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#51 10/29/2021 at 16:36

Absynthe Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 273

lovelyjuliexo wrote

Autumn_Shadows wrote

I usually get really excited for the Halloween event but the outfits for this event seem a little boring. Although it seems like the different parts of the outfits would make some really cool accessories.

It almost seems like the company just came up with some last minute ideas for this event or maybe they're just struggling with creativity since they have done many different Halloween themes in the past. At least the lava companion seems really cute! I love the colors of the other companion (the horse looking one) but my god seeing all those legs almost made me feel uncomfortable!

wait really? i think the lava outfit looks so cool!

(at least more interesting than the ones for the mycandylove halloween event...)

As a Lava themed outfit it looks fantastic, but it just doesn't seem Halloween related to me, if that makes sense. I guess I just really like spooky stuff during Halloween season lol


#52 10/30/2021 at 01:23

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 27

The lava child outfit is really cool looking. Not really Halloween per se, but a wicked outfit nonetheless.

But what's going on with the Norse stuff? I'm not complaining, but both the Mischievous Trickster (Loki) and the Sleipnhorz (Sleipnir) are right out of Norse mythology. Granted, the Loki outfit is definitely the Marvel version, which I like many other have questions about as far as legality goes, but it seems curious. As a semi-recent casual player I was wondering if they have done bits from other cultures' mythoi in the past? Vodou Loa, or Greek deities, or anything?
And Beevmoov, will this become a thing? Also, what is the rune on Sleipnir's chest? It looks like the Marcomannic rune for "M," or a sideways Anglo-Saxon rune for "day." Unless it is a symbolic hourglass, or just "it looks cool."

Fun fact, and probably the reason Sleipnir was released as a companion alongside the Loki outfit - in traditional Norse mythology, Sleipnir is the child of Loki (and Svaðilfari). A weird story, but then again much of Norse (or any) mythology is weird stories.

Sorry for the long post, I'm just a huge fan of the sport (Mythography).

"It's a fire sale and everything must go..."


#53 10/30/2021 at 03:53

Absynthe Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 1

They should really think about making the event last longer. There is barely any way to finish it on time without paying for it, especially if, like me, you're still in Origins and don't know 2 of the characters, so you don't know which answers work best for them...


#54 10/30/2021 at 04:14

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 2 826

Ok, so to be able to complete the 4 stories in time you can only fail 2 times. The questions where it's about an action of the character are easy to get right if you know a bit of their personality, but the first ones (at least for now) are based complety in randomness and luck. Someone went to where? There was a creature, what was? Tell me how are we supposed to know what the writters were thinking, cause some of the choices are really confusing, specially when there is no hint anywere that that is the answer.


It's been a pleasure serving in the guard with you all, but it's time for me to leave.
Hope you all have a wonderful time here in the lands of El.

Concept Art Suggestions
My Interactive Adventure: Don't worry, I will find the best treasure...Or not...


#55 10/30/2021 at 05:55

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 71

I really really love the lava outfit!
But isn't the event way too short? normally events would be 2 weeks long if I'm not wrong.
And after reading the comments, I did not even notice that the dialog took maana...
Even tho the outfit is super pretty and the stories are quite interesting to read, the event is way too short and even cost us maana continue...


#56 10/30/2021 at 06:03

Shadow Guard
Posts: 117

brokenendings wrote

TrafalgarNeo wrote

brokenendings wrote

It's not copyright infringement if they're not making money off it. If the Loki outfit was a bank outfit that would be infringement.
And honestly, they're not even based on America, so i don't know how that affects the law either.

Though i don't personally care either way because i love loki's outfit.
Disney sure doesn't need help anyway.

Here in America it's illegal whether you make money or not. Disney, for one, is a shark when it comes to copyright infringement. They've even copyrighted their buildings.

I have no idea that was possible until I tried draw one  of their buildings for one of my college illustration classes.

Though many people get away with selling artwork that features a copyrighted character, especially anime characters. In the end it really depends on who the character(s) belong to whether they take legal action or not. I believe some don't mind fans selling fan artwork as they will see it as free publicity.

You're right, in America it is. But Beemoov is in France. There's a reason sites that host bootleg movies and tv shows from America are never based in America. Legal action is more complex across borders and I won't pretend to understand international law. But I'm sure it's not the same as American.


@Saby-chan the conversation about the artists who did design the loki costume for Disney. I'm not sure how much money an employee gets from a design that Disney gets to own. I doubt there's royalties for such a thing. I assume they're salaried in the art department and maybe get a bonus if their design becomes official. But it's not the same as being commissioned and owning your design, and other people paying you each time your design is used. The faceless mouse gets to own the designs regardless of who designed it. The mouse gets paid every time it's used. It'd be nice if the designer gets royalties too but I'd be surprised if that's the case.

Honestly beemoov is such a fringe corner of the internet that isn't highly populated compared to mainstream games online, plus the fact that it's internationally based. You could report this straight to Disney and I bet nothing would happen. They're not making money off the design. When it comes to law "getting ad revune from your site" and "selling the outfit" are different. To prove infringement you have to prove that they're stealing revenue that would be Disney's and things like that (won't pretend to know all complexities) but law has to be yes or no on infringement. If it's a grey maybe, then it's not a yes.

I don't think there's any argument you can make where a world ruling billion dollar company gets my sympathy. I could understand if you were warning beemoov that the mouse might come for them because of the design. But you're making them sound like they're victimizing disney. Disney is so big it's impossible to victimize them.
Beemoov has done a lot to earn my criticism. But this is something that doesn't. Designing is hard. Rather than the higher paid disney employees who designed loki's costume, think about the likelihood of a beemoov employee who might be underpaid to produce a specific design for this website. I don't know if they commission the designs or there's someone on staff who designs them. If you ever had an art class with a project due, how often did you come up with a brilliant piece of work with universal praise and no references? I've been drawing for 30 years and I'd say the answer is 0.

Also, this is halloween. a holiday where you literally cosplay as characters you love. saying be original on halloween eliminates hundreds or thousands of costume ideas. it's boring to be: witch, demon, animal, ghost, repeat.

I feel like there's a lot of factors you're ignoring because you want an excuse to crucify beemoov more.

@Valaena, if you think that, you either forget or didn't live through 2019 halloween cuz that was the worst. this one's 10x better than it at least. both this years outfits are better than those two were, exploration was random, no fixed locations, necromancer items were gold only for color variations, and only 5 outfits were on the map.

Excuse me, but Beemove is by far a company that does not deserve any sympathy or respect! They've done far too many bs for me to ever think anything good about them, especially after last Christma's fiasco on MCL where they had as a bank outfit an indigenous design that they white washed and used a derrogatory name for that's mocking the culture(s) the outfit was inspired by. Beemove are in no way a "small company" that struggles financially, on the contrarry, they had proven time and time again that they are some morally corrupted scums that only view their players as walking money bags.

They never listen to the players, create frustrating content event wise by making stuff almost impossible to complete if you aren't cheating using guides for choice based events or have a hella ton of time to spare and a good computer for their awful mini-games timed based events and force those who can't do any of those to pay real life money if they want the outfits and illustrations, they changed the AP systems so that an episode would cost a ton and it takes you 3 months to save enough for 1 single playthrough, they've disrespected cultures and profited off of the discriminated outcasts of colonized countries trough their "original" outfit designs and now they resort to theft of other's designs (leaving aside their latest thefts from Disney, in the past they used room and interior designs from artists on the interned for their MCL games without giving credit and even here on Eldarya, they've stole original artwork designs again from internet artists for one of the summer or music events 2 or 3 years ago, from what I could gather from some older conversations). Not to mention that they are megalomaniacs that have lied to their fanbases time and time again. So no, I can't respect such individuals nor will I excuse their blatant crimes if I see them. I don't care if they are an insignifiant French company, to me as long as they are morally corrupted they are as much of a scum as the faceless mouse that Disney had become, but with Disney I can at least appreciate that they tried to change some stuff over the years, like actually paying attention to cultures when creating a movie about indigenous people (the movie Moana).


#57 10/30/2021 at 06:14

Obsidian Guard
Champion of the Guard
Posts: 41 533
Nobody asked you to like the company or respect them, or anything like that. I understand if you don't agree with their choices, but if you dislike them this much, why are you playing their games? For me, even if you don't pay real money for them, just by playing their games and following them on social media, you still support them a little. Which is kind of weird if you hate the company.


#58 10/30/2021 at 06:43

Shadow Guard
Posts: 117

Amaelia wrote
Nobody asked you to like the company or respect them, or anything like that. I understand if you don't agree with their choices, but if you dislike them this much, why are you playing their games? For me, even if you don't pay real money for them, just by playing their games and following them on social media, you still support them a little. Which is kind of weird if you hate the company.

I don't support this company in any way, but just because I choose to play their games for free doesn't mean I stand by their choices, values or morals. I've been a long term player of the MCL franchise from back in 2013/2014, so I grew up with the game, it holds a bit of nostalgia and that's why I still play for the story, but other than that, I don't engage in funding them with my money nor do I follow them on social media. It's the same as with a song: you can like a song, listen it for free, but it does not mean you support its creators. You can straight out hate the people behind the band who made the song, but still enjoy the song, it does not equal as you supporting them in any way. And I am free to criticize this company or any content creator as much as I want, it doesn't concern you or anyone for that matter./static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png

In other words, I don't hate the games themselves (meaning art, story plot and the writers), I hate the company behind it, more exactly those in charge with the marketing or management department or whoever it is that makes those awful decisions of stealing from other content creators and extorting money from the players.

Last edited by Saby-chan (10/30/2021 at 06:51)


#59 10/30/2021 at 08:34

Obsidian Guard
Champion of the Guard
Posts: 41 533
My last sentence says "if you hate the company", not the games, I figured as much.

And if your criticism doesn't "concern me or anyone for that matter" then why are you doing it so openly? If it concerns only you and the team, then why aren't you talking about it privately? Everyone who reads these posts on the forum can read what you wrote, and not just the team. You can say that we don't have to read it, but when looking at a text we can't tell the contents of it, so we start reading and find out only a little later that you're criticizing something/someone that "doesn't concern us". I believe that the players, who come here don't want to read the same complaint all the time in lengthy posts.

Plus, as you said, Beemoov "never listen to the players", so based on that, I think you're wasting your time writing all these long posts about how bad they are. If they don't want to change, they won't, and if someone doesn't like the way they do things, nobody's forcing anyone to stay.


#60 10/30/2021 at 09:00

Shadow Guard
Posts: 117

@Amaelia since I don't really see the use in arguing with you, I'll just end this argument here with just some clarifications: what I meant was that it doesn't concern you or anyone if I want to criticize or say my two cents on Beemove's lack of morality, since you literally said that I should just quit if I hate them. I find your approach and similar approaches of people on other platforms towards people complaining as a mean approach since it's rude to just tell someone to go away if they don't like something. If I or someone else wants to spill the tea on what Beemove does, we are free to do so and it's no one bussiness if I want to play or not their games while also criticizing them. I am free to voice my complaints as much as I want, if you or anyone else doesn't like my or anyone else's lengthy complaint posts, just skip them and move forward, no one forces you to read said posts.

I personally feel it's morally right to raise awareness regarding issues such as copyright infringements and theft, since it's very concerning how willing people are to close their eyes on this issue if a company they like does it or if the stolen asset is given away for free. No matter the context, who does it or whom they stole from, taking someone's design and using it for your own content without crediting the original owner it's a crime and it's in no way excusable. I wouldn't have been this angry on Beemove if they just simply credited the original sources for all their "borrowed" designs such as MCL's Wanda Vision cosplay, the Ariel heavily referenced outfit and Eldarya's Loki cosplay.

Last edited by Saby-chan (10/30/2021 at 09:04)


#61 10/30/2021 at 09:55

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 4

not sure if it's a bug or people not paying attention, e get 2 free stories a day, of course as each person has a 3 story section it's not fair, but e always have to pay mana to advance or wait.... my bug issue is it clearly states to change the story it would be AP(mana) but mine is gold to switch,not that i care to switch, just wish it was mana as well to advance, and not gold, or is that a bug on my end to? this is why i saved up mana for a month now it's almost useless, and why is it every time someone complains about copyright, do we have to sign a friggin copyright to wear halloween outfits such as loki or disney princess's every yea no, the stores change names an don't have to have copyright to sell stuff but yet we buy and do not complain, stop making such a big deal over a game that's supposed to be fun it stresses others out


#62 10/30/2021 at 10:05

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 2 826

tharne233111 wrote

not sure if it's a bug or people not paying attention, e get 2 free stories a day, of course as each person has a 3 story section it's not fair, but e always have to pay mana to advance or wait.... my bug issue is it clearly states to change the story it would be AP(mana) but mine is gold to switch,not that i care to switch, just wish it was mana as well to advance, and not gold, or is that a bug on my end to?

You get 2 choices a day for free, not 2 stories (considering story each of the boys routes and choice the elections you have to make in each story, 4 stories, 3 choices on each). I think you mixed the two (the instructions are really not clear on that). You start the stories (boys) on a random order, and if you want to change to another story (boy) instead of the one it randomly gives you, you can by paying gold. The maana thing was a bug already solved that charged per dialoge.


It's been a pleasure serving in the guard with you all, but it's time for me to leave.
Hope you all have a wonderful time here in the lands of El.

Concept Art Suggestions
My Interactive Adventure: Don't worry, I will find the best treasure...Or not...


#63 10/30/2021 at 10:06

Obsidian Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 4

The outfits are pretty decent, but the lava companion is super cute. The horsey gives a bit of my little pony vibes to be honest.

For the story part, it's kinda fun to see what kind of stories they tell. I'm not quite sure why people are kind of whining about the ''guess the right answer'' type of events. It's just the same as in the game. Of course there's a time limit but like with a just few clicks they could find the right answers from the internet and boom, problem fixed

stop procrastinating


#64 10/30/2021 at 10:31

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2 123

@Saby-chan. I find it really weird and biased that you defend Disney who is guilty of all the same practices of beemoov but in much larger proportions because they're so rich. Do some research in theft regarding both Lion King and Aladdin. The Lion King I know basically stole a lot of imagery from something called Kimba the White Lion. And I don't know as much about it but there was a much smaller movie Thief and the Cobbler for Aladdin, but I know there's clear similarities, more similar than previous accusations you made about the Daemonika outfit.

If looking at those things doesn't bring the same accusations toward disney, as beemoov, then this is no longer about discussing facts.


#65 10/30/2021 at 12:44

Obsidian Guard
Champion of the Guard
Posts: 41 533

Raising awareness is a good thing, but there are a lot of players here who are still teenagers (younger or older) and they either don't really understand the concept of copyright infringement or they just don't care and just want to enjoy a game. Either way, most of the players will not take into consideration your posts despite them being useful.

And there are companies that do even worse things for money, so it feels like your problem is only with Beemoov and you're taking every opportunity to call them out, but not the other companies that do the same or worse. It's not right what Beemoov does sometimes, I agree with you on that, but they are not the worst either. If you want to crucify them, do the same with the other companies as well, that would be the morally right thing to do.

And I know you don't want to continue this argument, I just wanted to say this last thing.

Last edited by Amaelia (10/30/2021 at 12:46)


#66 10/30/2021 at 13:54

Absynthe Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 27

My only real issue with this event is the length. I feel like it's way too short to successfully win all the dialogue choices and find everything you might want on the map. Otherwise, I like it so far. The lava child outfit is very cool, the Loki themed outfit is nice, and the companions are adorable as always. Overall, a pretty good event that doesn't include annoying minigames or wait timers between daily dialogues.

Also a helpful hint to others who might need it, since we can't afford to pick the wrong dialogue options for risk of not getting through the event in time, people have posted the answers to the dialogues on Tumblr. I've sucessfully gone through Lance and Nevra's stories no problem, though we really shouldn't have to resort to this. Beemoov just needs to give us more time. Hope this helps anyone having trouble picking the right choices!


#67 10/30/2021 at 15:09

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 109

I like getting a chance to catch the past companions...but I ran into a Greifmar and as far as I can tell it doesn't have a bait?? That was a companion that you could win if you picked all the right story answers I think...

Edit: Also want to complain about drop rates haha. At least my companion is bringing back 2 items, but there is no food to be found /static/img/forum/smilies/sad.png

Last edited by Jendara (10/30/2021 at 15:14)


#68 10/30/2021 at 19:20

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2 123

Are people really getting to retry after getting a dialogue wrong?

I accidentally clicked on a wrong answer on the Hungarian server, and the wrong answer counted as one of my 2 actions. There's nothing visually indicating that I'll get to retry same day.
I got the first answer wrong, used my 2nd action to get it right, so I was only able to get 1 clothing piece.

Does it take time for the retry to appear?


#69 10/31/2021 at 04:47

Shadow Guard
Guard Patrol
Posts: 6 861

brokenendings wrote

Are people really getting to retry after getting a dialogue wrong?

I accidentally clicked on a wrong answer on the Hungarian server, and the wrong answer counted as one of my 2 actions. There's nothing visually indicating that I'll get to retry same day.
I got the first answer wrong, used my 2nd action to get it right, so I was only able to get 1 clothing piece.

Does it take time for the retry to appear?

On the first day of the event I accidentally clicked on the wrong answer on the german server and they counted it as I used both my chances. Which means I'm one day behind finishing the event. It didn't give me a chance to try again during the whole day. I also messed up one time today on the French server and it let me retry right after. So maybe it depends on the server?


#70 10/31/2021 at 05:37

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 2 826

brokenendings wrote

Are people really getting to retry after getting a dialogue wrong?

I accidentally clicked on a wrong answer on the Hungarian server, and the wrong answer counted as one of my 2 actions. There's nothing visually indicating that I'll get to retry same day.
I got the first answer wrong, used my 2nd action to get it right, so I was only able to get 1 clothing piece.

Does it take time for the retry to appear?

If you got to use the 2nd action you got the retry. The tokens are for the choice not the story part, so what happened was that you used 1 token, missed and then used the other token when you got it right.


It's been a pleasure serving in the guard with you all, but it's time for me to leave.
Hope you all have a wonderful time here in the lands of El.

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#71 10/31/2021 at 09:17

Obsidian Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 1

I don't think it's right to have the Greifmar companion in the exploration because it doesn't have a bait to catch it.

Also waiting 24 hours to get two actions for the stories is ridiculous, especially since this is a limited time event.

You should've either extended the event by a couple more days or decrease the wait time to get free action points. Some people aren't able to pay or afford to get gold coins or maana for events like these.


#72 10/31/2021 at 09:30

Shadow Guard
Golden Alchemist
Posts: 95 180

I believe that there are now baits for those companions which originally never had one. I caught a Sgarkellogy which previously was only available in the Shop. I'm sure you can find some info online as to which bait works for the Greifmar - I know of at least one person who has caught it c: good luck!

even if you’re farther away than the sky, i’ll send my heart to the clouds


#73 10/31/2021 at 11:34

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2 123

@Above ^^^
So you only get 2 actions a day. There are no "retries" people were confusing having their 2nd action left as a retry. If you get the first one wrong you can get it right with your 2nd action. If you get them both wrong you have to wait til the next day, same if you get the first one right and the 2nd one wrong.

what happened to get 3 items at a time? previously this year in exploration we could get 2 equipment and a bait/food in exploration. With exponentially more clothing items we don't get that any more? That seems unfair, considering how many more equipment items are on this map.


#74 10/31/2021 at 13:49

Obsidian Guard
Vanquished a Chicken
Posts: 661

Is it just me or are companion food items non-existent on the map?
I got a rare few baits by repeatedly going to certain places but not once did I find any of the event food anywhere on the map.


#75 10/31/2021 at 14:05

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2 123

Minah wrote

Is it just me or are companion food items non-existent on the map?
I got a rare few baits by repeatedly going to certain places but not once did I find any of the event food anywhere on the map.

It's not just you. I don't think anyone has gotten food


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