I don't understand why people are still fighting about the break. It was fixed, and the missed time was given back by way of event extension. Was I frustrated when I saw that the event page was broken? Yes. It is kind of annoying that you have to come back to the game five times to get max shells? Yes. But seriously, it takes LESS THAN ONE MINUTE per minigame. You can get in the max amount of plays in under ten minutes per day. If you don't have ten minutes to spare, that's not Beemoov's fault. I noticed that the event was fixed at 2pm my time (CST). That left me with plenty of time to still get in all of my plays for the day. At least on the NA server. I assume the event was extended on all servers. And even without the extension, I'll still have plenty of time to complete the entire event and get all three outfits. If you can't, I'm sorry, but don't blame the developers for that. And yes, I work. But you can complete the games in less time than it takes to run to the bathroom.
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#377 08/20/2020 at 04:08
Symphony wrote
Exactly! Eventually, enough word of mouth will keep new players from coming to the game, and the old players will leave because it's not fun anymore. The point of a game is not to make money--it's entertainment. When the entertainment fails, everything else goes downhill.
Games aren't meant to be difficult or stressful.
I totally agree, except that the point IS to make money, from developers point of view.
Ofc, why would we pay for a game if it is not fun?
And here we get to my biggest issue with this event: it feels more like a chore than fun. It's not even about how hard it is to get all 3 outfits without gold, personally, I'd be able to do that even if I weren't on vacations right now. The thing is, 5 rounds is simply too much. Srsly, why?
Now if I wanted to squeeze out max profit out of it, I would do 2 rounds of games buuut 1 outfit would be from shop, gold only. And I'd improve drop rates of exploration items just a bit. This way players would have much more fun, and profit would be at least same if not higher.
SecretHere wrote
Well the thing is that they suddenly changed their strategy. One year ago the events were fun and easy to finish.
Now u have to either spend a lot of time or throw a lot of money at them. Which wouldn't even be that big of a deal, if they wouldn't be that greedy and ask for way more money than their product is worth.
Yeah, last year event was so much better. My 1st thought was, they are more desperate for cash in current times of trouble. But then I remembered games are making more money due to ppl going out less. So maybe they get more money and therefore think the changes they make are genius.
Oh and I totally don't mind the flash sale fail, afterall they gave us 1 more day so it's fine with me.
Last edited by lex12 (08/20/2020 at 04:13)
#378 08/20/2020 at 05:57
Today I lost at Island Olimpics game after losing 2 hearts. I had similiar situation about 3 days ago. Did it happen to anyone else?
#379 08/20/2020 at 06:01
Lucide wrote
Today I lost at Island Olimpics game after losing 2 hearts. I had similiar situation about 3 days ago. Did it happen to anyone else?
I've reported it in the assistance thread. Just quote me there so they know more people are having the same issue
It's been a pleasure serving in the guard with you all, but it's time for me to leave.
Hope you all have a wonderful time here in the lands of El.
Concept Art Suggestions
My Interactive Adventure: Don't worry, I will find the best treasure...Or not...
#380 08/20/2020 at 06:23
NoName_NoPower wrote
I've reported it in the assistance thread. Just quote me there so they know more people are having the same issue
Okay, I did it. I hope it won't be considered spamming or something since technically they said not to report the same thing twice.
Last edited by Lucide (08/20/2020 at 06:23)
#381 08/20/2020 at 10:11
I used more than 30euros to this event to get the illustration..IT WASN'T WORTH IT AT ALL.
#382 08/20/2020 at 10:13
lisendranae wrote
I used more than 30euros to this event to get the illustration..IT WASN'T WORTH IT AT ALL.
Thank you for your sacrifice for those who are wondering what the illustration is like, now I know to not spend money on this :))

#383 08/20/2020 at 12:20
FalleaWOLF wrote
LOL I found out how to cheat the games
The olympics games is easyyyy- you move the companion so much in the corner it wont touch anything, cause thingss come there rarely, sometimes u lose a heart, maximum two but u never lose the game and u get 2 shells
I am doing this since yesterday it really works
The second , people that are saying that the shell becomes big its true and it can more than once ,
I found out right now how to do that
First round u pay attention where the shell goes, so after it stops click the mouse but dont move it to the shell, hold the mouse move to the shell and let it go, and do it so every round, I had the big shell all 4 rounds
Thank you for this! I've been using your tips the past few days and it's been so nice to avoid having to really play the mini-games. The only thing is, there was one time I lost all my lives in the island olympics game from hugging the side and ended up with just one shell, so it is possible. Since then, my strategy has just been to refresh the game if I lose two lives before the timer hits ~15 seconds. Works like a charm!
Last edited by MarinaLou (08/20/2020 at 12:20)
#384 08/20/2020 at 12:35
MarinaLou wrote
FalleaWOLF wrote
LOL I found out how to cheat the games
The olympics games is easyyyy- you move the companion so much in the corner it wont touch anything, cause thingss come there rarely, sometimes u lose a heart, maximum two but u never lose the game and u get 2 shells
I am doing this since yesterday it really works
The second , people that are saying that the shell becomes big its true and it can more than once ,
I found out right now how to do that
First round u pay attention where the shell goes, so after it stops click the mouse but dont move it to the shell, hold the mouse move to the shell and let it go, and do it so every round, I had the big shell all 4 rounds
Thank you for this! I've been using your tips the past few days and it's been so nice to avoid having to really play the mini-games. The only thing is, there was one time I lost all my lives in the island olympics game from hugging the side and ended up with just one shell, so it is possible. Since then, my strategy has just been to refresh the game if I lose two lives before the timer hits ~15 seconds. Works like a charm!
I never really care for illustrations other than the story ones.
But if anyone cares to spoil themselves with this summer one, check it
Spoiler Click to display
Wiki community already updated their page.
Last edited by DarkEmpress (08/20/2020 at 12:41)
#385 08/20/2020 at 13:11
Well what do you know!
I've finally found a companion and caught it, the crab one, Pinchou. And it was caught by my new account with the low luck Saballi. Eastern Plain.
Last edited by DarkEmpress (08/20/2020 at 13:14)
#386 08/20/2020 at 14:20
DarkEmpress wrote
Well what do you know!
I've finally found a companion and caught it, the crab one, Pinchou. And it was caught by my new account with the low luck Saballi. Eastern Plain.
Dang, congrats! Ah of course it was caught by a Sabali. I'm not surpried haha

#387 08/20/2020 at 16:53
Kaitlynne wrote
DarkEmpress wrote
Well what do you know!
I've finally found a companion and caught it, the crab one, Pinchou. And it was caught by my new account with the low luck Saballi. Eastern Plain.
Dang, congrats! Ah of course it was caught by a Sabali. I'm not surpried haha
Ikr, I'm like, okay my luckless "puppy" make your mommy proud, prove me right for my strategic thinking (let's ignore the fact that I created the new account just to start a new route with Ez), let's turn the odds in those who aren't supposed to be in favor.
#388 08/20/2020 at 19:41
FalleaWOLF wrote
LOL I found out how to cheat the games
The olympics games is easyyyy- you move the companion so much in the corner it wont touch anything, cause thingss come there rarely, sometimes u lose a heart, maximum two but u never lose the game and u get 2 shells
I am doing this since yesterday it really works
The second , people that are saying that the shell becomes big its true and it can more than once ,
I found out right now how to do that
First round u pay attention where the shell goes, so after it stops click the mouse but dont move it to the shell, hold the mouse move to the shell and let it go, and do it so every round, I had the big shell all 4 rounds
Now that you have said they, they are going to find a way to fix it. Events shouldn't be like this to be honest.

#389 08/21/2020 at 06:33
Idk if anybody realized this but you can buy the outfits in the shop for maana
I bought the fearless captain belt for 1 maana on the market and then I went to the shop and clicked on it and now it says 570 maana and 95 gold
And when u dont have the object it will only be avalible for gold
Locked in Mariah's wine cellar, all I had for lunch
Was bread, wine, more bread, wine and Captain Crunch
Red wine for breakfast and for brunch
And to soak it up, an in-between snack, crackers to munch
Mariah, what ever happened to us?
Why did we have to break up?
All I asked for was a glass of punch _EMinem
#390 08/21/2020 at 14:15
To anyone who has found any of the summer backgrounds in exploration
Did you search beach-y or watery locations on one of the maps or were they just randomly in non-summer related locations?
I only found one background and I feel like it was probably in one of those types of locations and I just need to know if they're exclusively in those types of locations or not.
#391 08/21/2020 at 15:22
Last edited by Nio (08/21/2020 at 15:24)

#392 08/21/2020 at 15:49
brokenendings wrote
To anyone who has found any of the summer backgrounds in exploration
Did you search beach-y or watery locations on one of the maps or were they just randomly in non-summer related locations?
I only found one background and I feel like it was probably in one of those types of locations and I just need to know if they're exclusively in those types of locations or not.

I found this just a minute ago and I'm surprised this one in on exploration o_o I thought is was for GC only like last year.

And this one was on the Jade map. I kind of guess what you're thinking because I thought the same (?), but It looks like the locations are random?

#393 08/21/2020 at 16:13
My crab game final round was literally so fast that I lost track after a few moves. And the beach race has been glitching and not moving. My app is updated and I just checked for new updates but there’s nothing.
I realized how much I don’t care when I accidentally spent 40 gc when I fat fingered the button when trying to leave the game. Like I’m not even fighting to try and get that refunded. I just don’t care. I’ll do as much of the game as I can, because it’s kind of nice. Although I’m sad that I could have bought 40 shells instead and unlocked two more outfit pieces. Thanks Beemoov for teaching me how to make a much better game when I finally get the chance.
Yes, I am not wearing pants. No, I don't see it as a problem!
On the prowl for Event clothes! Message me if you need to sell something!
#394 08/21/2020 at 17:04
Katina wrote
My crab game final round was literally so fast that I lost track after a few moves. And the beach race has been glitching and not moving. My app is updated and I just checked for new updates but there’s nothing.
I realized how much I don’t care when I accidentally spent 40 gc when I fat fingered the button when trying to leave the game. Like I’m not even fighting to try and get that refunded. I just don’t care. I’ll do as much of the game as I can, because it’s kind of nice. Although I’m sad that I could have bought 40 shells instead and unlocked two more outfit pieces. Thanks Beemoov for teaching me how to make a much better game when I finally get the chance.
Oh, I (and many others. my hunch is really strong on this one) will definitely support you and any other on this endeavor, because the time has come a certain company understands that treating their users like cash cows and never listening to what they really say and think about the gaming experience will eventually end not in their favor.
#395 08/22/2020 at 03:32

Can someone tell me the order of the items from the Abyss Creature outfit? I finished my Manta outfit and can't choose which one to start next, seeing that probably i will not have enough time finish all 3 of them. Thank you!

#396 08/22/2020 at 03:57
Crina wrote
Can someone tell me the order of the items from the Abyss Creature outfit? I finished my Manta outfit and can't choose which one to start next, seeing that probably i will not have enough time finish all 3 of them. Thank you!
I've found them here:
It's been a pleasure serving in the guard with you all, but it's time for me to leave.
Hope you all have a wonderful time here in the lands of El.
Concept Art Suggestions
My Interactive Adventure: Don't worry, I will find the best treasure...Or not...
#397 08/22/2020 at 04:16
NoName_NoPower wrote
Crina wrote
Can someone tell me the order of the items from the Abyss Creature outfit? I finished my Manta outfit and can't choose which one to start next, seeing that probably i will not have enough time finish all 3 of them. Thank you!I've found them here:

#398 08/22/2020 at 06:13
Crina wrote
Awesome, thank you so much! <3NoName_NoPower wrote
Crina wrote
Can someone tell me the order of the items from the Abyss Creature outfit? I finished my Manta outfit and can't choose which one to start next, seeing that probably i will not have enough time finish all 3 of them. Thank you!I've found them here:
I was actually gonna search for this as well... This thread reads my mind. Thx.
App yesterday I was plaiing hide and seek and even though I won all rounds, I still only got 1 shell. I was surprised. And today I waited 5 seconds too long and the round was "lost", like... What the trek????? I am so done with that game.
@Heartkiller, I got that first background randomly as well lol. I was surprised actually.
Last edited by Shintarou (08/22/2020 at 06:15)

#399 08/22/2020 at 11:35
I wish there would be black hair. .-.
#400 08/22/2020 at 14:53
@secrethere, do you mean pitch black? Yeah. It sucks.