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#201 08/23/2019 at 18:54

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 16

Wow, this is the first event in a long time that I have been able to finish. This is also the first event in a long time that I almost thoroughly enjoyed.

I wouldn't mind if the mini games were made permanent as another way of gaining extra maanas each day.

As many have pointed out before, I could also have gone without alchemy, but small thanks for at least making it worth the new companion. It would have been a huge disappointment if another undesirable alchemy outcome was keeping the gamers from obtaining such a beautiful new outfit.

Having said that, the final outfit was what motivated me to participate in the first place and spend extra real money to gain other color variants.

Please @Beemoov, take note of all this positive feedback from all the players for future events. I believe that this proves that we aren't complaining about anything you put our way, just the stuff we truly dislike.


#202 08/24/2019 at 08:47

Shadow Guard
Posts: 88

I'm having no luck with the mermaid parts. Am I missing something? Should I be using fishing bait for this part?

Heh, get it? Fishing bait? Cause, you know, mermaids are part fish so... Bait for fish... To catch it...
*Crickets chirp*
...I'm sorry. u.u

For an awesome band and comic check out September Mourning! New graphic novel now available!


#203 08/24/2019 at 10:17

Absynthe Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 14

Raine wrote

I'm having no luck with the mermaid parts. Am I missing something? Should I be using fishing bait for this part?

Heh, get it? Fishing bait? Cause, you know, mermaids are part fish so... Bait for fish... To catch it...
*Crickets chirp*
...I'm sorry. u.u

I also couldn't find any parts of the mermaid outfit, I had to buy them in the market

Last edited by Mariamsky (08/24/2019 at 10:34)


#204 08/24/2019 at 13:01

Shadow Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 270

Mariamsky wrote

Raine wrote

I'm having no luck with the mermaid parts. Am I missing something? Should I be using fishing bait for this part?

Heh, get it? Fishing bait? Cause, you know, mermaids are part fish so... Bait for fish... To catch it...
*Crickets chirp*
...I'm sorry. u.u

I also couldn't find any parts of the mermaid outfit, I had to buy them in the market

I got all of mine in the hq. It took me two days since the drop rate seems a bit lower for the mermaid outfit than the pirate one.

Last edited by Chite (08/24/2019 at 13:04)


#205 08/24/2019 at 14:11

Shadow Guard
Posts: 30

Chite wrote

Mariamsky wrote

Raine wrote

I'm having no luck with the mermaid parts. Am I missing something? Should I be using fishing bait for this part?

Heh, get it? Fishing bait? Cause, you know, mermaids are part fish so... Bait for fish... To catch it...
*Crickets chirp*
...I'm sorry. u.u

I also couldn't find any parts of the mermaid outfit, I had to buy them in the market

I got all of mine in the hq. It took me two days since the drop rate seems a bit lower for the mermaid outfit than the pirate one.

I was spamming HQ, and all the other 10 energy spots. I only got one piece, the hair. I just ended up buying everything after day four. Now, I have to wait for my maana to get to 450.


#206 08/24/2019 at 14:23

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 1

I don't have Blobby egg. Where can I find it or is there even way to get it anymore? Am I not able to finish this event without it? help!


#207 08/24/2019 at 14:39

Obsidian Guard
Posts: 44

Raveal wrote

I don't have Blobby egg. Where can I find it or is there even way to get it anymore? Am I not able to finish this event without it? help!

You can buy one from the companion store. I'm not sure if they can be found in the wild

"A man that can't hold onto his beliefs can only be pathetic, dead or alive."- Saitō Hajime

"The same beauty you see in others, others see in you."

Author of  Yolk's on Me


#208 08/24/2019 at 17:30

Absynthe Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 305

This is such a lovely and cool event!!! I love how we have practically a month [I think? I can't recall how many days were given] to complete the quests which enables us to take time, save maanas and enjoy the event overall! I also love the fact that the long period to complete the event gives us time to go and explore for items before seeking to buy it in the store or market.

The alchemy game was alright, didn't really like how I had to buy the ingredients in the store and that it was a two part alchemy, but the result was worth it!!! Thanks for transforming the Blobbies into a cool looking companion! Can't wait to hatch the egg.

I do have a question though, can the backgrounds for this event, such as the pirate ship and the underwater, be found while exploring? Or is it given at the end of the event or do we have to buy it in the shop?

Got event items or companion food you'd like to get rid of? Message me on Discord and I'll take them off your hands! Mizore#1203


#209 08/24/2019 at 19:41

Absynthe Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 14

Mizore wrote

I do have a question though, can the backgrounds for this event, such as the pirate ship and the underwater, be found while exploring? Or is it given at the end of the event or do we have to buy it in the shop?

You can't find it while exploring and I think the only way to get them is buying them


#210 08/25/2019 at 00:26

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 38

Got all the exploration bits easy enough. Will say - check out sea related places on all maps.

Kinda ticked at the second minigame. Seems stupid hard to aim because of the slow travel time and unclear mouth art, in my opinion. Would be nice if the hitbox was made a bit more forgiving. Got lucky and got three fragments the first day. Got none today, even though I aimed in roughly the same manner.

"Let man's petty nations tear themselves apart. My land's only borders lie around my heart."


#211 08/25/2019 at 15:46

Shadow Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 25

Raine wrote

I'm having no luck with the mermaid parts. Am I missing something? Should I be using fishing bait for this part?

Heh, get it? Fishing bait? Cause, you know, mermaids are part fish so... Bait for fish... To catch it...
*Crickets chirp*
...I'm sorry. u.u

I also did not have any luck with the mermaid outfit but later I focused on the lakes and beaches, baasicaly where water is. good luck  /static/img/forum/smilies/big_smile.png


#212 08/26/2019 at 00:09

Absynthe Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 305

You can't find it while exploring and I think the only way to get them is buying them

Ah, really? That's unfortunate, thank you for letting me know though!

Got event items or companion food you'd like to get rid of? Message me on Discord and I'll take them off your hands! Mizore#1203


#213 08/26/2019 at 01:09

Shadow Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 214

Alright, I'm done the Event so I'll give it the usual review. I'll start off by saying that, overall, HUGE upgrade compared to past recent Events.


The Mission aspect was executed well. Some were Exploration, some were mini-games, and only one was Alchemy. While I did think the drop rate got really painful towards the end, it wasn't to the point where I felt desperate enough to have to buy any of the outfit pieces.


This Event gave us two Illustrations. I think both were nice. They weren't must haves but I liked them, all the same.


LOVE that they made Blobby and Blobbette evolve so they didn't just sit there collecting dust. This is my first Legendary Companion so it's really nice to have! I'm still unlucky as hell in the Luck Department but it's better than any of my other Companions~


I didn't care much for the Pirate or Mermaid outfits~ But I really like the final one! Not a must have, but it is my favorite of the three. Also nice that all the outfits were free this time.


The minigames were, thankfully, not total garbage. The 2nd one would have been easier to play if I had used a mouse and it would have been nice not to be forced to play them once a day (at least the first since it's almost impossible to fail so it just feels like padding to make the Event take longer to complete), but they were PLAYABLE, and that's all that really matters.


THIS is how you do an Event~ Alchemy is fine when it's not something that drains all of the Maana we have to craft 3 or 4 mediocre outfits. I'm totally fine with doing it to get a new Companion or something of the like. Just don't shove it down our throats, make the minigames something that I don't have to destroy my computer to play, and I'm pretty sold~ Really enjoyed this Event! I hope Beemoov sees the feedback and structures future Events similarly to this one~


#214 08/26/2019 at 04:11

Obsidian Guard
Posts: 65

I'm happy I can get some outfits from this event.
I will not be doing any alchemy though, I just have so
little maana that I just can't.

"Acts of goodness are not always wise, and acts of evil are not always foolish, but regardless, we shall always strive to be good." - Martyr Logarius


#215 08/26/2019 at 09:34

Shadow Guard
The Answer to Everything
Posts: 1 709

why does it cost like 1000 maana to make the companion if you buy the ingredients?

Is there a way to get the materials like the fusion potion for cheaper, like finding them in explanation???

S  o     y  o  u ' r  e     a  f  r  a  i  d     o  f     t  h  e     d  a  r  k  ?
W  e  l  l     d  o  n  t     w  o  r  r  y     c  h  i  l  d   ,   f o  r     I     w  i  l  l     l  e  a  d    y  o  u     t  o     t  h  e     l  i  g  h  t


#216 08/26/2019 at 10:29

Obsidian Guard
Posts: 2 284

Yes, fusion potion can be found during explorations.


#217 08/26/2019 at 10:29

Absynthe Guard
The Answer to Everything
Posts: 1 692

@Salem - You can find the potion through exploration and, for me at least, it was pretty easy to find. I don't know about the transmutation essence though.


#218 08/26/2019 at 11:08

Obsidian Guard
Posts: 33

Seff wrote

@Salem - You can find the potion through exploration and, for me at least, it was pretty easy to find. I don't know about the transmutation essence though.

Hmm. I don't know whether you can find the transmutation essence itself, but you can find the scroll and most of the ingredients to craft it, which means you have to spend 130 maana to get it (100 to craft it, 30 for the purified water). This, however, is more expensive than buying the essence in the shop (100 maana).
Overall, the whole process of crafting Blobbiathan is around 1510 maana if you buy everything: 180x2 for the two eggs, 100 for the transmutation essence,  600 for the potion, 450 for crafting.
If you find the potion, it's 910 maana, and if you already have one of the eggs (or both), it can go down to 730 or 550 maana. So the cost changes drasticly, depending on what you already have and what you can find, but it can be very expensive if you are not fortunate. It would be good if we could find the other ingredients on the map though, but I guess it's asking for too much.


#219 08/26/2019 at 12:15

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 71

I'm starting to even wonder how low the drop rates are for the mermaid items ;w; my companion has been finding either nothing for 60% of the time and 30% for normal exploration items while the rest for the pirate one that I've already done. Probably gonna be stuck here for quite some time


#220 08/26/2019 at 18:24

Shadow Guard
Lieutenant of the Guard
Posts: 11 273

uMM I spent money on Eldarya for the first time although I had made a personal vow to never give money to Eldarya because well...yikes!!! Never listens to players(we make you lol) and overall bad storyline. I'm just here for the (free) outfits and just enjoy the familiar/dress up aspects of the game.
Now, I gotta say that final outfit and that Blobby Gyarados made me feel impulsive!! I think the fit is my absolute favorite yet, it's so ethereal! Also, thank you for listening to us. As for Blobby Gyarados I will be hatching him for Halloween and Christmas events only because SHEESH 36 maana or something, hell naw! Don't we get like 35 a day?? I love the concept though, nice job!


#221 08/26/2019 at 20:10

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2 123

I can confirm that purified water can be found through exploration during the alchemy task, but it costs 100 still to perform alchemy which is the same price as it is in the store, so might as well buy it in the store.


#222 08/27/2019 at 10:12

Posts: 3 520

Can someone please explain to me how the 2nd minigame works because no matter how I go about it I can't get any points. The cannon is not accurate, sometimes I hit right where I should but still get nothing...



#223 08/27/2019 at 11:22

Vanquished a Chicken
Posts: 660

Abaddon wrote

Can someone please explain to me how the 2nd minigame works because no matter how I go about it I can't get any points. The cannon is not accurate, sometimes I hit right where I should but still get nothing...

The objective of the second minigame is to feed your new companion/ creation by launching the treats given into its open mouth. So, you have to use your mouse to aim the cannon at the Blobbiathan's open mouth. If its mouth is closed it won't take the food, even if you hit the mouth directly. The easiest way for me was to wait until it stopped moving before shooting the food at its mouth because it's difficult to do when the companion is darting all over the place.


#224 08/27/2019 at 11:34

Obsidian Guard
Guard Patrol
Posts: 5 981

Abaddon wrote

Can someone please explain to me how the 2nd minigame works because no matter how I go about it I can't get any points. The cannon is not accurate, sometimes I hit right where I should but still get nothing...
you gotta hit dead in the open mouth and not just its's tough but I found if I just waited until blobby came to where I left the cannon pointed it was easier than chasing it all over... There's no time limit so taking your time and waiting till you've got a good shot is fine ^=^
Tifa forever ❤️ Aerith never


#225 08/27/2019 at 12:47

Shadow Guard
Vanquised the Boobrie
Posts: 21 748

So a quick review of the event:

➙ Finally, free users get good outfits instead of mediocre ones! I loved all the outfits especially the Queen of Cups outfit. Too bad additional colors of the Queen of Cups outfits can only be purchased by GCs.
➙ I wasn't very happy that I had to spend 1000+ maana just to attain the Blobbiathan. But to be fair, that was only because I got impatient after spending almost a week trying to find the Fusion potion. It's great that all the ingredients excluding the Blobby/Blobbette can be found via exploration.
➙ I found the second minigame difficult so it took me a couple of days to finish the last tier of the event.
➙ The drop rates were decent. My French guardian has a common companion and I was able to finish the event easily there as well. From my experience, it seemed like all users had a good chance to complete the event, especially since we are given a whole month.

Overall, I've thoroughly enjoyed the event, which is surprising since I disliked most of the events since the beginning of 2018. Thank you BeeMoov.


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