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#126 02/15/2018 at 08:22

Shadow Guard
Posts: 32

Next day, I was a bit more hopeful to try the minigame, failed miserably cause I just can't control the shield because not to mention is it sensitive but it also moves to the opposite direction. No points for me, well no matter I can try the dialogue, no points from that either. I'm pretty much prepared not to get anything from this event which is just stupid.

I'm not good, I'm not nice, I'm just right


#127 02/15/2018 at 08:56

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 1

Such beautiful outfits. I was worried there would be no Valentines Event but I'm so happy to see there is one this year. Thank you Devs!


#128 02/15/2018 at 09:30

Shadow Guard
Lieutenant of the Guard
Posts: 10 359

Link to external image

✵Thank you for the event! I wish there was at least one item that could be bought with maana and no GC, but that’s it. Maybe next year I’ll have enough CG to buy one or they will be sold with maana, who knows? Anyway, the outfits are gorgeous!^^✵


#129 02/15/2018 at 10:14

Obsidian Guard
Vanquished a Chicken
Posts: 661

I've noticed a slightly annoying thing about the mini-game today:
The left arrow moves the shield to the right while the right arrow moves it to the left.
Why? Whose idea was this? How come it is opposite of what the keys do? No wonder I got confused yesterday and today as to why the shield doesn't listen to my commands.

Another glaring factor is that the mini-game has a bug : it freezes and doesn't respond after the countdown. In turn it doesn't help at all and we lose that single chance we have with it daily.
Which is another issue. The shield game is too fast with a lot of attacks from all sides at the same time and then it's only once a day.
I would still have an issue with it if it was twice a day, but at least that would be better.

The rest is so far alright.


#130 02/15/2018 at 10:51

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 15

Like many others I find the shield mini game waaaay too hard. There are too many projectiles to block at once, and the shield's movements are wonky. It's not even worth playing tbqh. There's too much to miss out on in general without paying with GC. I'm sorry, but I have to agree with the sentiment that this event feels like a cash grab. I understand the need for money, but this is a whole other level of disappointment and is just ludicrous. No wonder I prefer My Candy Love.

Last edited by ShizukaLapis (02/15/2018 at 11:09)


#131 02/15/2018 at 11:49

Shadow Guard
Sylph Sidekick
Posts: 967

The clothes are stunning but I wish we could at least play the game more than once a day because not only is it hard to block projectiles in general but all it takes is a momentary lag thanks to poor internet reception and boom... all hearts gone in a second...

Le sigh, I foresee hard struggles ahead in trying to get anywhere with this event orz


#132 02/15/2018 at 12:37

Shadow Guard
Soldier of the Guard
Posts: 533


Ohhh! That makes sense - thanks for explaining that! This whole event is so complex.


#133 02/15/2018 at 13:10

Absynthe Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 1

The outfits in the event are very classy, ​​and the idea with a succubus is not bad, but ...
How do you think I should fend off these balls in this game, when they simultaneously attack me from both sides having the same distance from me, that is, I can fight off only one of them! It's impossible! It feels like Beemoov does all this just to make people more donation. And then what does it all look like?
And the most insulting is that the outfits are awesome, and it's a pity that I will continue to play this game anyway, while the company will not even pay attention to it, closing all eyes and removing posts, as if nothing of the kind happened and will not.
Happy Valentine Day, everybody...


#134 02/15/2018 at 13:23

Absynthe Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 169

I was waiting a few days before I shared my thoughts because I know that, with any special event, there is a period of working out the bugs and trial and error and figuring things out and that first impressions are not always accurate.

Before I go any further, first let me say that I am appreciative to all the staff here at Eldarya and that I appreciate the work you do, the effort you put into things, and trying to make this site safe, fun, and pleasant for everyone to use. Let me also say that in no way, shape, or form, do I blame any of the administrators for the complications of this event and I don’t want this to be an attack on you. I know that you are simply implementing what the company, created and based in France, has put together for the games across servers.

Let me also preface my statements by saying that I understand the financial difficulties that come with free-to-play games. I know full well that there is a staff of writers, developers, artists, programmers, and so on that works on these games and that they need to have their paycheck as well on top of the expenses it takes to maintain a server and so on. I get it, I really do.

That said, I would like to break down each element of this event and why I find it so troubling.

Let me start off with a few positives or touches that I have enjoyed.

For starters, I really do like the design of the succubus. It was very fun for me to try to piece together the pieces of her outfit and what collection they belonged to. I thought it was fun because I love seeing how other players mix and match their clothing items to come up with unique looks and this was a fun way to see that in action.

I also thought it was interesting that this succubus’ name (Akire) is a reversal of Guardian’s canon name, Erika. It’s an interesting narrative touch, as if we are facing down the evil, perverse mirror version of ourselves.

I also like the story concept of this event. Don’t get me wrong, I have had no issue with the scavenger hunt type events of the past, such as last year at Valentine’s where we had to find the ingredients for the chocolates and craft them to give to characters. While that’s sweet, it’s a bit narratively mindless, though, again, I have no problem or issue with that. I merely want to say that I enjoyed this love demon trope for an event as I think it’s something more narratively dense and exciting.

For the most part, I like the outfits. I know it’s hard to please everyone with the outfits since there are so many different tastes represented in the players on this site, but I appreciate the effort that has gone into designing them. I really love Valkyon’s outfit and for the most part I like Nevra’s. I’m a little less enthused about Ezarel’s outfit but, again, that’s simply personal taste. I still appreciate the effort that has gone into them.

I am absolutely in love with the new companion! I think it’s absolutely adorable and I am crossing my fingers so tightly that I will be able to receive this companion. Again, thank you for the work and design that went into creating it; it is much appreciated.

With that said, let me move on to the more problematic issues I have with this event and its setup and implementation. A lot of this has already been said, but I would like to add my two cents in as well.

The mini-game


I won’t say that the mini-game is impossible because that’s too finite and extreme a word and, as evidenced by playing it across multiple servers, it is winnable. However, the game that we’ve been given is extremely difficult. There is no strategy to it and, from what I can tell, no real sense of timing either (like, for example, in the Valentine’s event mini-game currently on MCL). It’s purely luck in my opinion, no matter how good you might be at using your controls. It’s more stressful than it is enjoyable and there is absolutely no margin for error unlike in other mini-games we’ve had before (though, granted, those have been on MCL for the most part). When I played the game the first time yesterday, the controls were hyper-responsive. One tap of the arrow key sent the shield clear to the opposite side of the bubble and I don’t even have a fancy laptop with ultra sensitive keys. When I played it the second time this morning, it seemed slightly less responsive, though still prone to jumping far distances. The shield at least is wide and even the far corners seemed to protect the inside bubble from the projectiles but that is about the only positive I could find in this mini-game. Again, I understand that every person has different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to gameplay, and there is no way to make something that is simple and easy for everyone to play. There just isn’t, and no company can cater to every person who plays their games but something in the coding for the responsiveness needs to be taken down somewhat..


It is absolutely ludicrous to me that we only get one chance to play the game a day. For those players who do have difficulty with this sort of game, having an energy gauge refill so that there are multiple plays a day is extremely helpful in trying to earn the necessary points to get to the intended checkpoints. It doesn’t even have to be a (relatively) short gauge, like on MCL, where it’s varied between about 3-4 hours on past events. You could make it so that the game was playable again after five or six hours. I would be okay with even eight hours in between if it meant I got another shot at earning some points within the confines of the event. Or, as another idea, you could have done something along the lines of what MCL has done and give players the option to buy replays (though with maana, not GC, as I will address later). But, coupled with the scoring (which I’ll address below), players who outright fail the game have the potential to get a flat out 0 points earned on the day which is frustrating, disheartening, and does not encourage excitement and interest in completing the event.


Because of the one-and-done nature of the mini-game, the scoring to me is extra frustrating. Yes, if you win, the points get added to all three meters which is certainly helpful. But this only happens when you win! If you fail, you’re done for the day and have no further opportunity to score points. I feel like the scoring scale should have been adjusted just slightly to accomodate for the limited nature of the game. If you insist on keeping a mini-game playable only once a day, the scoring should give some points for attempts. For example, with this game, just attempting it might give you 3-4 points, finishing with one heart gives you five points, two hearts gives you seven points, and all three gets you ten. At least then I could feel like I was earning something instead of a flat out nothing.

The illustration

It has been my experience in the past that the drop rate for the illustration pieces has been abysmal. Because I’m a completionist by nature, I want to have all the illustrations possible and I have always used GC if I haven’t completed it by the end of the event. This shouldn’t happen. With an event length of two weeks and the majority of established players having companions with higher energies and luck bonuses, it is still difficult to find all the fragments. The drop rate needs to be changed. (That said, while I don’t hate the illustration for this event, it’s certainly not what I was expecting nor one of my favorites but I still want to give thanks to the artists who worked on it.)

The shops


I was distinctly disappointed to find that the only Valentine’s items available in the clothing shop, were pieces from the 2017 event (I haven’t even touched the matter of their pricing and will address that issue later). Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely some pieces I wanted to obtain from that event that I simply wasn’t able to last time and I’m thankful for the opportunity to get them again. But I was looking forward to having access to the 2016 pieces that were on the French server (others too maybe though I can’t verify that) that we never got the chance to get before. I’m speaking specifically about the Sweetheart outfit. I understand that because this server came into being much later than the French server that there will be items we miss out on, such as the monthly ranking prizes. I get it. But events are not as frequent as the monthly prizes and should be obtainable to other servers that didn’t have the luxury of being the original.


Furthermore, I was doubly disappointed to realize that no previous Valentine’s event companions were available in the shop. There are two particular reasons this upsets me so much. The first is for younger, less established players who were not registered or otherwise unable to participate during the prior year events but who would like to have the companions, if only for aesthetic purposes. I really appreciated that I was able to find and/or purchase prior year companions for Halloween and Christmas events and the same courtesy would have been nice for this scenario. The second reason I’m so upset is because I still have no access to the Valuret. You know why this is especially troubling for me? Back when this server was still in pre-registration and it gave you information on some of the characters, the places, and the companions you could receive, the Valuret was listed among those. I remember that clearly because I loved it’s design and I wanted it. Why promise us something we can never have? It’s cruel and unfair and feels like one giant taunt.

The pricing

Let me start this section off by saying that I have never personally felt obligated to purchase either maana or GC to be able to participate fully and/or complete an event. When I have purchased it in the past it has always been because I wanted to, either because there were a few clothing pieces I didn’t want to miss out on or a companion I wanted that I hadn’t been able to find or something along those lines. It may not have been much, but hey, $20-40 every few months is still an expense for someone like me who has bills and rent and insurance to pay for. Let me also quickly reiterate that I understand there are financial obligations of running a free-to-play game and that there is an entire staff that works on this stuff and deserves to be paid for their work.

But imagine my complete shock when not only were the “love potions” to unlock another section of the meter only purchasable for GC (which, actually, I do understand to a degree since that’s how all the previous events have worked as well) but all of last year’s clothing items in the shop were ONLY purchasable for GC. I don’t believe I’m alone in seeing what a desperate money grab this is, veiled behind sugary sweet colors, but still just as scummy, rude, and demeaning to the players. Not only are there a fair amount of younger players on this site who either are too young to work and make money or who are just starting jobs and don’t have money to spare, but you also have people like me who are students with tuition responsibilities on top of loan payments, credit card payments, rent, utilities, car insurance, health insurance, groceries, etc. that fall under our necessary expenses. I don’t have a lot of extra spending money often but I have tried to support the sites I love in small ways when I can.

This, though, is a gross slap in the face and mistreatment to the established and loyal players of your games.

I understand having a GC exclusive outfit for an event. But to make all three outfits from last year GC exclusive is absolutely abhorrent, unfair, and reprehensible. Literally the only thing purchasable for maana during this event is the current event’s outfits and that’s only if you can manage to unlock everything before the end of the event! I refuse to drop my rent money on an online, virtual game and making me feel that I need to do so just to compete and participate is disgusting.

I would hope that Beemoov would take these frustrations and the frustrations of other players who have voiced their discontent seriously and either implement some changes to the structure of the event currently or give players one heck of an apology gift. I hope that, whatever happens with this event, they have learned their lesson and will not repeat the same mistakes. Let me say that this is the first time I have ever posted anything of this nature in one of these types of threads. I will also be writing a similar letter to Beemoov and hope that a) it gets to the appropriate people and b) they take these sort of comments seriously.

Last edited by Ashazra (02/15/2018 at 14:45)

Wishlist   |   Shop
by Faye


#135 02/15/2018 at 13:30

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 33

Just so everybody without a keyboard knows, *deep breath* IF YOU SKIP THE MINIGAME because you know it's a waste of time why bother, IT WILL NOT LET YOU FINISH THE EVENT DAY. WHICH MEANS THAT TOMORROW, THERE WILL NOT BE A CHANCE FOR DIALOGE. Cuz you only just finished 'today' even though it took two days, so you have to wait for tomorrow to talk again! THIS IS YOUR WARNING CUZ BEEMOOV FORGOT TO MENTION THAT thanks for that btw

Last edited by Clematiss (02/15/2018 at 13:33)


#136 02/15/2018 at 14:18

Young Recruit
Posts: 13

How long would it take for me to get the outfit I would like to get if I only spent time on the guys  and not do the mini event


#137 02/15/2018 at 15:14

Absynthe Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 385

Lunasun wrote

How long would it take for me to get the outfit I would like to get if I only spent time on the guys  and not do the mini event

From what I understand, you won't be able to. Even with maximum points from the dialogue (50) and maximum from the boss battle (75) you will still be 25 points short of the 150 required to unlock the whole outfit for one boy.

It would cost 40GC (two pieces of the outfit) in the scenario above, and 140 (seven pieces of the outfit) if you only do the dialogue.

Last edited by Moodle (02/15/2018 at 15:15)


#138 02/15/2018 at 15:17

Absynthe Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 5

too short, dificult, frustrating event....nice idea and outfits, but a complete disapointment.
please don't screw easter

Last edited by madness22 (02/15/2018 at 15:25)


#139 02/15/2018 at 15:25

Shadow Guard
Posts: 126

Okay, now I’m curious. Did anyone even play test this minigame? I know this game has beta testers, so I’m sure multiple people would have had to play the minigame unless beemoov forced it out quickly. So my question is this, did beemoov knowingly release this minigame KNOWING it’s almost unplayable? I’d like to give them the benefit of the doubt, but the only alternative here is that they didn’t even have anyone test the game before putting it out and I honestly don’t know which is worse.

Overall, I’m really disappointed with this event and it seems impossible for free to play players to complete which is completely ridiculous. They don’t need to go through with this shameless cash grab when players are going to spend money regardless. What a joke.


#140 02/15/2018 at 15:43

Absynthe Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 426

Second day and I don't even have anything to show for it ;^; I feel like I'm being punished for never playing a "a bullet hell" game or whatever that is and now I know to stay clear of that genre. Thanks Beemoov, but this event is just so discouraging and the opposite of rewarding. I mean, I'm pretty sure that's what events are, rewards right? I sound so petty right now but I was hoping for the same general set up as last years event. You could have just had us make an antidote or something instead of chocolates. The dialogue is a nice touch though.

I think simply making previous years outfits available for Maana and only making the Sweatheart available for GC would have saved this event if only a little.


#141 02/15/2018 at 16:23

Shadow Guard
Soldier of the Guard
Posts: 462

I'm just going to repeat the others because beemoov really needs to understand that the controls are horrible and there is an easy way to fix it: Let the player use their mouse instead of their keyboard, just like Break Basketball on mcl. You guys did it before so it's not impossible to program. Not to mention that it's fairer for everyone, I just to play something like this with my stylus on my DS and you had to use your touchscreen for a reason. Because otherwise, completing the game would be impossible. Beemoov already did a lot of stuff wrong with their games and events and I'm tried of it. They better fix this and give us some extra days to catch up or just give us the companion.

Either way, I'm tired of stuff like this since it seems to happen more frequently than it should.


#142 02/15/2018 at 18:25

Absynthe Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 260

Hahaha....I'm not going to get any of the outfits. :(


#143 02/15/2018 at 21:27

Shadow Guard
Elf Sidekick
Posts: 7 604

I lost the stupid minigame again
I hope your happy Beemoov Dx want items in this game, if you have the items i want, you can sell the item(s) to me, here is the link to know what items i want:,4-market-exploration-wishlists.htm&#p40468


#144 02/15/2018 at 21:42

Shadow Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 305

Quick question!

If I don't pick a color for an outfit one day, would it be available for me to collect the next day?

My friend Marywolf and I are both curious about this because I went on her account today to do her dialogue with one of the boys and got her enough points to get an outfit piece. She wont get her computer back till tomorrow and I don't know what color outfit piece she would want  /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png

If you are wanting or willing to sell any of the Monthly Ranking Prizes message me. I would love to buy them from you!


#145 02/15/2018 at 21:44

Shadow Guard
Elf Sidekick
Posts: 7 604

AceSpades wrote

Quick question!

If I don't pick a color for an outfit one day, would it be available for me to collect the next day?

My friend Marywolf and I are both curious about this because I went on her account today to do her dialogue with one of the boys and got her enough points to get an outfit piece. She wont get her computer back till tomorrow and I don't know what color outfit piece she would want  /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png
Maybe you could take a picture of all the different colors, and send it to her, that way she could pick, just to be safe want items in this game, if you have the items i want, you can sell the item(s) to me, here is the link to know what items i want:,4-market-exploration-wishlists.htm&#p40468


#146 02/15/2018 at 22:38

Shadow Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 305

Lataryia wrote

AceSpades wrote

Quick question!

If I don't pick a color for an outfit one day, would it be available for me to collect the next day?

My friend Marywolf and I are both curious about this because I went on her account today to do her dialogue with one of the boys and got her enough points to get an outfit piece. She wont get her computer back till tomorrow and I don't know what color outfit piece she would want  /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png
Maybe you could take a picture of all the different colors, and send it to her, that way she could pick, just to be safe

Good idea, thank you!

Also thank you GrinningReaper for the information you gave me!

Last edited by AceSpades (02/16/2018 at 00:40)

If you are wanting or willing to sell any of the Monthly Ranking Prizes message me. I would love to buy them from you!


#147 02/16/2018 at 00:07

Shadow Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 333

I'd only be just echoing what most complaints are about for this event but I have to say: It's one of the worst events I've seen from Beemoove. One chance to pick the right dialogue a day and one chance a day to beat the impossible mini-game for PC users. All of the previous Valentines outfits for GC only? Beemoove, you do realize the demographic you're catering to aren't all fully grown adults most likely. We all don't have credit cards at our beck and call to give you all the money in the world.

This is the issue with he manna GC system. I wish at least that part worked like MCL were you'd be able to earn GC daily if events like this are going to be the normal.

My suggestion would be like many others, please fix the mini game controls and the over-sensitivity of the controls, please! It's too fast, not smooth, too sensitive. People should have a fair chance to win clothing items. The balance is missing.

Overall: This event feels like a money grab and nothing more. Not that you shouldn't try to make money but that it's not fun. Not worth trying all together. I'm sorry. That's how I feel.

Last edited by LysaMarie (02/16/2018 at 00:12)


#148 02/16/2018 at 00:17

Shadow Guard
Posts: 39

AceSpades wrote

Quick question!

If I don't pick a color for an outfit one day, would it be available for me to collect the next day?

My friend Marywolf and I are both curious about this because I went on her account today to do her dialogue with one of the boys and got her enough points to get an outfit piece. She wont get her computer back till tomorrow and I don't know what color outfit piece she would want  /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png

The box will pop up again if you leave the page and come back, so it'd be fine to leave it until tomorrow.


#149 02/16/2018 at 00:17

Shadow Guard
Elf Sidekick
Posts: 7 604

Guys be warned!
So i clicked on the event star, and it showed me the game that you can play only once every three days, and i accidentally closed the tab. And when i went back to the Event page to play the game to play it, it was not available for me to play Dx
Everyone said it was easy too, it was my one chance to actually play, and i did not even get to start, or play it.
/static/img/forum/smilies/sad.png ;-; want items in this game, if you have the items i want, you can sell the item(s) to me, here is the link to know what items i want:,4-market-exploration-wishlists.htm&#p40468


#150 02/16/2018 at 00:19

Absynthe Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 169

Lataryia wrote

Guys be warned!
So i clicked on the event star, and it showed me the game that you can play only once every three days, and i accidentally closed the tab. And when i went back to the Event page to play the game to play it, it was not available for me to play Dx
Everyone said it was easy too, it was my one chance to actually play, and i did not even get to start, or play it.
/static/img/forum/smilies/sad.png ;-;

It happened to me too. I'm very angry. I'll concact with the support because I didn't even click the "play" button.


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