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#176 06/16/2020 at 00:47

Shadow Guard
Posts: 92

Katina wrote

Laughing at all the early replies from when we were enjoying a 1-5 minute wait time. That was reasonable. An hour plus?! This is a game!! A GAME!!!! Some kids only get restricted computer access, some of us work for a living, in general we have lives!! Making us wait that an hour plus is ridiculous!! Not to mention, the last time I played, I had seven notes, it hit seven stones. Nothing. So not only did I only manage two pieces for yesterday’s game (due to the time switch over), but I was failed for doing the pattern correctly and the game glitching and not saying I finished.

A 1-5 minute time “recharge” is fair. But when you’re limiting people to the amount of times they can play a day with said recharge, it’s ridiculous! Stick to one variable! Not to mention since I started 2 or 3 days late, I probably won’t be able to finish the outfit. And 12 GC per crystal?! Such a rip off!

^ this!
i really wish game companies would understand that we also have our lives and cannot spend a whole day in their game. we cannot stay 24/7 in their game since we have our personal lives. for example, i'm in the exams period right now, at the college. it's pretty difficult for me to study and enter at exams and also play this mini-game.


#177 06/16/2020 at 01:28

Absynthe Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 169

Katina wrote

Laughing at all the early replies from when we were enjoying a 1-5 minute wait time. That was reasonable. An hour plus?! This is a game!! A GAME!!!! Some kids only get restricted computer access, some of us work for a living, in general we have lives!! Making us wait that an hour plus is ridiculous!! Not to mention, the last time I played, I had seven notes, it hit seven stones. Nothing. So not only did I only manage two pieces for yesterday’s game (due to the time switch over), but I was failed for doing the pattern correctly and the game glitching and not saying I finished.

A 1-5 minute time “recharge” is fair. But when you’re limiting people to the amount of times they can play a day with said recharge, it’s ridiculous! Stick to one variable! Not to mention since I started 2 or 3 days late, I probably won’t be able to finish the outfit. And 12 GC per crystal?! Such a rip off!

What's extra funny to me about this is that, especially because they seem to be trying to cater to an older demographic (not younger kids or teens as much) with all the more mature content and illustrations, they would realize that most of their demographic works 8+ hours a day, or in higher education that takes a lot of time and energy, or that we have families that need us, pets that need attention, household things to be done. And not all of us have disposable income either to spend on a game, no matter how much we may or may not like it!

Like, are they really that tone deaf? If the wait time bumps up to 3 hours, that's a total of 12 hours I'd have to wait to play each round (and IF I remember to log on precisely after 3 hours). I work 8 hours a day and have an hour total of commute time, which bumps me up to 21 hours of my day spoken for, leaving me only 3 to sleep? How is that healthy??

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#178 06/16/2020 at 03:24

Shadow Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 214

Don't for a minute think Beemoov just "doesn't know" their players are older and have lives. They know full well this Event is completely unreasonable.

That's the point. They don't want us to win. They want us to spend money to buy Maana so we can win. None of this is an accident or tone deafness. It's their plan from Day 1 to pressure players into spending money so they can complete the Event.


#179 06/16/2020 at 03:39

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 2 826

tea8732 wrote

Also in the past it has been about 3h wait on the event minigames so that isn't new BUT it has always been complained about that it's too long so why can't it be shorter?
It was 3h, but there were fewer rounds, around 3, so it was doable to play all of them.

I've been trying to organise a schedule to see if I would be able to play the 5 rounds when the waiting time gets to 3h, and it seems impossible since one always takes place during lunchtime, and there is no way I'm going to get up at 6:30 just to play a minigame

Last edited by NoName_NoPower (06/16/2020 at 03:43)


It's been a pleasure serving in the guard with you all, but it's time for me to leave.
Hope you all have a wonderful time here in the lands of El.

Concept Art Suggestions
My Interactive Adventure: Don't worry, I will find the best treasure...Or not...


#180 06/16/2020 at 04:35

Shadow Guard
Posts: 53

Maoyui wrote

Don't for a minute think Beemoov just "doesn't know" their players are older and have lives. They know full well this Event is completely unreasonable.

That's the point. They don't want us to win. They want us to spend money to buy Maana so we can win. None of this is an accident or tone deafness. It's their plan from Day 1 to pressure players into spending money so they can complete the Event.

This. Game companies don't do this kind of thing on accident. It's not just Beemoov, it's tons of other games that do the exact same thing, because it's how they make their money. For all the people who complain about not being able to finish the event, there are also people who are going to spend real money to do so, which is what they count on. None of this, nor any of the other times things like this have happened, is accidental at all, which is why it's so disappointing whenever it happens.


#181 06/16/2020 at 10:58

Shadow Guard
Posts: 92

beemoov, what the heck???!!!

why don't you give the credits when you copy something?!

Last edited by TeodoraCV (06/16/2020 at 11:02)


#182 06/16/2020 at 11:05

Absynthe Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 039

Oh wow, where´s that from? Let's hope it's from one of Beemoov's illustrators or they bought it from the original artist...

EDIT: Thank you! Omg...........

Last edited by Vaihanai (06/16/2020 at 11:15)


#183 06/16/2020 at 11:12

Shadow Guard
Posts: 92

Vaihanai wrote

Oh wow, where´s that from? Let's hope it's from one of Beemoov's illustrators or they bought it from the original artist...

here's the link:
i've read on tumblr that they've copied this person's artwork. (i've read that they've copied directly from tumblr and not deviantart)
since the artwork was too large, i resized it, so it can fit in this box.

Last edited by TeodoraCV (06/16/2020 at 11:21)


#184 06/16/2020 at 11:41

Obsidian Guard
Posts: 219

Unfortunately it seems to be a common problem that dress up sites copies work from other artists plus don't even credit them.

My dog is the cutest.


#185 06/16/2020 at 12:24

Absynthe Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 1 790

Wow...Not the first time Beemoov directly copied something w/o giving credit. They did it too on MCL, this company just doesn't give a flying sh/t


#186 06/16/2020 at 12:45

Shadow Guard
Posts: 92

Lynne wrote

Wow...Not the first time Beemoov directly copied something w/o giving credit. They did it too on MCL, this company just doesn't give a flying sh/t

this is why we need to heads up the artists and stop beemoov from plagiarism. this cannot continue. i contacted the artist.


#187 06/16/2020 at 12:56

Absynthe Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 1 790

TeodoraCV wrote

Lynne wrote

Wow...Not the first time Beemoov directly copied something w/o giving credit. They did it too on MCL, this company just doesn't give a flying sh/t

this is why we need to heads up the artists and stop beemoov from plagiarism. this cannot continue. i contacted the artist.

Exactly, good you did. I hope they address this but again, it's beemoov we're talking about.


#188 06/16/2020 at 13:35

Shadow Guard
Posts: 107

There is more actually..

Not sure if the artists know about it but since they got no credits anywhere idk. Also these pictures are from the french Eldarya forum and have been posted there.

Solely pretty


#189 06/16/2020 at 13:38

Absynthe Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 16

Just like other players have said, this event looked so promising. I was really excited for this one as well. The outfits are beautiful, the minigame SEEMS great at first. Then you continue to the second or third day and there's the catch I was dreading.... Most players are adults with lives! We have work, school, kids, we dont have time to jump on whenever we want to play a minigame that gets more and more complicated as you go. This is so frustrating! I thought that maybe, just MAYBE I could complete this event, but I can't! There isn't enough time to do so. If a player misses ONE day, then they miss out. And that's bull****!
You tricked players into thinking they were being heard but in all reality you were setting up yet ANOTHER money grab trap! I along with many other players would have bought the bank outfit if I hadn't felt so cheated! Then to find out you PLAGIARIZED...AGAIN!!! You STOLE someone's art! Someone's idea! How dare you?! The amount of disrespect you show to your fan base and artists is unreal! You really need to figure your s**t out....


#190 06/16/2020 at 14:49

Shadow Guard
Posts: 92

update on the situation: the artist answered me. this is her answer.

and she also made it public.

Last edited by TeodoraCV (06/16/2020 at 14:49)


#191 06/16/2020 at 15:20

Absynthe Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 039

@Teodora - I honestly do think it's exactly the same, but I guess that if the artist thinks it's ok then it's ok... I still see it being exactly the same, but with the moon tilted a bit. The hair parting and the rest of the hair are exactly the same though.

However, seeing the other bits of the outfits being taken from other artists as @Cailin addresses I am even more convinced that they are outright taking bits and pieces of other artist's designs and putting them together to make an outfit... I don't want to assume but it's too similar to just dismiss it.

Such a shame, that the only free outfit we get seems to not even be original, so I wonder where the effort really went in this event...

Maybe they just change it enough for it to not count as plagiarism idk. Whatever, this artist was ok with it but I doubt others will be.

This is too disrespectful to the artists, I hope they have talked it out with the artists beforehand because if it were me who they're taking the art from, I'd be so pissed off...

As you all say this is not new, but this time it looks so prominent... I hope they clarify this to us


#192 06/16/2020 at 15:22

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 3

The wait time getting so much longer is incredibly frustrating! If they were going to make the mini game twice as hard and with no repeat button the least they could have done was give us some extra seconds to try winning it or reduced the gold cost per crystal to 10 instead of 12...

Regardless of if we win or loose each time we play, this mini game and wanting to earn the "free" outfit should NOT feel like a punishment Beemoov /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png.


#193 06/16/2020 at 17:24

Shadow Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 089

You can't copyright claim someone if you can't prove substantial similarity.
From a legal website:
Part of substantial similarity is the similarity element. The actual creative composition has to be similar, not just the idea. Ideas cannot be copyrighted

These would not be considered to be substantially similar

The composition is different (characters at different angles) and the breastplate and belt designs are different.
I believe that this goes for the crystal crown and the hair as well. It was just easier for me to show with the corset top.


#194 06/16/2020 at 17:29

Shadow Guard
Posts: 149

Cailin wrote

There is more actually..

Not sure if the artists know about it but since they got no credits anywhere idk. Also these pictures are from the french Eldarya forum and have been posted there.

The cape in the second image is literally the same design...normally I like to give people the benefit of the doubt but that cannot be a coincidence. /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png


#195 06/16/2020 at 18:43

Shadow Guard
Elf Sidekick
Posts: 7 604
^ This skirt Beemoov made was taken, Beemoov took this skirt design from another artist. I cannot find that picture now, but the anime girl was wearing this skirt with all black no gold design on skirt. So if someone can find the original skirt from that artist, that would be great! I tried to find the skirt they took by searching on google images, and I even drew it, and visually searched it through that google images tool, but I could not find it.

The designs are too similar, and that is why Beemoov have already lost my respect for them.

This is NOT Beemoov's first time taking people's designs Dx :-(

Do not defend Beemoov when they are taking artist's hard work
If players keep standing by Beemoov's side when they take peoples art work, then they will keep taking people's artworks.

Last edited by Lataryia (06/17/2020 at 13:05) want items in this game, if you have the items i want, you can sell the item(s) to me, here is the link to know what items i want:,4-market-exploration-wishlists.htm&#p40468


#196 06/16/2020 at 19:47

Shadow Guard
Posts: 92

Lataryia wrote

Do not defend Beemoov when they are stealing artist's hard work
If players keep standing by Beemoov's side when they steal peoples art work, then they will keep stealing people's artworks.



#197 06/16/2020 at 20:25

Absynthe Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 039

@Vivian - I do think that ideas are somewhat protected in the form of intellectual property, though. Maybe it's not what you'll call plagiarism, but it's a form of dishonesty and the artist deserves the credit for the idea anyway.

And anyway, it's not right to use someone's design, do some minor changes, and then monetize the creation...
They can't just take a hairstyle, tilt a hair ornament, recreate it to fit the art style of the game, and boom now it's my design and I can make money with it. It's more like a "draw this in your style" merging a lot of art pieces together than a "revamp".

But again, I don't know the formalities of it, so maybe you're right. Even if it's not illegal (it probably isn't) it's just not right, not an ethical practice.

Beemoov in the Eldarya Copyright policy names Article L335-2 of intellectual property that reads:
"Toute édition d'écrits, de composition musicale, de dessin, de peinture ou de toute autre production, imprimée ou gravée en entier ou en partie, au mépris des lois et règlements relatifs à la propriété des auteurs, est une contrefaçon et toute contrefaçon est un délit."
From my understanding of this, the edition of a design (even if partial) is "an infraction and therefore a crime". So, if Beemoov explicitly names this article why doesn't it seem to apply to the artists they take inspiration from? I don't see it logical, or ethical. Even if it isn't a copyright infringement there's some protection to intellectual property.

But again, I don't have any idea on this subject, and I don't want to assume anything. I just wish they could be a little bit more creative because this design just looks like they didn't really make an effort to create an original and cool design...

EDIT: Maybe we're also not reinforcing the difference between plagiarizing and copyright violation. I quote some stuff I found somewhere that compared both:
"Plagiarism is using someone else’s work or ideas without giving proper credit" "Copyright infringement includes the unauthorized or unlicensed copying of a work subject to copyright."
"Plagiarising is a violation of academic rights, but not illegal, while copyright infraction is." "Plagiarism applies when ideas are copied, whereas copyright violation occurs only when a specific fixed expression (e.g. a sequence of words, use of an image) is copied." "Avoiding plagiarism is about properly apportioning intellectual credit, whereas copyright is about maintaining revenue streams"
So, in any case, this taking inspiration wouldn't be a copyright infringement, you're right @Vivian

Last edited by Vaihanai (06/16/2020 at 20:53)


#198 06/16/2020 at 21:38

Shadow Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 089

Given that it's the one that I have the most personal experience with legally I'll cover the intellectual property statement.

That is mostly with regards to characters (logos and such as well, but I'll focus on characters). From what I understand: in order to get a character copyright protected you have to fill out paperwork to make that character yours. Making profit from a fan art of a copyrighted character is illegal unless you get written permission from the owner of that character (even if you change their hairstyle, clothing, etc.). No matter how many changes you make to the design, as long as you claim that the art is of that character then you are still breaking copyright laws. (You ever wonder why fan artist will sell an artwork titled "Mermaid Girl" when it's obviously Ariel from the little mermaid? Of course if Disney lawyers can prove that "Mermaid Girl" is Ariel then they would win that court case still because of the copyrighted character.)

I will also note here that this particular law works both ways. A fan artist may not make profit off the characters belonging to another without permission, AND a company may not make profit off a fan art without written permission from the artist.
Basically if I draw Nevra, and sell it without permission that would be illegal because beemoov owns the character. It would also be illegal for Beemoov to take my fan art and sell it without my permission.

Illustrations are different than characters given that they're copyright protected the moment you make them with no paperwork involved, but making a claim in court would require proving substantial similarity.
I will agree that taking someone else's design and tweaking it in order to sell it is scummy, but these designs are changed, and put together in a way that I don't think it would qualify as copyright infringement.


#199 06/16/2020 at 22:38

Absynthe Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 039

@Vivian - Thank you for the explanation! I really appreciate that you could explain this further because really I don't know much about this.
I am aware that this probably doesn't count as copyright infringement, that's the only thing I think saves it really.

So yeah, they probably are aware of this, they're a big enough company to not make these kinda rookie mistakes, but still, I don't think it's right... It looks like they've changed it just enough so that it doesn't infringe copyright, but that's still a form of plagiarism and the original should get their credit.

It's funny to me how copyright and plagiarism are basically treated as the same thing in science. If you don't credit your references then the article isn't valid anymore as a whole and is likely to be taken down or might not even pass through the revision process by the editors. It's thought to be a way of deceiving and it's like "Oh god if they're lowly enough to "steal information" from another scientist how can we trust the rest is honest work". Most times it doesn't really get to court but you get kinda "blacklisted" as a scientist and then it's harder to publish because of the damaged trust on the scientist, depending on the extent of the plagiarism.

But apparently, in art, there's more "gray area". Idk, I'd be sad if someone took inspiration from my art, modified, and used it to gain money... But also I'd probably not want to get into it because the process is expensive...

Last edited by Vaihanai (06/16/2020 at 22:40)


#200 06/17/2020 at 00:47

Absynthe Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 402

Aside from the plagiarism that has me furious, I just wanted to point out something real quick. You look at the free outfit. It’s interesting, but the points one is gorgeous! Now it’s simple, you offer your pixels as a paid for reward and that motivates your audience to spend money to get said pixels. But that reward isn’t for everyone, and so acquiring the free win by game outfit/pixels, the playing field should be fun and not too challenging to the point of frustration.

This is where Beemoov is failing. I wanted to buy the fancy pixels. But now, I’m beyond frustrated and I just don’t see the point in spending money on something so trivial that is causing me to be upset. An extension would help (especially after dealing with glitching) but Beemoov is failing to take in players considerations, which would bring them more success in the long run. Because they’ll eventually lose more of the percentage of people who are still willing to put up with this pay to play.

Yes, I am not wearing pants. No, I don't see it as a problem!

On the prowl for Event clothes! Message me if you need to sell something!


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