seeing what Eldarya has become makes me really sad. I really liked MCL when I was playing it, but when I found out Eldarya was going to be translated into English I got so excited because I love fantasy and pre-registered. At first I really liked the game, sure there were some things that I didn't like but they were very minor and there were much more things I liked about it. Soon I became more excited for Eldarya episodes than MCL episodes, but than it just got bad from the forced kissed to all the plot holes and bad writing. When I heard that Beemoov was going to be creating another season I was cautiously optimistic since its a new fresh coat of paint and maybe they can turn it back into what it once was, but with this update I'm not that optimistic with the what we have been told, from removing the crushes to the new maana system. Of course it isn't out yet so I still have to wait and see, but so far I'm not a huge fan.

Last edited by CottonCandy (07/21/2020 at 16:51)


#50 07/21/2020 at 16:58

Light Guard
Moderator & Leader of the XMen
Posts: 1 338

Due to the actions of certain players this thread will be closed.


Topic closed

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