The outfits are gorgeous, but my only complaint is the moon hair. I wish the moon was an "atmosphere" and wasn't part of the wig in general.
#26 06/11/2020 at 10:51
#27 06/11/2020 at 11:03

#28 06/11/2020 at 12:12
Memory game. Why a memory game? T.T My brain does not approve.
Though it is better than last year.
Last edited by TrafalgarNeo (06/11/2020 at 12:16)
#29 06/11/2020 at 12:17
Thank you so much for the event, and new outfit!
What annoys me is the fact that the bank outfit is way better than the the FREE outfit :-(
Comparing the bank outfit with the FREE outfit:
Yep, Bank outfit is still way better than the FREE outfit >_>,4-market-exploration-wishlists.htm&#p40468
#30 06/11/2020 at 12:53
The Event seems fairly simple. Easy game, the Companion looks cute, and the outfit looks really nice~
Nothing jumping out at me right away as horrible.

#31 06/11/2020 at 12:55
I just wish it worked like MCL and any bank purchase got you the outfit. Like, I'm willing to spend a little money, but not $10 for one outfit...even if it is that beautiful :'(
#32 06/11/2020 at 13:11
Hello to all.
Thank you Beemoov for this event.
From my first experience, the game it's actually playable and achieveable, I like that, compared to last year's is an improvement.
You need 5 crystals for each outfit clothing piece. You get 1 crystal each time you complete the round correctly. And we have 5 rounds per day, so theoretically, we can win a piece of outfit each day. Meaning we have enough time, but only if we win the 5 rounds.
It's a refreshing and great idea, been able to practice before playing the game and as a way to understand how to play the game. I hope this posibility continues til the end of the event.
Now on the detailed explanition in the ? in the event page, not forum, states the following:
1. As we advance in the game it will get a little more difficult. (I hope not to the point were we can´t win, or that it is something daily and each new day we start in difficulty 0 and get to difficulty 3).
2. Also, the waiting time will get longer, I don't like this. Even if we are at home we are still working or studying, meaning that having to log several times a day is not always an option.
If that instruction means like what I saw today, that the waiting span time grows from about 20 seconds to a little over a minute, and stays this way for each day, then it's ok.
3. It also metions that the Korivora, Marquil and Ailikamp are found through exploration, besides from the new companion the Wispirit.
Also, we can find a the event background through exploration. Which my companion has found already.
And we can find the Music paper outfit from 2019 event, too.
4. When we complete the game outfit we get the event illustration.
5. The Air piano and Music paper outfit can be bought in the shop.
What I found in the shops:
--Companion shop: the baits for the 4 companions and the eggs too.
--Clothes shop: the Music paper outfit. (I didn't find the Air piano).
--Alchemy shop: there are specific items for the Music Day event, there are scrolls and items necessary to create a 5 pieces outfit (I don't know which outfit, I wish they had given information about this in the formun or in the ? at the event section).
That's all the information I found today.
Last edited by Selkis (06/11/2020 at 13:22)
Live life and have fun

#33 06/11/2020 at 13:25
That's last year's outfit. It was alchemy based. But unless you want specific colors it's kinda pointless since you can find it in explorationSelkis wrote
--Alchemy shop: there are specific items for the Music Day event, there are scrolls and items necessary to create a 5 pieces outfit (I don't know which outfit, I wish they had given information about this in the formun or in the ? at the event section).
I'm super happy with the first new event item

Even though it's called jewelry it looks a lot more like a tattoo. I totally bought two extra variations and might buy a third before the event is over depending on how much maana I have left.
Totally agree with Zurielle. The moon being part of the hair was a BIG mistake. Like why? I can understand having little barettes or flowers as part of the hair, even antlers, but why have a giant moon thing?? It DOES NOT look great.
#34 06/11/2020 at 13:39

@brokenendings - Yeah I agree with the hair. At first i thought the moon part and the hanging hair is like another part (hats or something) but nope. Would've been way better. I mean the moon looks cool and all but it's really not that versatile.

#35 06/11/2020 at 13:51
brokenendings wrote
That's last year's outfit. It was alchemy based. But unless you want specific colors it's kinda pointless since you can find it in exploration
Atually I had an extra scroll from outfit (last year's exploration), and it can't be used in the alchemy game, in case anyone was interested in trying (I already tried).
Totally agree with Zurielle and brokenendings. The moon shouldn't be part of the hair, it just loo weird, like huge big horns.
Last edited by Selkis (06/11/2020 at 13:52)
Live life and have fun

#36 06/11/2020 at 14:17
i wonder why was my comment deleted, since i didn't said anything wrong.

#37 06/11/2020 at 14:47
I already lost daily rounds because of how stupid, and confusing it is :-(
Seriously Beemoov?,4-market-exploration-wishlists.htm&#p40468
#38 06/11/2020 at 15:14
So for anyone like me, I'm telling you the app for Eldarya is much better to use for the games such as mini games but mostly event games! I can't play them on my phone unless I'm using the app which I just had to update btw.
Alsooo if you're like me and found the new companion right away but didn't know what bait to use, *well all the new bait for all the current event companions is for sale in the companion shop.*
Juuust saying.
I'm liking the event so far though. Thanks Eldarya team

#39 06/11/2020 at 16:32
Lataryia wrote
This crystal mini-game is STUPID, and CONFUSING.
I already lost daily rounds because of how stupid, and confusing it is :-(
Seriously Beemoov?
What about it is confusing? You listen to the Crystals and then click them in the same order you heard them.
Is it different on mobile or something?

#40 06/11/2020 at 16:44
Just played the mini-game and...
The mini-game is pretty easy if you write down the pattern. For once, I actually like the free outfit, Chosen One, than the bank outfit. As some of the other players already pointed out, the free hair is weird... It would have been better if the moon was an atmosphere instead of being an actual component of the hair. Aside from that, I'm not a big fan of the color variations...
Overall, the event is underwhelming.
#41 06/11/2020 at 16:48
I'm confused. The air piano is supposed to be in the shop, yet I can't seem to find it.

#42 06/11/2020 at 16:50
Guardian wrote
I'm confused. The air piano is supposed to be in the shop, yet I can't seem to find it.
I think that it's because the Air Piano is a monthly reward, not from the Music Event.

#43 06/11/2020 at 17:01
"We heard that the Korivora, Marquil and Ailikamp companions are roaming around the city, and that the Air Piano is in stock in Purriry's shop."
The piano was given during last year's event as a reward for completing the event, but it just doesn't show up in the shop for some reason.
Last edited by Guardian (06/11/2020 at 17:01)

#44 06/11/2020 at 18:31
Lataryia wrote
What annoys me is the fact that the bank outfit is way better than the the FREE outfit :-(
Same here...
I love the Moon hair and crown but hate the rest of the free outfit... The bank one is gorgeous tho. Getting only one free outfit is disappointing...
EDIT: Imma be optimistic and hope that the summer event is better
Last edited by Valaena (06/11/2020 at 18:36)
#45 06/11/2020 at 18:43
At least this event seems better than the piano one from last year(?)
Mini-game is playable and is alright in my opinion. Though I hope it won't get more difficult every time you play (resets daily?), since I suck at this type of games :')
Outfits are kinda meh, but better than nothing. + Some items look very nice.
I'm also very happy for the exploration items, since I skipped the last years event and because of that I don't have any of them.

#46 06/11/2020 at 20:54
#47 06/11/2020 at 21:00
Ashazra wrote
I was about to be really excited that the time between each round was pretty minimal. But the time just keeps increasing. On my French account, I'm not up to 20 minutes between rounds. For people who work during the day and can't log on frequently, it means that you'll miss out on crystals, which means missing out on outfit pieces, which means you have to pay if you want to complete the event.
Wait, so the time doesn't reset the next day? The longest wait for the last round was 2 minutes, you're saying the next round increases from that? I was thinking it would just reset at the end of the day?
#49 06/11/2020 at 21:27
Less stressful than last year's event.
#50 06/11/2020 at 22:07
Memory game? Oh no! My poor forgetful brain...
"Acts of goodness are not always wise, and acts of evil are not always foolish, but regardless, we shall always strive to be good." - Martyr Logarius