I don't get why they cut this event short like that, it makes no sense. They knew about the event and a new era for long enough to time this better.
Next to that, why are the backgrounds from last year so "expensive" (300 Maana)? Weren't the last years summer event BGs around 150 Maana this year?
There are no backgrounds this year so I think it would be nice to at least get the older ones for less. I also wonder why they did not include all previous halloween event items in the shop, but I guess they'll make a seperate one anyway.
#51 10/27/2020 at 16:15
#52 10/27/2020 at 16:29
Where's the old outfits? I wanted to buy the succubus wings in different color : ((
Or maybe you can find them through exploration?
Last edited by cursedcure (10/27/2020 at 16:46)
#53 10/27/2020 at 16:32
cursedcure wrote
Where's the old outfits? I wanted to buy the succubus wings in different color(
Or maybe you can find them through exploration?
Only the clothing items from this year and last year are made available after complaints about a super cluttered map in like 2018.
#54 10/27/2020 at 16:43
Saby-chan wrote
Is it just me or Beemove have really reached another level of lowness and unoriginality by plagiarising the design of an actual licensed PC game character? If you wonder which one I'm referring to, I'm talking about Dark Souls. Demonika outfit looks almost identical to Aldrich the Devourer of Gods' design, with a slight differences of color choices and one or two additional twecks here and there in a poor attempt of hiding the resemblence.
I wouldn't call it plagiarism, they look like two different concepts. I've also seen many people designing their character's with a halo crown and some hiding the eyes to give out a god/goddess feeling. The clothing looks nothing alike in my opinion.
I'm guessing they're deleting your post to not start a riot that can harm them? Still nice of you to reach out and protect the artist, only in this case it's a misunderstanding as how I see it

Last edited by cursedcure (10/27/2020 at 17:54)
#55 10/27/2020 at 19:03
But I'm glad that it's just exploration stuff for this year's Halloween event.

#56 10/27/2020 at 19:05
Not really sure how to feel about this event. It's cool that it's relatively low maintenance, but it would've at least been nice if it started on the weekend so I'm not scrambling to do my exploration after work everyday. A few more days would've been much more ideal, I think.
The bank outfit is pretty, but the mermaid one doesn't seem cohesive. I really love the doll outfit, but drop rates for it are pretty low so far. I'm not feeling confident about finding the color variations I like without using the market instead.
All the same, thanks, I guess.
#57 10/27/2020 at 19:38
Valkyarie wrote
Teyutzz wrote
marvelousends wrote
Those of you who has found pieces from the rag doll outfit, where did you send your companion? I've only found pieces from the mermaid outfit and the eyes of the rag doll one.
I found the wig at the "l" ,the teddy bear in the forest right nex to it and the trousers at the "".@Teyutzz
We're not allowed to disclose item locations on the forum. We can only do it if someone asks in Private Message. ^^'
Sorry! I didn't know this. I'm going to delete that comment ^^
#58 10/27/2020 at 19:42
Cailin wrote
I don't get why they cut this event short like that, it makes no sense. They knew about the event and a new era for long enough to time this better.
Next to that, why are the backgrounds from last year so "expensive" (300 Maana)? Weren't the last years summer event BGs around 150 Maana this year?
There are no backgrounds this year so I think it would be nice to at least get the older ones for less. I also wonder why they did not include all previous halloween event items in the shop, but I guess they'll make a seperate one anyway.
You can find the backgrounds in exploration at least. Last year we could not find them in exploration. If I'd known they'd be available this year by exploring I wouldn't have wasted maana on it last year.
And starting in 2019 exploration events, they stopped making all past items available. Christmas 2018 was the last time you could purchase any items from all past events.
I don't know if you noticed but they made that "special boutique" which is suppose to appear like the purro pass shop but has only appeared twice, the first day they announced it and then during the summer event where it messed with being able to access the summer event that day. They intend to sell a single old item for gold coins only each time the shop appears. If you could wait for the time of year for the shop and buy them then, then it wouldn't push people to buy at the shop.
They did say after the shop appeared the second time that they'd take our comments into consideration. Maybe they'll make the items available for maana too...
So if there's any 2019 items you want that are in the shop, buy them now because we won't be able to buy them in the 2021 halloween shop.
cursedcure wrote
Where's the old outfits? I wanted to buy the succubus wings in different color : ((
Or maybe you can find them through exploration?
Your only chance of getting more succubus wings is to post which ones you want in the wishlist thread. Someone who has them might be willing to sell them to you if you're willing to pay a certain amount.
Maybe one day they'll appear in the special boutique that's only appeared twice, but if they do appear they might only be for gold coins.
Last edited by brokenendings (10/27/2020 at 19:45)
#59 10/27/2020 at 19:50
Where can you find the Bhemoth?
#60 10/28/2020 at 00:42
Andromeda970 wrote
Where can you find the Bhemoth?
you're not allowed to post where items are but you can easily find it on the eldarya wiki.
Falling Down The Rabbit Hole Again
#61 10/28/2020 at 08:29
cursedcure wrote
Saby-chan wrote
Is it just me or Beemove have really reached another level of lowness and unoriginality by plagiarising the design of an actual licensed PC game character? If you wonder which one I'm referring to, I'm talking about Dark Souls. Demonika outfit looks almost identical to Aldrich the Devourer of Gods' design, with a slight differences of color choices and one or two additional twecks here and there in a poor attempt of hiding the resemblence.
I wouldn't call it plagiarism, they look like two different concepts. I've also seen many people designing their character's with a halo crown and some hiding the eyes to give out a god/goddess feeling. The clothing looks nothing alike in my opinion.
I'm guessing they're deleting your post to not start a riot that can harm them? Still nice of you to reach out and protect the artist, only in this case it's a misunderstanding as how I see it
They aren't dumb to actually copy paste a whole outfit from a different character design, but even so, referencing someone else's work and then calling your piece "an unique and original" design then selling it is still immoral and based on the level of referencing it can still be categorized as theft or plagiarism.
I did receive a message from them (which was kind of surprising and nice on their behalf to adress the situation civilized) in which they did in fact admit that in order to create their works, they use references (which kind of references they did not specify, but the key word that is important to retain is the word "reference"), but at the same time defended themselves by saying that other artists and game content creators use referencing as well and that they as a company (Beemove) try to stay away from referencing or connecting with any preexisting and licensed stuff (or at least that's what I could gather from their phrasing because there's a very confusing part in which they do admit using references, but in the next phrase they claim that they try distancing and avoiding these references in their designs).
Yet the thing that bugs me a ton is this inconsistency in what they claim doing and what they've done in the past. Last year's MCL Halloween event stared two outfits that were heavily referenced off of licensed and preexisting shows and/or characters. Also, again concerning MCL, they've done a lot of "easter egg" references to old gaming media in the HSL life episodes and illustration art: an example being a reference to the game 'Alice: Madness Returns' (episode 20 or 21, with the play, we can see Armin talking about a character of this game) and the most noticeable instance of heavy referencing in their art is with the AnimeExpo French exclusive special from 2014 or smth like that, in which almost all illustrations starred the LIs dressed as famous characters, one of which, coincidence or not is the MC of the Assassin Creed games, who's outfit is worn again by Armin the game connaisseur and is a game that came out and was popular around the same time as the Dark Souls franchise (the game from which I presume they referenced the Demonika outfit). So it's clear that in the game team, Beemove has (presumebly) an artist and writer that's really passionate of dark fantasy games and shows and might want (or even does) showcase references to them trough their art for Beemove's games.
So it's obvious that in fact, Beemove does take inspiration and references certain popular media for creating their game content, despite them swearing that they'd never take inspiration from other companies.
Another thing that adds up to my displeasure in their dishonesty is their most recent game, Moonlight Lovers, which everyone knows by now is a rip off of the Japanese Otome Diabolik Lovers. So it adds yet another +1 point for the instances Beemove took heavy referencing and inspiration from other licensed media for their games.
I wouldn't be so irked and bothered by all this if these 2 examples (MCL's JapanExpo special for the French servers which was explusive to purchase only stuff and the ML game) weren't made for paying real money on the content. The other two examples of references, aka Armin's line in ep 20-21 and last years Halloween outfits are okay-ish so to speak because they were free content that everyone could gain access to. Tho I still strongly believe that Beemove shouldn't do such things at all because using other ppl's property without asking permission is still bad, even if you distribute the referenced stuff for free.
The only acceptable references to other media are small easter eggs that involve visual content only and not the straight out specification and naming of the real thing, like they did with Armin who literally gave it away who the heck was the character he was talking about and their exact name. (Felt adding this since some ppl might argue that popular shows do references too to other licensed media, yes, but they only use something visual for a short sequence within their show.)
And like others said before, the fact that they deleted my comment and locked the thread after I reposted it is NOT OKAY. Even if they disagree with my statement and I might be wrong, censoring me is NOT OKAY! We should be allowed to express freely our concernes regarding whatever bothers us in the slightest and we shouldn't be shushed for it! My comment hadn't the purpose of flooding or causing a riot, I just wanted to bring awareness that referencing others' work and selling the referenced product as your own original content is wrong and we shouldn't support such behavior, that is all. People are free to weather agree or disagree with me and I respect that, but being forcefully muted by the company is plain wrong!
Last edited by Saby-chan (10/28/2020 at 08:53)

#62 10/28/2020 at 08:44
~Queen only of dust and bones~
#63 10/28/2020 at 09:05
Does someone know where I can find the color variations of the Rag Doll outfit? Link please Thank you!

#64 10/28/2020 at 09:08
Skel Mermaid: This outfit is pretty cool. While I'm not a fan of it, the "skin" or lack thereof is pretty awesome!
Daemonika: Why does this remind me of Daemon x Erica? Are they saying something about New Era? Anyway, this is pretty and simple. Just like that. I love it. Best out of the three, typical for it to he behind paywall, but I don't mind.
Overall, I think this event's outfits are unique and well put together, and I can't wait until next event!
#65 10/28/2020 at 09:25
Thanks for the event.
I have to say, personally I'm sick of exploration events, especially now we have to pay to sell items at the market, because I'm guaranteed to get loads of stuff I don't want and have to try and get rid of.
I'm not that keen on the outfits this year, bits of them are ok, but it's the first time I haven't felt really tempted by the bank outfit.
I'd rather have an event like MCL's Halloween one this year, it's been enjoyable and realistically achievable.
#66 10/28/2020 at 09:36
Unless you want the maana, you could always just put the items in the "attic" and forget they exist. That's what I do with items I know I'll never use. ^^'
#67 10/28/2020 at 10:35
Saby-chan wrote
I did receive a message from them (which was kind of surprising and nice on their behalf to adress the situation civilized) in which they did in fact admit that in order to create their works, they use references (which kind of references they did not specify, but the key word that is important to retain is the word "reference"), but at the same time defended themselves by saying that other artists and game content creators use referencing as well and that they as a company (Beemove) try to stay away from referencing or connecting with any preexisting and licensed stuff (or at least that's what I could gather from their phrasing because there's a very confusing part in which they do admit using references, but in the next phrase they claim that they try distancing and avoiding these references in their designs)
I am also surprised someone reached out to you. I still think its a little weird that this exact, unique monster was referenced conveniently when this character design is sweeping the internet in popularity (largely because of the Moonlight Jewel Halloween project from this year which was inspired by the same Dark Souls character: Aldrich - Devourer of Gods). When it is such a unique monster design at a high point in popularity...you have to be so careful what kind of inspiration you take with your references. ESPECIALLY if you then turn around and profit from it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k1zu4CNiVE
But at the end of the day I'm most bothered by the way your comment was deleted. It's sketchy and it doesn't sound like they acknowledged that in their private comment to you.
Last edited by KumiSasoriza (10/28/2020 at 11:50)
#68 10/28/2020 at 12:35
Aronis wrote
Does someone know where I can find the color variations of the Rag Doll outfit? Link pleaseThank you!
Here you go


#69 10/28/2020 at 14:10
Saby-chan wrote
They aren't dumb to actually copy paste a whole outfit from a different character design, but even so, referencing someone else's work and then calling your piece "an unique and original" design then selling it is still immoral and based on the level of referencing it can still be categorized as theft or plagiarism.
I'm one of the last people to defend beemoov on stuff like this as I know they've traced background for MCL before, however!!!! If an artists uses multiple references for an outfit, pose ect They don't really have to credit/ mention that. Since they mixed and matched multiple inspirations, they created their own original work. That's literally how art works these day. Nothing is original because everything is copied a bit from everyone, that's how the art world is. Unless they only used this outfit as reference or straight up copied it, they don't owe anyone any credit.
Even with the reference for the outfit you provided, I even think it's quite a reach??? Other than maybe a bit of the silhouette, I really don't see the resemblance.
Demonika has a wand, your reference has a spear.
Demonika has a halo like crown with two horns and is decorated with roses, your reference has 5 horns.
Demonika wears a bra like top, your reference wears a cloak.
Demonika wears a sleek skirt with the spine of a fish, a spider and roses, your reference has, from what you have explained, a dark mass.
If anything, fashion styles like the Demonika outfit has been really popular online regarding god and demon-like characters. I think it's more likely the they got inspired by that than this exact character. As I mentioned before, I think the overal silhouette might look a bit like it, I personally think it's a big reach and a pretty heavy accusation.
Since you didn't provide a character's name, I couldn't look into the design more, but if you have other pics that you show the resemblance you see better feel free the share them.
#70 10/28/2020 at 14:27
KumiSasoriza wrote
Saby-chan wrote
I did receive a message from them (which was kind of surprising and nice on their behalf to adress the situation civilized) in which they did in fact admit that in order to create their works, they use references (which kind of references they did not specify, but the key word that is important to retain is the word "reference"), but at the same time defended themselves by saying that other artists and game content creators use referencing as well and that they as a company (Beemove) try to stay away from referencing or connecting with any preexisting and licensed stuff (or at least that's what I could gather from their phrasing because there's a very confusing part in which they do admit using references, but in the next phrase they claim that they try distancing and avoiding these references in their designs)
I am also surprised someone reached out to you. I still think its a little weird that this exact, unique monster was referenced conveniently when this character design is sweeping the internet in popularity (largely because of the Moonlight Jewel Halloween project from this year which was inspired by the same Dark Souls character: Aldrich - Devourer of Gods). When it is such a unique monster design at a high point in popularity...you have to be so careful what kind of inspiration you take with your references. ESPECIALLY if you then turn around and profit from it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k1zu4CNiVE
But at the end of the day I'm most bothered by the way your comment was deleted. It's sketchy and it doesn't sound like they acknowledged that in their private comment to you.
Yeah, true, that's how I came to know about this character: I saw MoonlightJewel's video in my recommendations and the unique design of that game villain intrigued me as well: a balanced creepy, yet beautiful monster. That's why when I first saw the design of Demonika I just couldn't brush off the feeling of Deja Vu, which was weird to me since both RagDoll and Skeleton Mermaid didn't awaken the same feeling despite the concepts of possessed doll and corpse mermaid being such an overused trope in Halloween monsters.
Then I remembered about the doll making video I saw during the weekend and decided to go back to it and the rest is history. I guess what triggered my Deja Vu (like I mentioned in my original post what I see similar between Aldrich's and Demonika's design) was Beemove's odd choice of using that specific shape of metal mask and adding horn extensions to it, the boney staff with the weapon part engulfed in purple flames despite that detail not making any sense whatsoever since none of the other pieces have purple incorporated into them and the odd choice of having the bottom half of the monster design be like a cluster of black mass that doesn't end in feet, but keeps on going either into a tail shape behind the character or just melts into bits that extend on the ground, with the front part decorated with skeleton bits and pieces that resemble flesh bits (they could be also flowers, but that random undetailed design and that deep red makes it even harder to tell), and given Beemove's past of instances of heavily referencing popular media it looked like a ol' big red flag.
I guess it could also be just a very unfortunate coincidence for Beemove that it happened to be this very Halloween that a well known Dollmaker tackled a game character's design very similar to their bank outfit for this year, but it doesn't justify their recent actions. They could've just sent me that message of clarifications in the first place and not make things look even more fishier than they already were on their part.
Last edited by Saby-chan (10/28/2020 at 14:33)

#71 10/28/2020 at 14:48
I found the white Rag Doll dress today, but thats it. I guess whats what happens when I have super good luck Day 1 and find the majority of the items I want lol.
#72 10/28/2020 at 15:17
Valkyarie wrote
I found the white Rag Doll dress today, but thats it. I guess whats what happens when I have super good luck Day 1 and find the majority of the items I want lol.
Yeah, unfortunately the more items you get the less lucky you get. I also wish it was possible to get two of the same thing at a location at the same time. There's so many colors of hair and skins, but you can only get one every time, and sometimes you still get none.
#73 10/28/2020 at 15:18
Valkyarie wrote
I think this is getting a little off topic.
I found the white Rag Doll dress today, but thats it. I guess whats what happens when I have super good luck Day 1 and find the majority of the items I want lol.
You could try refreshing the cookies? I usually try that when my items drop rate drops significantly and afterwards it goes back to normal.

#74 10/29/2020 at 12:14
This is great but I realized certain areas have certain items.
Like you mainly get the skel mermaid skins while at the you get the hair.
#75 10/29/2020 at 12:34
@FireRose123 We aren't supposed to talk about item locations in the forum- it counts as spoilers. However, yes, they are usually location-specific.