Looks pretty cool!
As I've said for every event with a recharge outfit, I wish we could decide what outfit we got from the event.
#26 10/23/2019 at 07:12
#27 10/23/2019 at 07:49
I'm so excited about this event - the outfits are gorgeous, and it actually seems like a lot of effort went into making the free outfits just as good as the recharge one. I can't buy the bank outfits, so it's a small blessing.
Also, there doesn't seem to be an Alchemy component! That's really big! We don't have to spend ridiculous amounts of maana on crafting items for the event, which is great.
And like everyone else is saying, I'm excited about the storyline element. It's very interesting, so good job on that!
So yeah, I'm starting the event now, and I'm super excited to see how it goes! I don't know for sure yet, but it seems that Beemoov's events are getting better as they go, so maybe they'll start fixing other game issues. (Of course, I'm not holding my breath, but it would be cool if they got around to that eventually.)
-Even in death, may you be triumphant-
(Kurda Smahlt, Cirque du Freak)
#28 10/23/2019 at 07:57
I would still thank You for the Halloween event before I share my opinion.
Comparing clothing sets from previous years to Halloween 2019, I can say that I am disappointed. Previous years had the Halloween feel to them. This year all of the sets seem more fit for Valentine 2020 rather than Halloween 2019. Especially the angel one.
Idea-vise You are not on par with previous events.
It is weird how you implemented a mission-based event into one of the two most popular events in the game. I am not sure if You tried to cater to "mission-oriented" players to make it seem better or it you made more money doing the Summer 2019 event so You've decided to implement it on this one as well.
I applaud the try to cater to both parties though.
So we do get something with exploration, I guess? I can't tell right now because I can't see any of the maps - due to a bug I assume.
It seems we can find the items on the map - so that saved me right there.
Mission-vise, I could care less since it's Miiko. It's nice to see we have two new companions...I guess that's it because I don't feel the urge to obtain any of them. The Halloween "feel" is not present with this one for some reason.
Three illustrations are a nice addition. Maybe the clothing sets suffered because of the illustration options? We'll see.
Conclusion: Don't' do this to Christmas 2019. Leave it alone.
Last edited by Minah (10/23/2019 at 08:07)
#29 10/23/2019 at 08:09

#30 10/23/2019 at 08:16
For the first time ever, I am disappointed with the Halloween event. There was nothing wrong with the previous ones so why change it, specially to be dialogue based? I always look forward to the Halloween and Christmas event and this is just not the same quality as previous events. The outfits are just OK and there aren't enough of them. Also, why only 2 pets? Why can't you find the necromancer outfit in exploration instead?
At least there is no alchemy, however you ruined one of the best events. I really hope that for the Christmas event this won't happen. Like Minah said, please leave the Christmas event as its been the previous years.
#31 10/23/2019 at 08:27
I like this new style of event I'm excited to get the outfits!

#32 10/23/2019 at 08:33
The backrounds and the companions are really nice this year but the outfits are quite disappointing .Guess I'm going to stick with the bank outfit from the previous year . .
Last edited by Teyutzz (10/23/2019 at 08:44)
#33 10/23/2019 at 08:39

I think the dialogue gives a nice change so that there is more to do during the event. Every year the same kind of event is boring too. And fortunately there is no alchemy!
But yes 3 new outfits of which one is a bank outfit is little compared to previous years, but imo the two outfits are absolutely beautiful! Lynne just said to me "I rather have 2 outfits that you can really use than 4 that are rotting in your closet ehem" and I totally agree.
It is a shame that the outfits of previous years are no longer explorable, but now we have more chances to get things from this year, which was a bit more difficult last year with so many items in every location. But I do think they could have put the Starry Witch outfit and the Youth Seeker outfit in the shop...

#34 10/23/2019 at 08:43
Does anyone know if you can get more than one item of each type of the fortune teller, or is it like the summer event where you can only get one?
It's been a pleasure serving in the guard with you all, but it's time for me to leave.
Hope you all have a wonderful time here in the lands of El.
Concept Art Suggestions
My Interactive Adventure: Don't worry, I will find the best treasure...Or not...
#35 10/23/2019 at 08:52
NoName_NoPower wrote
Does anyone know if you can get more than one item of each type of the fortune teller, or is it like the summer event where you can only get one?
You can get more than one.

#36 10/23/2019 at 09:01
Thanks!Guardian wrote
NoName_NoPower wrote
Does anyone know if you can get more than one item of each type of the fortune teller, or is it like the summer event where you can only get one?
You can get more than one.
That's great.
It's been a pleasure serving in the guard with you all, but it's time for me to leave.
Hope you all have a wonderful time here in the lands of El.
Concept Art Suggestions
My Interactive Adventure: Don't worry, I will find the best treasure...Or not...
#37 10/23/2019 at 09:12
For once.. I mist say I am no fan of The Necromancer Outfit, but that's because it's not my personal style.. But holy crp. I am a collector, I need it all.
Plus I am all for the companions and different color styles.
I love that in the even there's no "You picked the wrong answer, need to be this exact!" at least so far, I love it!
#38 10/23/2019 at 09:17

Fortunately, I don't like the bank outfit, so I won't waste time on that.
As for the event in general, well...at least they didn't get rid of the map, but the real question is whether or not previous years' events items will still be up for grabs there? OoO

#39 10/23/2019 at 09:23
I've been finding some of them.Fantasia wrote
Fortunately, I don't like the bank outfit, so I won't waste time on that.
As for the event in general, well...at least they didn't get rid of the map, but the real question is whether or not previous years' events items will still be up for grabs there? OoO
It's been a pleasure serving in the guard with you all, but it's time for me to leave.
Hope you all have a wonderful time here in the lands of El.
Concept Art Suggestions
My Interactive Adventure: Don't worry, I will find the best treasure...Or not...
#40 10/23/2019 at 09:25
NoName_NoPower wrote
I've been finding some of them.Fantasia wrote
Fortunately, I don't like the bank outfit, so I won't waste time on that.
As for the event in general, well...at least they didn't get rid of the map, but the real question is whether or not previous years' events items will still be up for grabs there? OoO

Okay, well that's good to hear. ^^
Will anyone eventually make a page/post/etc. on where the find what items you want?
I'm guessing that the market is still open to us in that case, but why wouldn't they put some of the items in store? I'm a bit disappointed about that. xP

#41 10/23/2019 at 09:44
I'm not sure about this Illustration thing, but I at least hope I get Nevra's ;m;
Super glad there's no Alchemy.

#42 10/23/2019 at 09:48
Oh, I actually ADORE the outfits this year! This was well worth the wait, good job Beemoov!
#43 10/23/2019 at 09:58
Really love this year's outfits! For once the bank outfit is the least favourite of mine so I won't be salty about not getting it haha
Edit: Do we really only get to buy last year's outfits from the store out of all the previous years' outfits? Really? Can we not find any previous years' outfits from the exploration either? What is this and why tf did you do this?
Edit 2: And last year's outfits are only buyable with GC? Well done Beemoov. You managed to ***k this up right at the start.
Last edited by Evelina (10/23/2019 at 10:16)
#44 10/23/2019 at 10:23
finally no alchemy <3
#45 10/23/2019 at 10:33
Evelina wrote
Really love this year's outfits! For once the bank outfit is the least favourite of mine so I won't be salty about not getting it haha
Edit: Do we really only get to buy last year's outfits from the store out of all the previous years' outfits? Really? Can we not find any previous years' outfits from the exploration either? What is this and why tf did you do this?
Edit 2: And last year's outfits are only buyable with GC? Well done Beemoov. You managed to ***k this up right at the start.

Agreed with both edits.

#46 10/23/2019 at 10:34
Very excited to see how this event looks....but I'll be back later with my ACTUAL thoughts
#47 10/23/2019 at 10:46
I am SO glad the stained glass outfit from last year is findable through exploration. That is a nice surprise I never expected.
I wish once we unlock each piece of the necromancer outfit that the pieces were sold in maana, not just gold. Or at least have the variations findable on the map once they're unlocked. If the only option to get other colors is via gold then I guess I'm stuck with only one color. Gotta choose wisely.
Based on what people have found so far, a theory going around is that all items are discoverable at all locations, so there might not be specific locations for specific items. Either that or there's just multiple locations that have an item more than once.
#48 10/23/2019 at 10:55
Thank u ^^
#49 10/23/2019 at 10:56
brokenendings wrote
I wish once we unlock each piece of the necromancer outfit that the pieces were sold in maana, not just gold. Or at least have the variations findable on the map once they're unlocked. If the only option to get other colors is via gold then I guess I'm stuck with only one color. Gotta choose wisely
I made that mistake with the crown. I do have the Hand of Midas and I may buy the crown in a different colour if nothing else catches my eye. But you really gotta be careful with what you get
#50 10/23/2019 at 11:07
brokenendings wrote
Based on what people have found so far, a theory going around is that all items are discoverable at all locations, so there might not be specific locations for specific items. Either that or there's just multiple locations that have an item more than once.

I agree. That's what it seems to be like for me, anyway.