TrafalgarNeo wrote
brokenendings wrote
It's not copyright infringement if they're not making money off it. If the Loki outfit was a bank outfit that would be infringement.
And honestly, they're not even based on America, so i don't know how that affects the law either.
Though i don't personally care either way because i love loki's outfit.
Disney sure doesn't need help anyway.
Here in America it's illegal whether you make money or not. Disney, for one, is a shark when it comes to copyright infringement. They've even copyrighted their buildings.
I have no idea that was possible until I tried draw one of their buildings for one of my college illustration classes.
Though many people get away with selling artwork that features a copyrighted character, especially anime characters. In the end it really depends on who the character(s) belong to whether they take legal action or not. I believe some don't mind fans selling fan artwork as they will see it as free publicity.
You're right, in America it is. But Beemoov is in France. There's a reason sites that host bootleg movies and tv shows from America are never based in America. Legal action is more complex across borders and I won't pretend to understand international law. But I'm sure it's not the same as American.
@Saby-chan the conversation about the artists who did design the loki costume for Disney. I'm not sure how much money an employee gets from a design that Disney gets to own. I doubt there's royalties for such a thing. I assume they're salaried in the art department and maybe get a bonus if their design becomes official. But it's not the same as being commissioned and owning your design, and other people paying you each time your design is used. The faceless mouse gets to own the designs regardless of who designed it. The mouse gets paid every time it's used. It'd be nice if the designer gets royalties too but I'd be surprised if that's the case.
Honestly beemoov is such a fringe corner of the internet that isn't highly populated compared to mainstream games online, plus the fact that it's internationally based. You could report this straight to Disney and I bet nothing would happen. They're not making money off the design. When it comes to law "getting ad revune from your site" and "selling the outfit" are different. To prove infringement you have to prove that they're stealing revenue that would be Disney's and things like that (won't pretend to know all complexities) but law has to be yes or no on infringement. If it's a grey maybe, then it's not a yes.
I don't think there's any argument you can make where a world ruling billion dollar company gets my sympathy. I could understand if you were warning beemoov that the mouse might come for them because of the design. But you're making them sound like they're victimizing disney. Disney is so big it's impossible to victimize them.
Beemoov has done a lot to earn my criticism. But this is something that doesn't. Designing is hard. Rather than the higher paid disney employees who designed loki's costume, think about the likelihood of a beemoov employee who might be underpaid to produce a specific design for this website. I don't know if they commission the designs or there's someone on staff who designs them. If you ever had an art class with a project due, how often did you come up with a brilliant piece of work with universal praise and no references? I've been drawing for 30 years and I'd say the answer is 0.
Also, this is halloween. a holiday where you literally cosplay as characters you love. saying be original on halloween eliminates hundreds or thousands of costume ideas. it's boring to be: witch, demon, animal, ghost, repeat.
I feel like there's a lot of factors you're ignoring because you want an excuse to crucify beemoov more.
@Valaena, if you think that, you either forget or didn't live through 2019 halloween cuz that was the worst. this one's 10x better than it at least. both this years outfits are better than those two were, exploration was random, no fixed locations, necromancer items were gold only for color variations, and only 5 outfits were on the map.