I'm usually able to get in at least two rounds before I go to bed. Meaning I usually finish all my daily matches by 5 in the evening the next day. Which is absurd....but at least doable.

I'm usually able to get in at least two rounds before I go to bed. Meaning I usually finish all my daily matches by 5 in the evening the next day. Which is absurd....but at least doable.
At this point I'll be shocked if they extend the event
The fact is the event ends 11:59pm Sunday
They don't work on Sunday. So unless they have it preprogrammed to extend (without informing us in advance) it's not going to.
Not that I’ve been able to play all five rounds, but the one day I got close, it only let me play four... so I’m a bit confused, but overall just tired of this event. 3 hour wait time? Ridiculous. Also I gave up on trying to catch the companion after buying the bait 3 times...
Due to time zones, mine switches over at 9 pm so I can get a little bit of a head start on each day.
My final say on this event would be as follows:
The waiting time:
Whoever decided to spread the waiting hours did a lousy job.
At first, it seemed reasonable but then the waiting time increased to 1 hour too soon, not to mention how fast it went to two and three hours. Really, there was no need to have X days marked with a waiting time of three hours.
It could've been done better and more balanced. Say the three hours, if really needed to be there, could've been added on the last day to get the wig. As a way of saying "hey, the last item should be the hardest to obtain". Wigs are usually the best parts of any of Your clothing sets so it would make sense.
Whoever came up with the idea of there being long waiting hours didn't do a good job either.
People have work and other chores and responsibilities in their lives. They do not have the time to come back every X hours to play a mini-game and get one crystal.
For a game that tries to target older players, it seems the company forgets what older players do on a daily basis.
Not to mention those who are at University and have to study and pass exams and the event dropping right around the time many have their finals.
Certain GC costs to skip the waiting time and the 12 GC cost for ONE crystal was too much as well.
The exploration:
We could find the old set and the old companions as well as the new one.
Bad things about this = no bait on the map (only in the shop ), no new set to find, the new companion drop rate were too high ( I know You mostly get complaints that companion drop rates are too low but that doesn't mean you have to increase the drop rate WHILE completely removing the bait from the map - that's not how it works nor what players wanted, who comes up with those ideas? ).
Overall impression of this year's Music event: Nothing really happened. There was nothing interesting about it. I felt more annoyance than anything else. The previous events overshadowed this one completely.
I'll make this review quick. This Event wasn't fun. And I wouldn't want to do it again.
Event: The minigame was completely fine on paper. But you completely ruin it within not even 1 day by making it increase in difficulty dramatically and you don't even get a second chance if you get it wrong. With a total of 50 games needing to be won to complete the outfit, you allow for a mere 5 game window of mistakes. That's completely unacceptable. The game was based completely on memory. Yes, we were able to come up with solutions by either writing it down or recording our screens. But if we have to go that far out of our way to beat a freaking mini-game, then something is wrong with it. We should at least be allowed 1-3 redos if we make a mistake with a game level this challenging.
The wait times have been dragged to the moon and back already so I don't feel the need to linger on them but these absolutely killed the game and the Event as a whole. Coming back every 3 hours for 10 seconds of gameplay is NOT what we look for in an Event. It feels more like a chore than an Event. These should have been an hour at best. All these do is serve to purposefully limit players into not being able to finish on time so they are forced to buy Maana. That's extremely scummy.
Companion: The Companion itself was cute, I actually loved its design, but the fact that its bait must be purchased is, again, scummy. And even more so because its encounter rate is through the roof so if we even want to find something else, we damn near have to buy the Companion or keep buying bait until we catch it.
Additionally, why is it always Rare? Why can't it at least be Epic? If you're only going to give us one Companion, at least make it worth spending that kinda Maana on. I'll probably hatch it Eventually but is it too much to ask for a Companion that's worth the value?
Exploration: And on that note, the drop rate was abysmal for outfit pieces. We are only able to find last year's outfit and the others from years past were nowhere to be seen, in the shop or otherwise. Why? Why are we only able to find one outfit and just barely able to at that? I was able to get a few more pieces in the last couple of days but it hardly mattered at that point anyway. Again, just instantly drains any fun in the Event when there's not even an Exploration outfit to get.
Outfits: Piggybacking again. I liked the free outfit. And I'm in the minority that didn't care too much about the paid one (but I generally prefer the free outfit over the paid ones). Again, just underwhelming if we only get 1 free outfit, and we can't buy the older ones. Maybe if we had an additional outfit for Exploration, I could get with that. But we get 1 outfit and pieces of one most of us already have? Outfits are like, the main goal for most players in these Events. Why not at least let us get the old ones if you won't give us new ones?
Illustration: Nothing really to say about this. Underwhelming as hell and honestly not even worth the effort. I only got it because I bought the Companion, but if I missed it, nothing of value would have been lost.
Overall: Just boring. When most of your players either give up on Day 2 or spend the remainder of the Event just waiting for it to end, then you have failed at your job. Events are supposed to keep players engaged. This Event did everything but that by pushing us away every 3 hours. If I didn't set an alarm by the time we got to 3 hours, I probably barely would have finished.
You keep taking 1 step forward with these Events and then 80 steps back when you realize good Events don't make you as much money, Beemoov. Because when it's easy for us to beat, we don't feel pressured to have to buy Maana and Coins. So you decide to make the Event unbearable and short so that we're forced to spend money. That's a scummy thing to do. We are more inclined to spend money on good Events that we enjoy. Not when you force it on us.
I'm expecting the next Event to do a complete 180 and be good just so Beemoov can continue their trend of creating the illusion of listening to us and get people to sing your praises and drown you in thanks again. Only for the Event after it to be just as garbage as this one and the cycle repeats. Beemoov does everything on purpose. Events are not bad because they are incompetent (even though they are). They are bad because Beemoov wants them to be bad, so they can "fix" them and be looked at as a company that LISTENS to their fans and everyone just forgets the garbage Events of the past.
Well I thought I would be able to finish the outfit when I saw the waiting time in the beginning, and then it increased up until 3 hours...
5 daily plays with 3 hours in between ??? That's a 12h window ????
Are we supposed to start at 8am to be able to finish at 8pm??
I knew I was done when it got to that because I simply don't have that time on my hands, I have exams I need to study for...
I'm glad the drop rate of the companion dropped after a few days because I swear at the beginning I would encounter it on almost every exploration. Which is, you know, nice, when you can have a bait easily, which wasn't the case. Since we had to get it from the shop.
I tried that once, buying the bait for a companion, and ended up wasting like 360 manaas or so because in the end I wasn't "lucky enough". So yeah, I don't buy bait anymore, it's not worth it.
As for the outfit, I like it, I even bought some other colors. I'm sad I couldn't finish it, I got to the crown and that will be my final piece...
However, you might want to review a bit your inspirations... I don't know if you are getting lazy or whatever, but the fact is that some outfits are almost straight copy/pasted from existing art and that's just... not cool. Especially when there is no credit given anywhere.
My little review on this:
Overall i can not say, i didn't enjoyed it at all. The Mini-game was pretty fun and i liked both outfits. I also don't agree with the "I must get everything for free"-mentality. So for me it's okay to pay if I want to have all what the event has to offer. (Especially, when i messed up on my part, by not coming online for whatever reason)
But like most people here, i had an issue with the waiting.
3 hours will do nothing, but annoy people. It's not like i'm using this time to play an episode or be more active around the forum. It's just unnecessary waiting for already limited tries. It would have made more sense to "punish" players with a little waiting time when failing the game, maybe even add up to it, but not just 3 hours of waiting by default. I knew something was fishy, when the timer started with 1 minute, like that would have made a difference.
Otherwise, the companion is cute, but yet again another blue one. I've captured 2, sold 1 and will keep the other for collection purposes. But I have my Owlett since it came out and i'm not gonna switch it out that easily.
No way am I finishing this event. I just can't come back over and over again. I work in a hospital for goodness sake I can't just constantly play on my computer throughout the day. Oh well! Looks like people managed to get all the pieces. Good job ya'll! I can only imagine how early and late you had to get on to pull it off.
I finished a few days ago.
The game had potential. It was challenging, but as most others have said, it was too difficult. I didn't have an issue with waiting, but many others could not do it. As a game which markets itself to older players, Beemov conveniently forgets that 'older players' means that we have adult responsibilities. Sure there's the option to pay to get the crystals, but then you've made it mandatory to pay. With the track record of the company, less people are doing that now. As for the difficulty, come on! The first day was fine, and then it ramped up the difficulty to the point of being unplayable for many players. The 'practice' rounds were stuck on the lowest difficulty, so it's hardly practice.
I did want the Gold outfit, so I bought it for the lowest price. I didn't care for many of the variations of outfits on offer, so I didn't waste my gold on them.
The exploration items had an abysmal drop rate, with the exception of companions. I bought the companion on the market as it was less than what it would have cost to constantly fail in the capture of one. The outfits were nice, but I don't think that I even found 10 pieces during the whole event (with a high-luck companion). I also didn't care enough to drop a load of gold or manna on them in the shop, because at this point, what's the point?
If you want people to start paying again, you need to actually make something worth paying for. The effort was made to make a great mini game, until it was decided to code it with only 2 levels. The companion is cute, so I'll give you a thumbs-up for that. There was none of the usual story line, and the outfits were just copied from somewhere else (but with enough variations that you could pretend that it was original). If you're feeling brave, why not go the route of MCL and copy something from a company who does have the money to spend on legal fees? At least the Music Day event on that site was enjoyable.
9/10 for concept, 2/10 for execution.
Last edited by RegineA (06/21/2020 at 18:22)
Well, I finally finished and got the hair, which was the item I was most looking forward to. I even caved and bought a handful of gold coins in order to buy another color. It just doesn't feel right that not everyone was able to get it, though. I have special circumstances where I just graduated from university and I'm taking time off before I apply to graduate school, so I had the time to complete the event. But games absolutely should NOT punish full-time workers, especially during a pandemic, and shame on Beemoov for doing so. This makes their MCL "celebration" of essential workers look extra transparent and performative
This event was such a mess seriously. No comment on Beemoovs side and a million complaints from THEIR community. What company does that even..? It's just sad and not funny at all and next time everyone will love them again for some rubbish they'll pull out their sleves to calm us down. That's how you manipulate and mess up your own fanbase, doing a great job then I guess.
I really like this game and I'd would love to see it doing well again, I truly do so. But how you treat others, will sooner or later come back at you, so I don't see too much hope for this game anymore unless they replace every person who is in charge right now.
This event could have been so nice, the ideas were pretty, I don't know what the crystals have to do with music but okay, that could be excused for an elsewise awesome event. But this one truly showed so many of the bad sides of this company, that by now it feels like Gríma Wormtongue is possibly the reason for all this.
(LOTR reference)
Last edited by Cailin (06/21/2020 at 18:50)
time to post my review. i'm gonna make it short.
i hated this event. i know i said at the beginning that i liked it, but it gotten worse and worse. i just can't stand memory games. it might just be me, but i cannot memorize under a few seconds. i was lucky that i managed to remember about that program, and i could continue playing.
i was also in the exams period at college, so i did not managed to finish it. because entering freaking five times per day with such a big cooldown, it was too much for me. i have a personal life, i cannot stay all day and play this game.
in the future, i would give you two options: you either make a smaller cooldown, so we can finish it in like two or three hours (with five attempts per day) or you either make the event time longer.