I think that this Halloween event is pretty 'meh' for several reasons, although I can say it is 100x better than the previous event.
Once again I am disappointed by the lack of clothing on the map. In past events five new clothes were created (with one being gc only) and could be found with the map along with past events clothing. I feel like Beemoov should have either created more outfits or added at least one or two more clothes from past events (not including the one from last year) especially since we can't find the past events clothing in the shop.
Rag Doll
I really like this outfit! I love the eyes, skin, dress, atmosphere, and the teddy bear.
Skel Mermaid
I'm pretty disappointed in this outfit as we already have three other mermaid outfits and this marks the fourth! I am getting tired of all the mermaid outfits; there are so many different mythical creatures to be inspired by and yet they always come back to the mermaid. I do like the hair and the makeup but I'm not a huge fan of the skin, I feel like I would have liked it more if they had designed something kinda like the Siren seen in the book series Avalon: Web of Magic. I also think there is way too much different skins which makes it difficult to get the one you want, keep the different skin tones but have less colors.

DaemonikaNormally I'm fine with bank outfits, but the fact that it is clear that Beemoov spent more time on this outfit than any of the others irritates me. Most of the time the bank outfits are on par with the other outfits that they release, but this outfit makes the others look lazy.
CompanionsI really like the Bhemoth companion but I don't care much for the Pirnomnom. I probably won't go out of my way to get them but I'll catch them if I come across them.
The Map1.) I am so glad to have the map focused Halloween event back.
2.) I'm happy to see the outfits not randomized and have their own location which makes it easier for me to pick and chose the items that I want.
3.) Bait is on the map so that is good.
4.) The drop rate seems pretty good (although I'll have to see how good as the event goes on.)
LengthThis is something I am really disappointed in; usually the Halloween event would last almost 2 weeks, but only being six days is horrendous. At least make it nine days. Funny how Beemoov says it's to have more time to make New Era, but I'm pretty sure people would be fine if it got delayed at bit to have a better Halloween event (especially since the reaction of New Era has been negative, and rightfully so).
OverallAs I stated, I don't dislike the event but I don't love it either. It is clear that Beemoov did not spend much time on the event and it shows in a lot of aspects. The length of time of the event is not great, the lack of outfits is disappointing, and the fact that the bank outfit is higher quality than the other two outfits makes the other outfits look lazy. I am happy that it is not like the horrible Halloween event from last year and I hope they continue that trend with the next Halloween/Christmas events to come, but this Halloween event of 2020 has been lackluster.
Something else that I would like to address is that I think it is highly inappropriate to delete/censor someone's post about possible plagiarism; even if people think it doesn't look like it is plagiarized, the post should still be allowed up and allow for the players to decide whether or not they think Beemoov plagiarized designs (or Beemoov could use their communication that they bragged about to address it themselves). Deleting the post makes it look like Beemoov is guilty as it doesn't break any rules as far as I can tell. What is ironic is that they will remove the post and close the topic of the board when someone is concerned about Beemoov plagiarizing something but not remove inflammatory comments on another topic saying the person is being "toxic" for bringing up their concern.
Edit: I will not be discussing my comment I made about plagiarizing because I don't want the topic to be flooded with this topic. If you want to talk with me, please PM me and I'll be happy to discuss it with you.
Last edited by CottonCandy (10/27/2020 at 15:12)