Why can't we replay the part where we chose the wrong dialogue option?
And 150 gc for an illustration... Just oof.
#151 10/30/2019 at 14:07
#152 10/30/2019 at 15:21
So my these are my final thoughts:
What I liked:
- The additional mission along with the map (an idea that I think could be used in future events as long as the map still stays in)
- The new outfits (The mission outfit is so gorgeous <3)
- The new companion (looks cool, though I haven't tested it yet)
And that's about it...
What I disliked:
- Outfits from previous years (excluding 2018) could not be found anywhere, not even the shop. I would've been fine with them being only buyable from the store if they only would've just been included in the event.
- The fact that all the outfits from 2018 are GC only (unlike previous years).
- Exploration items can be found anywhere on the map, literally destroying the purpose of having different locations on the map.
- An outfit that was previously only obtainable by buying it with GC now being free for everyone. Yes, I am one of those who benefit from it, but it is so unfair for the people who used real money (or the GC they had saved up for years) only for the outfit to be for free now.
- The map not showing the amount of found items.
- Also just Miiko in any shape or form.
Last edited by Evelina (10/30/2019 at 15:22)
#153 10/30/2019 at 15:23
1 choice off. Just one. I didn't get the first illustration, thus no companion for me.
This idea of blindly choosing random dialogues in order to get is the absolute worst, I'm so mad right now.
You ain't getting any money from me if I have to be literally obliged to pay, so suck it and continue with your forcing the players to pay instead of actually doing great things for them to want to spend the money in this game. This is not it, this is just...
As always you won't listen to the players and actually invest in enhancing the playing experience of the players so that they would want to spend their money and time in this game, so why do I even bother.

#154 10/30/2019 at 17:20
Vaihanai wrote
1 choice off. Just one. I didn't get the first illustration, thus no companion for me.
This idea of blindly choosing random dialogues in order to get is the absolute worst, I'm so mad right now.
You ain't getting any money from me if I have to be literally obliged to pay, so suck it and continue with your forcing the players to pay instead of actually doing great things for them to want to spend the money in this game. This is not it, this is just...
As always you won't listen to the players and actually invest in enhancing the playing experience of the players so that they would want to spend their money and time in this game, so why do I even bother.
I think I just got one choice off as well. So no companion for me either. And it is 150 gold coins to buy an illustration!! That seems really unfair to me. I wouldn't mind not getting the illustration so much if I could still get the companion for completing the whole event, even with choosing some inaccurate answers.
#155 10/30/2019 at 19:26
I picked the right answer and didn't receive the illustration...
#156 10/30/2019 at 19:33
Loving all the outfits, especially the fortune teller!
I'm breaking free-but of these chains, let this One remain.

#157 10/30/2019 at 19:43
BlackPaperMoon wrote
I picked the right answer and didn't receive the illustration...
It looks like the common theory is that the 'right' answers were randomised. I wouldn't be surprised if that was true. They've already done it with the exploration locations.
#158 10/30/2019 at 22:05
Ok I'm back and a bit calmer now. Was I harsh for blaming the players for beemoov actions for this event? Yes and that I apologize for it.I'm sorry. Though I'm not apologizing to those that were responding to me in a bitter/salty matter. You could have responded to me maturely and not jump at me. Explain the reason for the complaints from last year in a calm manner and I could have responded better. You're no better than me during this discussion. Yes you were. I felt the salt while reading the posts.
And for that one that mentions that I should have used the market to get the stuff: how can I if I no access to it? Even if I did I won't be able to get anything. The market doesn't magically show me every item I like to purchase. When it does its waaay over priced. Another player has it in their shop to sell but our time zones our so different its impossible to agree on a time to do an exchange. Am I making excuses for it? To you who plays this a lot maybe its excuses but to me its not. I'm not a pro at this and this game gets confusing at time. Can you blame me for getting frustrated at this?
I keep forgetting to not take this game seriously and this position I put myself in was like a wake up call. This game was getting addicting and I was making a big deal over pixels. I should probably say thanks?? To the mean ones for slapping me back to reality?? I guess? Idk I know I don't make sense with this post. I am not really good at explaining things hence why my posts makes no sense at the beginning. Especially when I get emotional. I would explain more on my perspective but again I'm not good at talking and my English is getting bad.
I'm not gonna continue this further. I don't want to keep fighting and I'm sure you guys don't want to continue fighting over a dumb argument either. I am taking full responsibility for my behavior. I'm kind of surprise a mod haven't stepped in yet though... I was expecting like ban or something from the forums. I wouldn't be mad. I would have accept the punishment ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Last edited by Setaria (10/30/2019 at 22:11)

#159 10/30/2019 at 22:14
RegineA wrote
It looks like the common theory is that the 'right' answers were randomised. I wouldn't be surprised if that was true. They've already done it with the exploration locations.
Looks like is the case because there is people sharing that even when they picked the same answers, still they got different results.

#160 10/30/2019 at 23:31
I have yet to see the new companion on the map so that sucks. Secondly I'm super happy they took away all the old itema from the map. It was super hard to complete anything. Plus the marketplace is expensive to try to complete an outfit.
What I hate is the story part. I don't care for saving Miiko at all. Never liked her since day one. Not being able to redo the incorrect answers sucks bad and having to pay with gold to get a piece of illustration is just terrible. I would rather just find pieces of it on the map like the old way. Only raise the chance to find a pet on the map, please for goodness sakes. This is the third year where I have never found one on map. I even bought the expensive bait to try to get it.
I'm totally happy with taking away the old items from the past years, it gives everyone a chance to get a complete outfit without losing manna trying to buy bits and pieces from the marketplace. Next time raise the amount of items found, it should equal with the luck. The higher luck the more items.
Last edited by Aoria (10/30/2019 at 23:31)
#161 10/30/2019 at 23:50
Damn... i thought u could get the fallen angel outfit when u completed the mission.. that sucks i was seriously looking forward to getting it, what a waste... oh well i guess nothing i can do about it now sadly... T ^ T
Last edited by azeralove (11/20/2019 at 01:04)
#162 10/31/2019 at 00:21
azeralove wrote
Damn... i thought u could get the fallen angel outfit when u completed teh mission.. that sucks i was seriously looking forward to getting it, what a waste... oh well i guess nothing i can do about it now sadly... T ^ T
You have to spend $10 at the bank to unlock the outfit.
#163 10/31/2019 at 00:49
Hey, I finished the event and it said I got the companion but I cant find the egg. Please fix this error
#164 10/31/2019 at 01:05
IvyHearts wrote
Hey, I finished the event and it said I got the companion but I cant find the egg. Please fix this error
If you didn't get all of the illustrations, you don't get the egg. If this is the case, there is sadly no error
#165 10/31/2019 at 05:15
Then this sucks. If they decided to make the companion GC based, they should have done that in the first place like they did for Valentine's Day's unicorn (for which I'm still pissed tho) so that we wouldn't have gotten fake hopes. It also annoys me that you can't buy it from the market like the other companions since they got this shitty rule of "not being allowed to sell exclusive event companions that are obtained outside exploration", coz I wouldn't mind helping with maana in exchange for the pet someone who has the pet and wants to sell it after they tried it out, since I kinda gave up on the story and just use this game as a dress up and pets collecting thingy.
Yes, the answers are randomized. I checked the walktrough I used and they added as a side note that some folks said they got the pictures for a different selection of answers than the ones provided in the guide and since I followed the same steps as the guide and didn't get 2 of the pics it's true, which sucks.

#166 10/31/2019 at 07:29
Ok so finished, they literally told me they gave me the egg
but I did not get the egg.
I liked the story, but uh this is a real bummer? don't think it's supposed to be that way :(
Rip, one choice off
150 gold for illustration that's crazy
big oof.
Again lovely story but the two aforementioned points turned it into a bit of a bummer.
#167 10/31/2019 at 07:34
you only get it if you get all 3 pics...the story narrative assumes you did everything to get them so it's misleadingSiron wrote
Ok so finished, they literally told me they gave me the egg
but I did not get the egg.
I liked the story, but uh this is a real bummer? don't think it's supposed to be that way
Rip, one choice off
150 gold for illustration that's crazy
big oof.
Again lovely story but the two aforementioned points turned it into a bit of a bummer.
#168 10/31/2019 at 09:20
Saby-chan wrote
Then this sucks. If they decided to make the companion GC based, they should have done that in the first place like they did for Valentine's Day's unicorn (for which I'm still pissed tho) so that we wouldn't have gotten fake hopes. It also annoys me that you can't buy it from the market like the other companions since they got this shitty rule of "not being allowed to sell exclusive event companions that are obtained outside exploration", coz I wouldn't mind helping with maana in exchange for the pet someone who has the pet and wants to sell it after they tried it out, since I kinda gave up on the story and just use this game as a dress up and pets collecting thingy.
Yes, the answers are randomized. I checked the walktrough I used and they added as a side note that some folks said they got the pictures for a different selection of answers than the ones provided in the guide and since I followed the same steps as the guide and didn't get 2 of the pics it's true, which sucks.
I followed a guide to be sure to get all three illustrations. I didn't. I still got only two out of the three and had to buy the last on for the companion. So the companion is gc only
#169 10/31/2019 at 09:29
There are the Hand of Mida scrolls, with which the bank is not used for the illustratotions lost.

#170 10/31/2019 at 10:12
It would cost 1500 manaa in total and that's just for making the recipe. Not adding in if you possibly have to purchase the scroll and or the ingredients.Miciona81 wrote
There are the Hand of Midas scrolls, with which the bank is not used for the illustratotions lost.
#171 10/31/2019 at 10:59
Just finished the event... and uhhh really?
One correct choice off from an illustration?
And I can't replay it, can only buy it with 150 gold?
Am I locked off from the legendary companion now?
That's a really sucky thing to do.
"Acts of goodness are not always wise, and acts of evil are not always foolish, but regardless, we shall always strive to be good." - Martyr Logarius
#172 10/31/2019 at 11:06
WTF !!!!!!! (pardon my language)
There was no walkthrough guide so I followed one on YouTube and she got the companion so I did what she did and did not even get the freaken companion !!!!!
This game........... rigged !!!
Who would want to play or spend money on ur stupid money hungry game ?! NOT ME !!!
I just want the companions and this is what u jerks do !!!!!
#173 10/31/2019 at 11:50
Shyva wrote
Wait, so if we don't make the correct choices, and don't get all 3 of the illustrations, we won't get the bonus familiar either?
No, No we won't. And to think, they want me to pay 150 gold coins just because I got one answer wrong. ONE! I literally had 2/3 illustration pieces. Instead of us just replaying it as they allowed in MCL I don't like this game THAT much!

#174 10/31/2019 at 13:27
Perhaps the correct path of answers depends on who you set as your crush during the event. It would make more sense to me than just complete randomization of the correct answers, since the crushes can affect the story choises in normal episodes as well. Altough I cannot be sure about this theory, since there is no way to replay the event story to test it.Saby-chan wrote
Yes, the answers are randomized. I checked the walktrough I used and they added as a side note that some folks said they got the pictures for a different selection of answers than the ones provided in the guide and since I followed the same steps as the guide and didn't get 2 of the pics it's true, which sucks.
#175 10/31/2019 at 15:11
I also got only two out of the 3 pics I’m as angry as everyone else that only got two we should demand they let us use mana instead of coins to get the other picture that we missed