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#26 10/26/2020 at 08:59

Shadow Guard
Posts: 67

Really amazing outfits and I don't mind one bit about having the exploration~ I love it!! But Beemov could've fixed up something cool to go with it like they normally did but it seems they were too busy with whatever.


Still a nice treat to go along with our tricks~

☉∪☉ I Watch You While You Sleep ☉∪☉


#27 10/26/2020 at 09:02

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 2 826

cadibug34 wrote

Really amazing outfits and I don't mind one bit about having the exploration~ I love it!! But Beemov could've fixed up something cool to go with it like they normally did but it seems they were too busy with whatever.


Still a nice treat to go along with our tricks~

The normal thing for Halloween and Xmas is only exploration. Last year was a weird one with those mini stories and the random maps.


It's been a pleasure serving in the guard with you all, but it's time for me to leave.
Hope you all have a wonderful time here in the lands of El.

Concept Art Suggestions
My Interactive Adventure: Don't worry, I will find the best treasure...Or not...


#28 10/26/2020 at 09:09

Absynthe Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 4

I just got a bhemoth it's so cute I love it


#29 10/26/2020 at 09:41

Obsidian Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 1

Halloween is usually always my favorite event on here (don't get me wrong, I still enjoy all the others) but I always look forward to these outfits/costumes the most!

Thank you for the event and happy spooky season everyone! :)

Last edited by Chanpi (10/26/2020 at 09:41)


#30 10/26/2020 at 09:42

Shadow Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 21

I'm so happy to see this map making a return with fabulous outfits!  Really glad there isn't a separate story-based event.  WELL DONE!


#31 10/26/2020 at 10:09

Shadow Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 207

The Bhemoth companion is adorable! I hope I find an egg ^_^

ღ ❀ ℓιησα ❀ ღ


#32 10/26/2020 at 10:10

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 16

Time to get spooky!

Edited 10/27: I'm very upset that we can't find any of the pieces from 2017-18. I was really hoping to get more Evil Succubus and Wolf Druid pieces this year, but t'would seem that's not going to happen.

Last edited by Mythil (10/27/2020 at 20:19)


#33 10/26/2020 at 10:12

Obsidian Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 1

Cool /static/img/forum/smilies/smile.png


#34 10/26/2020 at 11:28

Shadow Guard
Guard Patrol
Posts: 6 861

Those of you who has found pieces from the rag doll outfit, where did you send your companion? I've only found pieces from the mermaid outfit and the eyes of the rag doll one.


#35 10/26/2020 at 11:39

Shadow Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 223

I love this Halloween event! The clothes have a wonderfully spooky aesthetic and the skins are a great addition to our wardrobe because they're on the more monstrous and creepy side! Also, the Behmoth companion is ADORABLE!

Thank you, team, for planning an exploration event for us. I think most players (myself included) love the map explorations and hope it returns for Christmas, too. I'm so relieved to have a 'normal' Halloween back on Eldarya. Thank you for preparing an exploration event amidst preparing for A New Era!

I'm on the hunt for cheap event items! If you have unwanted items that are taking up space in your inventory that you want to sell, let me know!


#36 10/26/2020 at 11:49

Shadow Guard
Posts: 41

Sweet lovely event!!!!!
The outfits!!!
The outfits!!!!
The outfits!!!

Thank you Beemoov and Eldarya team!!!

Love this event!

Live life and have fun /static/img/forum/smilies/big_smile.png


#37 10/26/2020 at 12:04

Absynthe Guard
Alchemy Apprentice
Posts: 16 762

So glad it's a map this year and, to Beemov's credit, they finally did something right and made the drop rates pretty good, and thumbs up for that!

The outfits themselves aren't spectacular overall in my opinion, though some of the individual items are quite nice.

I REALLY wish that the Game Team would bring back some of the OLDER Halloween items from 2018 or 2017 or even 2016, just so that we have a variety of things to look for on the maps. There are certain old items that I'd really like to have in other colours but I don't think I ever will since they're only giving us items from 1 year back to choose from. /static/img/forum/smilies/sad.png

Still though, from what HAS been done this year so far, it's looking pretty good, and, again, it's GREAT that we finally have an exploration-based event again.

Fingers crossed that they'll keep this up for the Christmas Event as well--and make the Christmas Event longer, by the way. /static/img/forum/smilies/smile.png


#38 10/26/2020 at 12:08

Shadow Guard
Posts: 117

Is it just me or Beemove have really reached another level of lowness and unoriginality by plagiarising the design of an actual licensed PC game character? If you wonder which one I'm referring to, I'm talking about Dark Souls. Demonika outfit looks almost identical to Aldrich the Devourer of Gods' design, with a slight differences of color choices and one or two additional twecks here and there in a poor attempt of hiding the resemblence.
I'll put the pictures for a better comparison:

Aldrich's design:

Demonika's design:

1. The crown/mask: While Demonika's head piece might not be gold, it certainly is a skull shaped helmet that covers the eyes and has horns to it.
2.The lower half body: Demonika's skirt is awfully similar to a black mass that goes even beyond her legs just like a tail, has bones incorporated to it and the red bits around the feet are similar to fresh flesh, an odd resemblence to Aldrich's lower body that is a black mass of gooey flesh that's gathered in a tail shape (I've seen renditions of pictures and even a doll made after the character that showcase the exposed flesh parts as a deep red that blends in with the black mass) and the front part is decorated with skeleton bits of his victims.
3.The weapon: Maybe the most significant of the details that give it away because both have a boney staff that has the tip engulfed in purple light/fire. Even if Demonika's weapon is not a schyte, I've seen figure renditions of Aldrich that showcase his weapon as a sharp pointy sphere instead of the usual schyte.

I am just disgusted at this point of this company! It's one thing paying homage to a classic by creating a referenced piece to its characters and distributing it for free like they did with MCL's free outfits last year that referenced GOT and DC comics, and a whole nother thing making money off of someone elses's original work! Please do not give them money for this, such behavior should not be encouraged nor supported!

EDIT: I am more suspicious now and enclined to think that I'm right because Beemove deleted this post shortly after I posted it, but I won't shut up!I'll repost this as many times as needed be because their illegalities must be stopped!

Last edited by Saby-chan (10/26/2020 at 12:12)


#39 10/27/2020 at 05:34

Shadow Guard
Guard Patrol
Posts: 6 861

The topic is finally open again, I'm wondering if they sorted out their problem tho. But I'm happy I could share my thoughts on this topic now at least.


#40 10/27/2020 at 09:01

Shadow Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 21

Yeah no this whole situation is unacceptable. To me it makes a big difference that the Demonika is the purchased event outfit.  Wouldn't care at all if it was one of the exploration ones.  But more than anything it is unacceptable to delete someone's comment pointing it out and then closing the topic.  Glad it's re-opened but I really want to see Beemoov actually make a statement about this.

Last edited by KumiSasoriza (10/27/2020 at 09:17)


#41 10/27/2020 at 09:05

Shadow Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 254

My take on this is that I'm slightly suspicious, but in my opinion it's not similar enough to have me totally convinced that they copied off of that first design.




#42 10/27/2020 at 09:15

Shadow Guard
Guard Patrol
Posts: 5 979

Teyutzz wrote

marvelousends wrote

Those of you who has found pieces from the rag doll outfit, where did you send your companion? I've only found pieces from the mermaid outfit and the eyes of the rag doll one.

I found the wig at the "l" ,the teddy bear in the forest right nex to it and the trousers at the "".

We're not allowed to disclose item locations on the forum. We can only do it if someone asks in Private Message. ^^'


#43 10/27/2020 at 09:53

Shadow Guard
Guard Patrol
Posts: 6 861

Teyutzz wrote

marvelousends wrote

Those of you who has found pieces from the rag doll outfit, where did you send your companion? I've only found pieces from the mermaid outfit and the eyes of the rag doll one.

I found the wig at the "" ,the teddy bear in the forest right nex to it and the trousers at the "".

I found a helpful guide on tumblr right after I asked my question, thanks anyways.


#44 10/27/2020 at 10:59

Shadow Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 214

Guess I'll leave a quick comment now.

IDK why Beemoov is so incapable of making a good Event. When it's not flat out bad, it's just lazy.

Only 5 days? Why? We have no dialogue choices, no Illustration; what is the point of pressuring players into finishing in 5 days for an Exploration only Event? We could have 10 days for this and nothing would change because there's nothing to collect here. We literally just click a button, why is this the Event Beemoov decides to limit?

It's mad lame they're using A New Era as an excuse for this half @ssed event. They couldn't even make an Event Page that shows what we've already collected? Did they make this Event in 2 days or something?

I just don't understand how even when we don't have any stupid minigames to worry about or P2W Companions/Outfits needed to complete the Event, it's STILL lackluster. You literally can't ruin an Exploration Event and they still did.

Last edited by Maoyui (10/27/2020 at 11:00)


#45 10/27/2020 at 11:16

Shadow Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 265

I think that this Halloween event is pretty 'meh' for several reasons, although I can say it is 100x better than the previous event.

Once again I am disappointed by the lack of clothing on the map. In past events five new clothes were created (with one being gc only) and could be found with the map along with past events clothing. I feel like Beemoov should have either created more outfits or added at least one or two more clothes from past events (not including the one from last year) especially since we can't find the past events clothing in the shop.

Rag Doll
I really like this outfit! I love the eyes, skin, dress, atmosphere, and the teddy bear.

Skel Mermaid
I'm pretty disappointed in this outfit as we already have three other mermaid outfits and this marks the fourth! I am getting tired of all the mermaid outfits; there are so many different mythical creatures to be inspired by and yet they always come back to the mermaid. I do like the hair and the makeup but I'm not a huge fan of the skin, I feel like I would have liked it more if they had designed something kinda like the Siren seen in the book series Avalon: Web of Magic. I also think there is way too much different skins which makes it difficult to get the one you want, keep the different skin tones but have less colors.


Normally I'm fine with bank outfits, but the fact that it is clear that Beemoov spent more time on this outfit than any of the others irritates me. Most of the time the bank outfits are on par with the other outfits that they release, but this outfit makes the others look lazy.

I really like the Bhemoth companion but I don't care much for the Pirnomnom. I probably won't go out of my way to get them but I'll catch them if I come across them.

The Map
1.) I am so glad to have the map focused Halloween event back.
2.) I'm happy to see the outfits not randomized and have their own location which makes it easier for me to pick and chose the items that I want.
3.) Bait is on the map so that is good.
4.) The drop rate seems pretty good (although I'll have to see how good as the event goes on.)

This is something I am really disappointed in; usually the Halloween event would last almost 2 weeks, but only being six days is horrendous. At least make it nine days. Funny how Beemoov says it's to have more time to make New Era, but I'm pretty sure people would be fine if it got delayed at bit to have a better Halloween event (especially since the reaction of New Era has been negative, and rightfully so).

As I stated, I don't dislike the event but I don't love it either. It is clear that Beemoov did not spend much time on the event and it shows in a lot of aspects. The length of time of the event is not great, the lack of outfits is disappointing, and the fact that the bank outfit is higher quality than the other two outfits makes the other outfits look lazy. I am happy that it is not like the horrible Halloween event from last year and I hope they continue that trend with the next Halloween/Christmas events to come, but this Halloween event of 2020 has been lackluster.

Something else that I would like to address is that I think it is highly inappropriate to delete/censor someone's post about possible plagiarism; even if people think it doesn't look like it is plagiarized, the post should still be allowed up and allow for the players to decide whether or not they think Beemoov plagiarized designs (or Beemoov could use their communication that they bragged about to address it themselves). Deleting the post makes it look like Beemoov is guilty as it doesn't break any rules as far as I can tell. What is ironic is that they will remove the post and close the topic of the board when someone is concerned about Beemoov plagiarizing something but not remove inflammatory comments on another topic saying the person is being "toxic" for bringing up their concern.

Edit: I will not be discussing my comment I made about plagiarizing because I don't want the topic to be flooded with this topic. If you want to talk with me, please PM me and I'll be happy to discuss it with you.

Last edited by CottonCandy (10/27/2020 at 15:12)


#46 10/27/2020 at 12:29

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2 123

KumiSasoriza wrote

Yeah no this whole situation is unacceptable. To me it makes a big difference that the Demonika is the purchased event outfit.  Wouldn't care at all if it was one of the exploration ones.  But more than anything it is unacceptable to delete someone's comment pointing it out and then closing the topic.  Glad it's re-opened but I really want to see Beemoov actually make a statement about this.

Your comment confuses me

The person who was the reason the topic closed threatened to keep reposting, which counts as spam. It's against the rules to spam the forum. For the music event it was different. The clothing items looked identical to art someone provided. The comparison this person makes is like comparing the movies Finding Nemo to Shark Tale. They're similar sure. Similar theme, but nothing is outright duplicated.

And even if it was duplicated exactly like it was for the music event? It's not against the law if the design isn't copyrighted. Immoral? Sure. But it's not illegal. But that was the music event. This is the halloween event and someone threatened a crusade in regards to art that barely resembles an event outfit. The fact that the topic reopened can only mean the mods sated this person in private.

Also? Beemoov doesn't need to say anything. They don't run the forums. The mods do. Mods are players who are volunteers. It's their responsibility to maintain topics, and prevent spam. They have rules to follow and can delete posts for any number of reasons that they don't have to share with us.

Closing the forum was to maintain order. Order was maintained so the mods reopened the thread. End of story. Nothing nefarious, only tedium.


#47 10/27/2020 at 12:56

Absynthe Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 6

Thanks a lot ! The rag doll outfit is so cool /static/img/forum/smilies/yikes.png


#48 10/27/2020 at 12:57

Shadow Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 318

6 days is honestly really bumming me out since there is no way to get what I hoped to.

I do like the outfits this year but, as someone else has already pointed out, there is already too much mermaid stuff.

I really like all three of the "body-modification" skins we got this year but, aside from that, the mermaid outfit looks like a cluttered mess. It seems like we have that same hairstyle four times already and all that happened was some seaweed was slapped in there. All the accessories seem to clash and don't leave an appealing silhouette, I'm just really not a fan.

And while I do really like the doll outfit, there is more of that "Have I seen this before?" feeling. We yet again have another "creepy girl in a dress". But, I genuinely love the spooky shadow and ball-joint doll skin.

I LOVE the bank outfit! It is obvious that this outfit is where most of the effort went, but this is the kind of creepy stuff that I like to see for Halloween. Kinda bummed that, once again, Beemoov artists do not understand how to match their black shades since the underwear, skirt, and belt are all different shades of black but, it's whatever. I love the flowers and that it's creepy and pretty.

The companions are aight. The fish one grosses me out a little but that's just me.

The event page is awful. Very "buy this outfit, it's all we have" feeling.

I also really wish we could have gotten one last illustration with the boys before this new era crap, but I knew they wouldn't do that.


#49 10/27/2020 at 13:06

Obsidian Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 062

Well, I am happy. I can participate in event and still have time to life, collect outfit pieces without too much effort.
Perfect event before upcoming NE. I was little afraid they try to rush things and realease NE faster (and crappier) just to do this event but it's good. Thx thx Beem.


#50 10/27/2020 at 14:10

Shadow Guard
Soldier of the Guard
Posts: 574

Playing otome games with dress up features, is really common practice from companies referencing anime and games when comes to create attire for the doll and players have really mixed opinions on it, some people really hate it (specially when it comes to carbon copies) and others roll with it. I think both opinions are respectable. I think is respectable of people to ask for original content from this game when already the prices make it a luxury than not anyone can pay and I'm constantly disappointed with all the recycling.

About this event, is just a very simple exploration event like the old good ones but with 1/4 of the clothing we used to have. I understand why would be a hard past for many since we don't even have a illustration.

At least is much better than last year and I appreciate that the clothing have fixed locations and is not just a random mess. I'm not surprised the duration is so short but I believe they really want to push players to spend as much before New Era switching to their brand-new-more-expensive maana system.

About the outfits, the Rag Doll is a favorite must have, is so well done, too bad is exploration exclusive because with the amount of pieces, make it a bit difficult to hunt with how short of time we have.

The Skel Mermaid outfit, I just like the skin despite some players already pointed that mermaid stuff is just over the place in this game when we barely get other more creative options so I understand why is becoming so boring. I also I wish it was possible just to make the tail a kind of pants or underwear because I hate that we just got like 6 skin tones per every variation and it sucks when any of those match your actual skin color.

About the Daemonika, my unpopular opinion is that actually I find that design the most lazy of the three, is just so "meh" because I can see all the actual recycling on this one from Like a Fashionista (we even have a similar hairstyle). I can also see the reference here but is not blantand carbon copy. I laughed with the "Glorified button event".

Not much opinion on the companions, they exist, we have enough, I barely use all the eggs I have.

Also this comment *chef kiss* hated to see it happening on this forum.

CottonCandy wrote

Something else that I would like to address is that I think it is highly inappropriate to delete/censor someone's post about possible plagiarism; even if people think it doesn't look like it is plagiarized, the post should still be allowed up and allow for the players to decide whether or not they think Beemoov plagiarized designs (or Beemoov could use their communication that they bragged about to address it themselves). Deleting the post makes it look like Beemoov is guilty as it doesn't break any rules as far as I can tell. What is ironic is that they will remove the post and close the topic of the board when someone is concerned about Beemoov plagiarizing something but not remove inflammatory comments on another topic saying the person is being "toxic" for bringing up their concern.

Last edited by HeartKiller (10/27/2020 at 14:13)



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