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#101 05/25/2021 at 10:29

Shadow Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 17

TwiExMachina wrote

I think this event is really nice overall and I'm loving the event map...But I really, really don't like the duplicate ticket system.

I like being able to get outfit parts out of order because I always want the hair but that's always last, but I don't understand why you can pull duplicates.  And then no matter what you get, you always get 30 tickets, even though each items have different prices and very few of them are multiples of's just weird.  Add in the fact that you can't use the duplicate tickets to buy additional dolor variations, only to unlock outfit parts, which makes the tickets a finite resource with a ticking clock that makes it near useless...It's just a weird mechanic, I don't like it.

I was wondering about that. The duplicate tickets really don't do anything unless you're really unlucky and I think that it's unnecessary complexity. If you could use the tickets to buy colour variations that would be hype but as it currently stands it's pretty useless.


#102 05/25/2021 at 14:41

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 27

Not a fan of the duplicate tickets. They don't give you the same number of tickets it would cost to purchase the item with tickets, and if you buy stuff you are more likely to get duplicates in the future...
I've gotten 4 duplicates in a row and I'm less than halfway done gathering the outfit pieces. Plus the four duplicates only allow me to purchase one item. Not a fair trade. I think I would almost rather just get the four duplicate items instead of one new one, at least for several of the pieces.

It would be nice to get duplicates/tickets at the end of an event if we have already gotten everything else, but not before.

"It's a fire sale and everything must go..."


#103 05/25/2021 at 15:56

Obsidian Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 167

Looks like the Children's Hero belt is now available.
But I agree with others on the duplicate ticket matter.. I've gotten 5 duplicate items in a row and I would much rather get the item again in other color than 30 tickets that get me basically nothing.

Last edited by Aquaria (05/25/2021 at 15:56)


#104 05/26/2021 at 03:23

Shadow Guard
Guard Patrol
Posts: 6 861

Am I the only one getting less coins as of today? Been getting like 20 or 30 only instead of like 50 which I've gotten before. I also only get duplicate tickets as of now and I hate the system because everything is still pricey and they are not even selling the items in even numbers. How am I supposed to finish the event from now onwards?


#105 05/26/2021 at 05:30

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 2 826

marvelousends wrote

Am I the only one getting less coins as of today? Been getting like 20 or 30 only instead of like 50 which I've gotten before. I also only get duplicate tickets as of now and I hate the system because everything is still pricey and they are not even selling the items in even numbers. How am I supposed to finish the event from now onwards?

Are sending your companion to the 10-15 energy locations or the 20 energy ones. The 20 energy give more coins than the others, since you have less explorations with the same amount of total energy.


It's been a pleasure serving in the guard with you all, but it's time for me to leave.
Hope you all have a wonderful time here in the lands of El.

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My Interactive Adventure: Don't worry, I will find the best treasure...Or not...


#106 05/27/2021 at 05:43

Obsidian Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 7

We got the young purreko /static/img/forum/smilies/big_smile.png The egg is so cute!(makes sense too because I don't think purrekos can lay eggs)
I want to explore the Easter map for now so I can't hatch it but I hope it has a high amount of luck.


#107 05/27/2021 at 06:51

Obsidian Guard
Champion of the Guard
Posts: 41 533

Shabnam wrote

We got the young purreko. The egg is so cute!(makes sense too because I don't think purrekos can lay eggs)
I want to explore the Easter map for now so I can't hatch it but I hope it has a high amount of luck. call its "egg" a purrito.

I saw its features on a Hungarian help page, they wrote its luck is 280-350 as a baby, and 330-390 as an adult. I woke up (not hatched, because she was not in an egg) mine and her luck is 297 (my baby girls always have lower luck, and it's a little disappointing, but 297 is still okay). Would have loved for her to have higher luck bonus, because I'm not planning on evolving her, she's cuter as a baby, and the adult version looks more like a male than a female (and I don't think there are two different versions of them as adults).


#108 05/27/2021 at 09:16

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 1

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii /static/img/forum/smilies/smile.png

Last edited by Lawliett (05/27/2021 at 09:19)


#109 05/27/2021 at 10:51

Obsidian Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 5

The children’s nightmare outfit is *chef’s kiss* LOVELY!


#110 05/27/2021 at 14:53

Shadow Guard
The Answer to Everything
Posts: 42

The outfits look rushed and poorly thought out, more like Halloween or staying in home in ur pj's.
  As for the companions, a plushie and a kitten, the designs don't feel like easter spring.
I think it might have been better if they asked us our ideas for outfits and companions. The random items feel more like easter then the whole thing really.


#111 05/27/2021 at 20:23

Shadow Guard
Posts: 4 591

I've been getting nothing but duplicate tickets, too. So I hate them. They seem very pointless when you're trying to get every item, which I might not if this keeps up. But maybe that's the point: Annoy you until you pay money to get them.


#112 05/27/2021 at 21:27

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2 123

TrafalgarNeo wrote

I've been getting nothing but duplicate tickets, too. So I hate them. They seem very pointless when you're trying to get every item, which I might not if this keeps up. But maybe that's the point: Annoy you until you pay money to get them.
What are you talking about? The tickets literally let you get the items you haven't got yet for free. If you have so many tickets it sounds like you could unlock all remaining items, finish the event and be done with it.


#113 05/28/2021 at 03:17

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 2 826

I only need 1 ticket to finnish the event. 1.
Why do the prices have to be so random? What's wrong with the multiples of 30 or 10?

I love the illustration! It's so cute!

Last edited by NoName_NoPower (05/28/2021 at 07:16)


It's been a pleasure serving in the guard with you all, but it's time for me to leave.
Hope you all have a wonderful time here in the lands of El.

Concept Art Suggestions
My Interactive Adventure: Don't worry, I will find the best treasure...Or not...


#114 05/28/2021 at 09:57

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2 123

So apparently.... you can get 2 bait in an exploration instead of two clothing items
I got:
1 clothing item
1 cube bait
1 group of chocolate coins
1 cube bait

that's how it was how they were pictured...somehow that doesn't seem right. why would the same item be duplicated and shown separately, and not "2 cube bait"?
it takes up a slot that could've been for another clothing item


#115 05/28/2021 at 11:10

Obsidian Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 362

I didn't realize the baby Purreko in the blanket was it's egg until now, and its stages really nail in that it's not technically a companion in the conventional sense. I like it.

Eternal Blobby Fan and Zemyx aficionado.


#116 05/29/2021 at 13:59

Shadow Guard
Sylph Sidekick
Posts: 967

I too hate the ticket system immensely!!! I pretty much have only been getting duplicates but despite 'all those tickets' they're still not enough to cover both the items I still need... orz

It's not like I can explore more to solve this problem either because the more you explore the less chocolate coins you get.

They should rather have just made it a system of trading one duplicate item for one you don't already have...

Last edited by Klee (05/29/2021 at 13:59)


#117 05/29/2021 at 14:25

Absynthe Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 5

Hello. I have all the outfits collected. But the dialog for getting the poster does not open. What to do?


#118 05/29/2021 at 14:47

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2 123

Nishe wrote

Hello. I have all the outfits collected. But the dialog for getting the poster does not open. What to do?
click on the easter link at the top of the page next to episodes, or refresh the easter page


#119 05/29/2021 at 14:52

Absynthe Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 5

brokenendings wrote

click on the easter link at the top of the page next to episodes, or refresh the easter page

Have tried it. Does not help.

By the way, even the familiar is not displayed on the character page. Tell me how to solve this?


#120 05/29/2021 at 15:03

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 2 826

Nishe wrote

brokenendings wrote

click on the easter link at the top of the page next to episodes, or refresh the easter page

Have tried it. Does not help.

By the way, even the familiar is not displayed on the character page. Tell me how to solve this?
Send a support ticket, it's the only thing you can do.


It's been a pleasure serving in the guard with you all, but it's time for me to leave.
Hope you all have a wonderful time here in the lands of El.

Concept Art Suggestions
My Interactive Adventure: Don't worry, I will find the best treasure...Or not...


#121 05/29/2021 at 16:58

Obsidian Guard
Champion of the Guard
Posts: 41 533's funny how I noticed how cute the little Purreko with the Ploomshu in the picture on the main page is only on the last day of the event.
It's like the Ploomshu is their plushie elephant, it's adorable.
The food of the little Purreko is also very cute. I didn't know what it was at first, but then I noticed and how cute it looked. I already woke up my little purrito on this server the day we got them (I'm a horrible mother, I didn't let the little baby sleep), but I have to wait three days for my companion on my Hungarian account to evolve, and I'll wake up my little purrito there as well. I'm not planning on evolving either of them because they are a lot cuter as babies. I might change my mind in the future, but for now, I stick to the babies.

I liked the event itself. I haven't played many yet, because I only registered last fall, but this exploration based gameplay seems good to me, I like it. I hope there will be more events like this in the future (minus the duplicate tickets).

As for the outfits, I managed to make peace with them (although, I didn't have huge problems with them to begin with). In time, I might find other ways to include the elements of them into my outfits. Introducing a new style to the outfits has to start somewhere, and we'll have an easier time using the new pieces if the outfits in the future have similar styles. If this is only the start, I'm curious to see what they cook up next.

Last edited by Amaelia (05/29/2021 at 16:59)


#122 05/29/2021 at 19:05

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 139

The event is already over an other server and I was 1 item away from finishing it. Seems like my Ciralak with 343 luck just wasn't good enough with all those energy potions I used for extra explorations.

Meanwhile, on this server, I also own a Ciralak, but with 321 luck. I have too many leftover tickets and used energy potions only twice.

Yes, the ticket system sucks, and it's dumb you have to spend real money if you get unlucky and can't afford the last item. (Also my last explorations bugged out on the other server and didn't receive anything from it. Not that it matters, cause I only had 5 chocolate coins leftover, impossible to get 95 from an exploration, but still an annoying bug.)


#123 05/30/2021 at 00:57

Obsidian Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 167

I guess this event proves how bad my luck really is :/
I didn't manage to get all the pieces (two missing) even with 160 energy companion while fully exploring every day (plus few potions)
Although I don't really mind missing few clothes, I would have loved the illustration since it was really nice this year.
The exploration map really saved this event for me though ^^


#124 05/30/2021 at 01:33

Absynthe Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 4

Hi, did anyone else's companion get stuck exploring in the Easter event map? I'm not sure who I should contact about this issue. My companion is busy exploring in the Easter event map but I can't end the exploration because the event ended.


#125 05/30/2021 at 02:15

Shadow Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 214

Event was overall kinda meh. I missed one outfit piece so I didn't get the Illustration which makes the whole thing feel rather pointless.

The ticket system was idiotic and pointless. There was no reason to make pulling duplicates even possible and it just felt like a cheap excuse to drag out the Event. Would have been perfectly fine if they just let us use the Chocolates to collect new pieces.

But it's a whatever, this whole Event felt lazy anyway with the horrible quality of the outfits. Only the Companions were really worth it.


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