Stargaser wrote
How many crystals do you need to get the outfit just wandering
50. 5 crystals per piece, 10 pieces. If you get all the crystals each day you get an outfit piece a day.
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Stargaser wrote
How many crystals do you need to get the outfit just wandering
The Outfit
I'm a bit disappointed by the outfit, usually the free outfit is better or just as good as the bank outfit, but this time its clear that more time was spent on the bank outfit because its gorgeous (but I'm not spending my money on a company that clearly doesn't care about its players). The outfit isn't bad, but I expected something a bit better, especially since the theme is crystals which is a great theme and I feel like there could have been some better outfit ideas. Although I do like this outfit much more than last year's.
I saw that a lot of people were disappointed in the hair, and I at first disagreed because while the hair is very situational, I thought that I could have the choice of changing the color of the moon from pink to yellow or white and was planning on creating some moon goddess outfits. But then I discovered that the color pink is used for almost all the shades of hair for the moon, and pink is the color used for the black hair so I'm probably going to barely use it.
The Game
At first the game was very doable and I managed to memorize the beats somewhat easily on the first day. Now the game is so difficult that the only way that I can complete it is by writing it down because the speed of the beats is way too fast to memorize, this makes me dread on how much harder they are going to make it tomorrow and the days after. The listen again option is also vacant which would have been a great help and lessen the issue of the beats being too fast since it gives a better chance to memorize or write down the beats and it also reset the timer. Another issue is how the time to play the game again increases more and more which is an absolute pain having to wait for as well as the fact that people have things to so they can't spend all day waiting for the timer to tick down to play again. The timer is clearly only there because they want people to miss the chance to play and thus have to spend gold coins. Beemoov really needs to fix this game or its going to be almost impossible to complete the outfit.
The drop rate for the outfit of last year is pitiful while the drop rate of the companions is very high. Has anyone even been able to find the bait in exploration or is it only available in the shop (something that Beemoov should mention if it is only available in the shop)? It'll be really annoying if the bait is only available in the shop because I do like the look of Wispirit, but I'm not going to spend 360 maana on bait on what should have been available in exploration. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the reason for the companion drop rate being higher is because Beemoov wants the clothing to be harder to get to force players to spend maana on pieces they want.
Overall I'm pretty disappointed in the event.
Last edited by CottonCandy (06/12/2020 at 23:10)
I am not happy with this event.
Honestly the piano should be available in maanas.
There should be another NEW FREE outfit for this event.
Also why is it so hard to find items in exploration?
Beemoov team:
I was one of the players who was thankful and happily surprised with this event.
Sadly that was ONLY the first day.
Now I feel EXTREMELY cheated, decieved, frustrated and disapointed.
The game got excessively way to difficult!
And the waiting time is outrageous!
This event in just the second day went from it is amazing and makes me happy to I HATE THIS event, it IS TERRIBLE!
Selkis wrote
Beemoov team:
I was one of the players who was thankful and happily surprised with this event.
Sadly that was ONLY the first day.
Now I feel EXTREMELY cheated, decieved, frustrated and disapointed.
The game got excessively way to difficult!
And the waiting time is outrageous!
This event in just the second day went from it is amazing and makes me happy to I HATE THIS event, it IS TERRIBLE!
I wish there was an item in the store or an item we could make with alchemy that could temporary repel companion encounters. Like we feed our companion something and for the next hour or two they won't encounter companions. Like some kind of repellant.
Cuz I just encountered the event companions 3 times a row and all I want are clothing items.
Also, about the time increase
If I'm not mistaken it might cap at 45 minutes? I swear my second play today gave a 45 min wait time after it. I just finished the third play and it says 45 minutes again.
Last edited by brokenendings (06/13/2020 at 02:01)
Day three.
Now this event oficially sucks! And it's not even about mini-game, it's about COULD MY COMPANION FIND ANYTHING OTHER THAN EVENT PETS PLEASE!?
I don't want them. I'm not going to catch even one, especially since I'd have to *buy* the bait. So even if I won't be finding them after catching one of each, that doesn't help me.
lex12 wrote
Day three.
Now this event oficially sucks! And it's not even about mini-game, it's about COULD MY COMPANION FIND ANYTHING OTHER THAN EVENT PETS PLEASE!?
I don't want them. I'm not going to catch even one, especially since I'd have to *buy* the bait. So even if I won't be finding them after catching one of each, that doesn't help me.
I genuinely cannot tell what they were thinking with this Event.
Where are the drops?! Like forget the game, it doesn't even feel like an Event when my Companion is bringing in nothing but pets. And the only ones I can even get are the old ones because the new one won't even drop the bait. I got the BG on Day 1 so that was nice but literally where is anything else?
It's not as if I want the outfit pieces that badly, I'm fine with what I selected last year. It's just the principle of this is an Event and I should at least be able to trick myself into believing it is one.
50, 5 crystals x 10 piecesStargaser wrote
How many crystals do you need to get the outfit just wandering
Am I the only one who gets annoyed because each time my companion returns from an exploration, it brings me an event familiar? Ok, not each time, but every second time at least. Basically, I couldn’t get those two items I needed for the bindle, because of the so frequent appearance of the event companions… And I don’t want to capture them, because their bait is worth a lot more than the actual companion…
Dear team,
perhaps it would have been a wise decision to include few tiny things in this event post of yours that you forgot to mention.
Spoiler Click to display
Last edited by Minah (06/13/2020 at 05:33)
You aren't. I've sent my blobby 11 times to the HQ today and he has found 5 event companions and nothing more.Awaremi wrote
Am I the only one who gets annoyed because each time my companion returns from an exploration, it brings me an event familiar? Ok, not each time, but every second time at least. Basically, I couldn’t get those two items I needed for the bindle, because of the so frequent appearance of the event companions… And I don’t want to capture them, because their bait is worth a lot more than the actual companion…
the waiting time for the fifth round is one hour lol, so am gonna expect tommorow is gonna be 2 hours
Today's last round was almost impossible for me. I don't know if I manage to finish the five rounds tomorrow.
I truly, really adore the outfits. I do wish there was another free one and better drop rates of ITEMS not companions.
The mini-game is off-putting. The rate in which it's increasing in difficulty, with only a 5 failure window for the whole event, is stressful and unpleasant. The crystal tones are also very haunting in a weird way...they keep rattling around in my head and the more rounds I play it's getting confusing and distracting.
NoName_NoPower wrote
You aren't. I've sent my blobby 11 times to the HQ today and he has found 5 event companions and nothing more.Awaremi wrote
Am I the only one who gets annoyed because each time my companion returns from an exploration, it brings me an event familiar? Ok, not each time, but every second time at least. Basically, I couldn’t get those two items I needed for the bindle, because of the so frequent appearance of the event companions… And I don’t want to capture them, because their bait is worth a lot more than the actual companion…
brokenendings wrote
I'm betting they made the companions easier to find because people in the past have complained about being unable to find the companions. It's no accident that it's easier to find the companions but you're only allowed to catch one. And probably why the bait is only in the store.
I feel like more people care about the clothes than care about companions. All I see are people complaining about all the companions (myself included) and the severe lack of clothes. I don't see people celebrating that it's easy for them to get the companions.
I wish they went back to the normal drop rates. I don't need even one companion. Don't want one. Don't care.
Last edited by Cailin (06/13/2020 at 14:41)
Valaena wrote
Selkis wrote
Beemoov team:
I was one of the players who was thankful and happily surprised with this event.
Sadly that was ONLY the first day.
Now I feel EXTREMELY cheated, decieved, frustrated and disapointed.
The game got excessively way to difficult!
And the waiting time is outrageous!
This event in just the second day went from it is amazing and makes me happy to I HATE THIS event, it IS TERRIBLE!
Was just about to write the same statement... I'm so pissed off about the darn game. All I wanted from the free outfit was the hair and it looks like I will never get it. Unnecessarily hard money-grabbing event...
You know, beemoov has a pattern on eldarya
ALMOST always they have events that seem to have elements to deliberately anger us, and that lasts for a few days
and then they change something or make it longer to appease us.
I wonder if they successfully squeeze money out of people by using that tactic and that's why they keep doing it. That maybe they make less money when it's a nice event that everyone loves and doesn't complain.
So they do the things that make us mad cuz it makes more people spend money, then they do things to appease everyone who doesn't spend money so they won't all leave the game.
Ways to make this event mini game better
1) if you fail, the next time you try you go back to the first game (which i think was 4 colors or maybe 3)
2) those who make it higher (past 6) maybe get double the gems or something for doing that well
3) actually have the ability to listen again at higher difficulties instead of wasting time trying to remember 7 or 8 colors
4) stop raising the time between tries. Does it really matter if someone does all 5 attempts one after another without a countdown. I never understood why you did it that way. People have lives outside of this game you know.
Honestly regardless of what is or isn't done to make this better, I think I'll be done with Eldarya and MCL because the company isn't getting better and it shows that they care less and less. I never have enough mana to support my companion, plus do the story. I haven't read anything in over a year because of it and to be entirely truthful right now I don't care to. Just like I don't care to read anything past high school in MCL because they changed it so yeah... In the end I'm just hoping they do change for those who are staying and at least attempt to pretend like they care.
So I've tried multiple strategies now and writing down seems to work best for me. I have a notebook on hand and just write the first letter of each color going down in a vertical line so that I know the order, and it hasn't failed me yet. Still very stressful and requires concentration/speed, however.
I thought recording would be easier, but I lost my only crystal trying it that way so just be warned. It was too hard to look at the video on my phone and back at the computer screen while it was still playing. I ran out the time limit doing it that way
Honestly, if it gets ANY harder I'm not sure there's any strategy that can save me