Seriously how has everyone gotten so far into this event? Because of all the troubles I've been having with these mini games I only have four items of Ezeral's outfit! That's it! Hopefully I can get the boots tomorrow because otherwise I won't be able to get the one other item I want and that's the dust cloud from Nevera's outfit (and even then I will have to get an item a day which is apparently impossible for me to do). I literally only wanted a handful of items but of course even that much has to be near impossible to obtain. I wish we didn't have to go through the trouble of unlocking the items before we could buy them with Maana ;^;
I think that's what Beemoov failed to take into account when they decided to format this like they would Christmas or Halloween; at least with those events we don't have to find the item on the map in order to buy it in the shop! And even then there's a chance to find previous years items on the map or market!
I just want this event over and done with already.
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#301 02/20/2018 at 02:28
#302 02/20/2018 at 03:39
I'm 3 points away from freeing the first boy and I have to wait until tomorrow! Gah, I'm so close!!
#303 02/20/2018 at 04:21
Storm wrote
Alright I hate being like this but I just need to share this with everyone.
So 3 days ago with the first mini boss game I tried to use my touch screen laptop but it didn't work. I hit the hearts and they wouldn't disappear. So I lost out on those points.
I contacted Beemoov support ticket got opened and no word from them since. Not to let me know if it was a bug or not or anything.
So I tried the mini boss battle again today. This time I was ready I had a mouse. SAME THING HAPPENED!
I went to the ticket and informed them of this hopefully I will get some sort of reply but I wont be holding my breath.
That is all.
I've had the same problem. I'm using a mouse on my laptop. But the hearts won't go off. It's like it's frozen

#304 02/20/2018 at 04:44
Can we at least have 3 tries with the dialogue each day?
Last edited by MelancholyLush (02/20/2018 at 04:49)

#306 02/20/2018 at 05:08
Aetherene wrote
Storm wrote
Alright I hate being like this but I just need to share this with everyone.
So 3 days ago with the first mini boss game I tried to use my touch screen laptop but it didn't work. I hit the hearts and they wouldn't disappear. So I lost out on those points.
I contacted Beemoov support ticket got opened and no word from them since. Not to let me know if it was a bug or not or anything.
So I tried the mini boss battle again today. This time I was ready I had a mouse. SAME THING HAPPENED!
I went to the ticket and informed them of this hopefully I will get some sort of reply but I wont be holding my breath.
That is all.
I've had the same problem. I'm using a mouse on my laptop. But the hearts won't go off. It's like it's frozen
Best report to the support team like I did so they know.
You know I thought the "find item on page" was bad but these flash games are going to be what drives me away from the site.
Life is a mystery waiting to be explored; all you need is the will to explore it. ~Storm
#307 02/20/2018 at 05:13
Storm wrote
Best report to the support team like I did so they know.
You know I thought the "find item on page" was bad but these flash games are going to be what drives me away from the site.
I feel the same way, I like the event from last year more than this one. It was less stressful and it was easier to keep track of your chances to get the companion.
#308 02/20/2018 at 05:13
I'm not having any 'freezing' problems using Internet Explorer or Google Chrome...
They suggest that we empty our chache and cookies:
>> Tip
- but I actually didn't do any of that and it's still working fine for me.
I hope you guys get some kind of compensation!
And I hope they'll never do an event like this again!
I was absolutely frustrated at the beginning (before they finally fixed the Shield-Game), too.
I still can't figure out what they were thinking when they released the event... (Well, I'm evil enough to assume that they wanted to make us buy lots of Gold...)
I'm also cheating by looking up the correct dialogue options on tumblr every day. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to get all the outfit pieces.
#309 02/20/2018 at 05:16
Meleth wrote
Dang, I feel bad for everyone who has the Mini-Game/Boss-Game freeze on them...
I'm not having any 'freezing' problems using Internet Explorer or Google Chrome...
They suggest that we empty our chache and cookies:>> Tip
- but I actually didn't do any of that and it's still working fine for me.
I hope you guys get some kind of compensation!
And I hope they'll never do an event like this again!
I was absolutely frustrated at the beginning (before they finally fixed the Shield-Game), too.
I still can't figure out what they were thinking when they released the event... (Well, I'm evil enough to assume that they wanted to make us buy lots of Gold...)
I'm also cheating by looking up the correct dialogue options on tumblr every day. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to get all the outfit pieces.
Don't worry, that's exactly what I've been doing xD
I was lucky enough that the mini games have always worked for me though.
I too think that they did this to earn money. Since that's obviously what they're doing. I can't really blame them since it's a company but it's still disappointing.
#310 02/20/2018 at 05:51
Thank you! :) The outfits look nice.. but the game is too hard :(
#311 02/20/2018 at 06:04
Getting money is one of the biggest reason any game has events. Of course no one gets everything for free, one has to pay for it if they want it. That shouldn't be any news let alone a shock to anyone.
And I honestly don't understand what is so difficult in the shield game. Even without the fix I find it pretty easy and I always score at least 7 points in it, if not maximum 10. It just needs quick reflexes (and you also need to know in what order the attacks are hitting the shield).
The game freezing is of course a different case. That shouldn't happen.
Last edited by Larjus (02/20/2018 at 06:05)

#312 02/20/2018 at 06:38
Larjus wrote
Getting money is one of the biggest reason any game has events. Of course no one gets everything for free, one has to pay for it if they want it. That shouldn't be any news let alone a shock to anyone.
And I honestly don't understand what is so difficult in the shield game. Even without the fix I find it pretty easy and I always score at least 7 points in it, if not maximum 10. It just needs quick reflexes (and you also need to know in what order the attacks are hitting the shield).
The game freezing is of course a different case. That shouldn't happen.
Good for you. XD I would be happy not to know why is it hard... but it is, for me at least. Maybe the main problem is that some of us never played a game like this. And we don't have time to practice, it's just once a day. I know that I'm lame and I will never make it, but at least hope Beemoov will forget this game and I will never see it again...

#313 02/20/2018 at 07:02
I really hope this event gets better for everyone having problems with it. It's fine for me (I'm even one point away from Ezarel's next item *shakes fist*). But seriously, I hope there's at least some sort of consolation for everyone having trouble with it
Last edited by Acilia (02/20/2018 at 07:02)

She won't be able to live in her own world

#314 02/20/2018 at 09:50
Umm where do I contact support? o.O
For some reason I can't find it
I've mostly given up on this event by now. The only things I wanted was Nevra's outfit and that smokey atmosphere. Not gonna get that

#315 02/20/2018 at 09:55
Aetherene wrote
Umm where do I contact support? o.O
For some reason I can't find it
I've mostly given up on this event by now. The only things I wanted was Nevra's outfit and that smokey atmosphere. Not gonna get that
Right at the bottom of the site there are a number of links you can click. One of them is 'Contact'. The email is to contact Beemoov directly is

#316 02/20/2018 at 10:06
AceSpades wrote
Thank you for letting me know!
I'm glad they extended the event, now we are able to do all the dialouges since there are 5 each thats 15 total, before with the 14 days it wasnt going to be possible to do them all but with the extension it now is! WAHOO!
That's not true. From february 14 to february 28, it's 15 days and not 14. I don't know why a lot people think it was 14 days. If you look at the calendar and count it, you can see that it's 15 days. So actually, we could get all the dialouges with boys before too.
And with two days extension, we could get 20 points from the dialogues so far, then after fifth dialogue (also the last one) with each boy, you can repeat the dialogues again, but this time the game pick the dialogues randomly and not by order. For example by your sixth day maybe you don't get first day's dialogue, but third day's dialogue.
In this two days entension, we don't only benefit with the shield game, but also with the dialogues. Only with the heart game, we don't have a benefit so far.
#317 02/20/2018 at 10:14
I don't have any problems with both mini games. I actually think they're both pretty fun. I'm not very good at that shield one, but that's just my own fault.
Never tell a soldier he doesn't know the cost of war.
#318 02/20/2018 at 10:36
Aetherene wrote
Storm wrote
Alright I hate being like this but I just need to share this with everyone.
So 3 days ago with the first mini boss game I tried to use my touch screen laptop but it didn't work. I hit the hearts and they wouldn't disappear. So I lost out on those points.
I contacted Beemoov support ticket got opened and no word from them since. Not to let me know if it was a bug or not or anything.
So I tried the mini boss battle again today. This time I was ready I had a mouse. SAME THING HAPPENED!
I went to the ticket and informed them of this hopefully I will get some sort of reply but I wont be holding my breath.
That is all.
I've had the same problem. I'm using a mouse on my laptop. But the hearts won't go off. It's like it's frozen
Are you sure you're not clicking on the wrong hearts? That happened to me twice and I thought it was a bug until I realised my stupid mistake.
#319 02/20/2018 at 10:48
I guess that a lot of people have a hard time with the mini-game because of the controls. I too have problems with them. I guess people who play games like Undertale a lot are more used to the keys. They only confuse me if I have to be honest. And that's what pisses me off. Yes, this would be my own problem, but if a majority of the players have a problem with clearing it, you can say that it's a bit too hard for casual players. I'm everything but a hardcore player. The only games I play often are my candy love and Eldarya and sometimes Castlevania maybe. But again, that's why I said that it could be more fair to let players controle the shield with their mouse by simply turing their mouse around since you do something similar with the basketball game on my candy love, so there is a bigger chance that even casual players are used to it.
A lot of older games seemed to be easier because they were well known games that everyone played at least once in their lives, like pacman. The heart mini-game also seems to be easier thanks to the fact that a lot of people play egg'pick. I myself never played something like the shield game with my arrow keys (I have played games like this but with a touchscreen and stylus because it would be impossible to clear without it) and I can't think or any other game that might be similar to this, which means that I (and probably a lot of other players) never had the chance to be familiar with games like this or their controls. This is what makes it hard and maybe even unfair. I'm honest if I say that I should actually add "like me" behind the sentence since the way the shield rotates is really confusing for me and you don't really have the time to be confused since you lose 3 hearts before you can recover yourself.
Again, it's not like I'm not appreciating the teams effort. I actually do since I know people who study coding and such and I know how hard it is. And as an art student I can only appreciate the effort that the artist puts in her work.
Last edited by Vorona (02/20/2018 at 10:49)
#320 02/20/2018 at 11:57
I know what you mean! I'm also not a gamer and I've only stuck with playing Beemoov games for longer so the shield game is super frustrating for me. I haven't won anything from it even once and I even have 2 other accounts (on other language versions) that I use only to test things so I've been trying to get better at it but I'm very far away from winning.
I'm not against us not being able to complete the event without spending real money but giving us a frustrating mini game isn't the way to go about it.
And I wanted to point out what xherooox mentioned - there are only 5 unique dialogues for each guy BUT this doesn't mean that the max amount of dialogues you can have with each guy is 5. They start repeating randomly after that and you still get points for them. This means that if for example you really want to collect Nevra's outfit you can talk to him for 15 days and get 150 points, meaning you get the whole outfit even if you get 0 points from the mini games.
However, I would advice you to be careful about choosing to do this in order to complete the whole outfit. This way if you have 150 with one guy and win a mini game you'll have to get 15 points for each guy. However, you won't get them for the guy with 150 points and they probably won't get redistributed to the other 2 guys.
I wish I'd figured out that the dialogues work this way sooner. I hope this helps someone and don't forget to check the internet for guides about the dialogues.

#321 02/20/2018 at 13:28
I managed to win several times at the shield minigame too!
And I have collected 16 out of 30 items so far, and I may be able to complete the event and get that cutie companion <3
The clothes are gorgeous!
As for the image, i didn't get a single fragment so far xDD
But that's my last priority really, I got spoiled for it and it's beautiful as well!
That's all, I'll update the status later on the event xDD

#322 02/20/2018 at 13:30

I keep wanting more and more colors of each outfit. Ahh they're so gorgeous!
#323 02/20/2018 at 13:34
Arianni wrote
I keep wanting more and more colors of each outfit. Ahh they're so gorgeous!
Same! And I haven't even unlocked all the pieces yet...
#324 02/20/2018 at 13:40
Hmm now I'm leaning more on getting Nevra's outfit when I'm finished getting Ezarel's because it's a wedding dress~! It's so cute I love it, I've also been wanting to create a wedding outfit for my guardian so Nevra's outfit solves my problems.

#325 02/20/2018 at 13:52

I made a wedding outfit a few months ago, and I literally mentioned how I wonder if we'll ever get a wedding dress, and here we are! XD