
  • Level: 31
  • Experience: 35063 / 37080
  • Episode: 21, Breathless
  • Registration date: 07/22/16
  • 972 game days
  • Crush on Someone...
    *Note, I have quit the game. Thanks to all the friends I've made for making life fun /static/img/forum/smilies/smile.png

    Name: Nobody Knows

    Currently Known As: Dru

    Alignment: True Neutral

    Weapon of Choice: various poisons.

    Personality: Charming, Mysterious, and Intelligent. Those who aren't hunting her enjoy being around her, and many are quick to fall for her charms. Despite so many people being drawn to her, few, if any, know what she's really like. The only beings that she truly trusts are her loyal companions.

    Companions: Have all been given away to loving homes.

    ~Amenthes ♂ +334 luck
        -Amenthes is a sneaky Ciralak that has grown to be an excellent thief; his three heads make it much easier to snatch away what he needs.

    ~Crispen ♂ +338 luck
        -Crispen is a wise Danalasm. Dignified and passive, he spends a great deal of time observing (and occasionally assisting) others.

    ~Xerxes ♂ +356 luck
        - Xerxes is a passionate Hydracarys with a nasty temper. Fierce and protective, he will not hesitate to strike down those who would harm Dru.

    ~Artemis ♀ +348 luck
        - Artemis is a strong Owlette who loves to explore the night and test her strength against wild beasts.

    ~Melody ♀ +371 luck
        -Like most Melomantha, Melody loves music and is content to spend the day lazily floating from sound to sound.