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#26 10/28/2022 at 01:33

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 27

Saby-chan wrote

I suggest refreshing the page whenever you encounter a bad set, because it resets the game without consuming more of your bone fragments. Yes, it might take a while to get the good rounds, but as long as you stack up 350 points and above you should get max every time. I'd say that what qualifies as a good round to get the max score is having around 150 points by the time you have 15 moves left. I applied this strategy and 4 days into the event I'm already done with all 3 outfits and now I'm helping fill up the meter for the horse pet. Hope this helps and good luck!^^

That works? For some reason I thought refreshing the page would read as us spending the bone fragments and not winning any points. Thanks for the tip, that'll help a lot!

"It's a fire sale and everything must go..."


#27 10/28/2022 at 11:23

Absynthe Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2

what the hell is going on with the map? the amount of items in each location keeps changing. i've reread the event message but i can't see anything about it, did i miss something or are you just having fun swapping the items' location at random three times a day?


#28 10/28/2022 at 11:52

Obsidian Guard
Posts: 2 284

aametal wrote

what the hell is going on with the map? the amount of items in each location keeps changing. i've reread the event message but i can't see anything about it, did i miss something or are you just having fun swapping the items' location at random three times a day?

I've been wondering the same thing. I have written down where I've found different items, and the locations have changed every day... Maybe they do this on purpose, so we cannot make lists of the locations. Not a fan /static/img/forum/smilies/hmm.png


#29 10/28/2022 at 11:56

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 145

aametal wrote

what the hell is going on with the map? the amount of items in each location keeps changing. i've reread the event message but i can't see anything about it, did i miss something or are you just having fun swapping the items' location at random three times a day?

They forgot to add a few items to the map so they changed all location drops... and then they forgot some items yet again and changed the locations again as well. ._.


#30 10/28/2022 at 12:04

Posts: 4 521
theㅤwhereabouts of the broken wings,ㅤand the cloudy loveㅤ❪⠀STANDING⠀❫ㅤtill the end
everything,ㅤmyㅤVULNERABILITYㅤand my past,ㅤi hold them out from myself to you

﹖ ׄ ۪  ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ‧ㅤ‧ㅤ‧ㅤㅤ ㅤ─────────────ㅤㅤ✦ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

helxya wrote

they forgot to add a few items to the map so they changed all location drops... and then they forgot some items yet again and changed the locations again as well. ._.

i mean... should we really be surprised that something like this happened?

❪⠀&&.⠀❫ㅤi’d been tirelessly waiting for you longㅤBEFOREㅤwe’d even metㅤ
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤso let’s drown in the moment


#31 10/28/2022 at 17:47

Shadow Guard
Posts: 117

Honestly, this is the first time I don't mind a bug since I do spam the pets locations in the first days to obtain them and a change in item drops means I can collect more different stuff from the same single spot, but at the same time, it might also mean the pet got a new location too, so that might explain why I haven't encountered it again for 2 days, in which case it backfires and makes me confused.*skull emoji*


#32 10/29/2022 at 18:41

Shadow Guard
Posts: 30

loving these outfits


#33 10/30/2022 at 02:54

Shadow Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 265

The Outfits

Death Fairy
This is a pretty good outfit, although there are a few elements that I don't like. I don't like the hair as it looks messy to me and I'm also not a huge fan of two-tone hair. I also don't like the mask since it covers the eyes completely, although it might look good when placed behind the eyes so it looks more like an elaborate makeup look. The butterfly wings are nice, although they are a bit similar to the Fairy Army Wings, but I do prefer this one. The shirt is fine, it appears to have a butterfly-like design on it. The body suit is very pretty, and I love the spider lily design on it. The belt is fine and I do like how it creates a bit of a necklace. The skirt is cute as it matches with the spider lily and it also has a nice flow to it. The shoes are cute, although I'm getting a bit tired of the ribbon-like shoes. The sleeves are fine though we've seen flowy/transparent sleeves before. I really like the spider lily and the name Death Fairy is very fitting since Japan symbolizes the flower for death or more closely to goodbyes and moving on to the after life.

Bone Guardian
This outfit is just okay to me, and I can see it becoming one of those outfits that I'm going to have a hard time using with other clothing. I like the helmet and how it has multiple horns instead of the normal two horns. I also like the multiple pieces of bone hanging from it. The shirt it fine, but it looks a bit similar to the Skeleton Witch Top from Halloween 2016. I really like the hair, it's nice to see more poofy/curly hair. I really like the fur coat. The gloves are 'meh' to me and I can't see myself using them. I'm also not a huge fan of the shoes either since I find it incohesive looking since there is random tuffs of fur on one leg, bones only on one leg, and that odd mix of ribbon with a huge bit of bone on the kneecap only on one side. The shoes are such a hodgepodge of items, I can't see myself ever using these shoes. The staff is a nice design, but again, it's not something I can see myself really using it. The skirt is nice and I like the incorporation of the bones on it. I like the bag with the bones. I am super happy to see more tattoos, I was recently going through my closet and I noticed the huge lack of tattoos we have so I'm really happy to get some more.

I like this outfit. I really like the hair, it's a bit plain, but I love when the hair has movement to it. I like the veil and how it has the roses with the long thorns poking from it. The mouth is good and I could see myself using it for other Halloween outfits, although I wish it didn't have that odd shadowy part underneath the mouth. The sleeves are okay, nothing special but they do have a nice flow to it. The skirt is very simple, but I like it and it also has a nice flow to it. I really like top with the very tiny beading and the continued theme of roses and sharp thorns. I really love the clawed hands gloves and it reminds me a bit of the Daemonika skin that also had clawed hands, but I prefer this one since the clawed hands aren't as long. The belt is fine. The bouquet is fine, it fits well with the theme of the roses and thorns, but it reminds me a lot of the Pure Bride Bouquet just with the roses not looking as grand and having thrones. I really love the skin, it has a stunning transparent look to it (looks way better than the Luminous Spectrale Skin) and I love the the how the bottom is hazy.

Ghost Hunter
This is my least favorite outfit. The cape and hood is boring since we have had so many different capes and they all look about the same. I feel like that there is only so much that can be done with them before they all look the same. The one part that I do like from the cape is the belt-like straps coming from it. I like the hair, we have had quite a few single braid hairstyles but none as long as this one. I really like the scythe, while I don't know how often I'll use it, I do like the ghostly electricity. I also like the ghosts all around Guardian and they fit well with the theme of a 'ghost hunter'. I like the undershirt with the rips and tears and wish it was separate because I find the shirt odd looking. The shoulder pad is so ugly, the spikes are so tall and I have no idea how I'll ever be able to incorporate them in another outfit. The gloves are 'meh', they have an armour look to it which makes it's hard to pair with outfits. The pants are fine. I like the belt and it's nice to see a sword strapped to the hip instead of in Guardian's hand. I'm not a huge fan of the shoes; they do match the gloves, but I can't see myself really using them. This outfit is just so odd with the mixture of normal clothing with armour and it just doesn't work for me.

It's a very cute companion and it's an interesting concept to mix a cat-like creature with a bat. Although I have to be honest, I prefer having more creepy companions during Halloween.

I've already commented about this companion because its the same exact companion from last year. While I'm glad we have another chance to win the companion since we were unable to last year, it does feel a little bit lazy to re-use it.

The Game
While I really like Match-3 games I'm getting really sick and tired of playing the same type of mini-game over and over again. Another reason why I hate it so much is because it means that I can only get the clothing pieces in one color and if I want to get more I have to use my maana to buy it in the shop (and I can't put it on the market if I end up regretting it). I miss when we could just explore for the clothing to try and get all the colors that we wanted. I feel like most people prefer the exploration versus the games so why fix something that isn't broken?

Despite my indifference on not being able to get this years outfits through exploration I am glad to see a bunch of old outfits from later years since it gives people a chance to get the outfits from years they missed. The drop rate of getting clothing is great since there's so many. The drop rate for the Sleipnhorz also seems to be pretty high, but the drop rate for the bait has been very low for me.

The illustration is gorgeous, but I hate how Guardian has to ride on Lance's back. It's good for those on his route, but I absolutely despise him. Why couldn't Guardian ride on a Sleipnhorz too? It just feels like the artist is picking favorites. Another issue that I have with the illustration is that you can barely even see Guardian in it. I would have loved to get a closer look at Guardian wearing the Ghost Hunter outfit.

Overall I would say that this is decent enough event. I think this years clothing is a bit better than last years and I'm glad we had three (four with bank) outfits unlike last years that only had two (three with bank). I do like how we are able to get the clothing from all the past years, although it is a bit difficult to get exactly what you want with how much clothing there is. The mini-game is overused and needs to go. Let's go back to the old days when it was just exploration based.


#34 10/30/2022 at 03:54

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 15

Every day I have been able to collect the bone fragments but after clicking 'finish' yesterday once I had delivered the dolls to the Purrekos, I have not found any. Did I do something wrong?


#35 10/30/2022 at 06:15

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 2 826

Okay, I'm almost finished so let's do this. Unless something big happens, my opinion won't change.

Love them. It's been a while since we got any so cool as these ones. But the style is a bit inconsistent between them, wich is going to make it a pain to use them with other stuff. But half of the pieces we already have have the same issue.

I hate it. It's absolutely buggy, takes an eternity to load and doesn't fit the theme. Was it so hard to change the bg color and the gem's icons to something more spooky? Or to make a new minigame? You used to make new ones every event, plus the 3+ new outfits, plus the monthly animated item.

Why the heck is there a 2 item cap? And food and bait count to that cap? I'm sorry, but what the heck. My blobby used to bring back 4 items + food or bait, and even then you barely made a dent on the amount of items left.  I get it, it's to make us pay, but the heck I am going to. I thought it was impossible, but you've managed to make me loose any interest tin exploration.

3-steps reward system:
As much as I'm gratefull that we don't have the horrible 3-dayly-missions system, I really hate it. Just make them independent. But it's nice that the second and third take the same amount and you don't have to keep playing the minigame well after finishing the story cause you've gor half the items left.

What was it about? I totally forgot, really. Can we make it have a bit more of a role in the actual event?

Okay, this one is epic.

Final thoughts:
I've already played this same event multiple times. It's not anything new or exciting, and a lot of the stuff is a downgrade of stuff we used to have. It's not an event for all, it's an event specially designed to be completed by paying and ending it the same day it starts, with some exploration for the new users who don't kow how exploration used to work.
My brain still wants to finish it, so I will get the 3 pieces I got left (of each outfit), but I don't think I'll be aroud here for the Xmas one.

Last edited by NoName_NoPower (10/31/2022 at 08:15)


It's been a pleasure serving in the guard with you all, but it's time for me to leave.
Hope you all have a wonderful time here in the lands of El.

Concept Art Suggestions
My Interactive Adventure: Don't worry, I will find the best treasure...Or not...


#36 10/30/2022 at 17:11

Shadow Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 172

um...i really liked the minigame at first, cause at first anytime i would do a Halloween Land exploration i would ALWAYS get the Bone Fragments, but now i haven't been getting ANY Bone Fragments no matter where in Halloween Land I sent my companion to???? for 2 days???

is there a glitch i don't know about?!


#37 10/30/2022 at 22:18

Fatal Error
Posts: 4 876

i'm a girl who's learnin'. everything i say isn't definitive.
i'm not some kind of minor trope who's never gonna change. that's so derivative.

Congratulations, y'all! We managed to get the Legendary companion.

in the thick of it, will you stick up for me? in the thick of it, are you gonna believe that i can do it?
love me in the way that only you can. be my number one fan.


#38 11/02/2022 at 01:55

Shadow Guard
Lieutenant of the Guard
Posts: 11 273

after properly playing the event, I can now form a better opinion.
the candy crush game is so annoying to do, multiple times. many times I wished I could turn off the music for the mini game too. makes me feel like if the event is purposely designed to be annoying. obviously adults fund you beemoov, and the event is soo time consuming. lots of us have jobs and school to attend, and with an event so time consuming I had to assume it was purposely designed to push us to spend gold coins. (it sounds so obvious as I type it actually)
I have had to force myself to remember to come back for the candy crush game >___<
anyways, that are my final thoughts. I usually don't mind but I loved the outfits this time around so I am disappointed I won't have them this year. oh well. next year.


#39 11/02/2022 at 14:47

Absynthe Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 4

lovelyjuliexo wrote

um...i really liked the minigame at first, cause at first anytime i would do a Halloween Land exploration i would ALWAYS get the Bone Fragments, but now i haven't been getting ANY Bone Fragments no matter where in Halloween Land I sent my companion to???? for 2 days???

is there a glitch i don't know about?!

I have the exact same problem. Started off strong and now I haven't been getting fragments in days. For sure won't be able to finish this event


#40 11/03/2022 at 17:23

Shadow Guard
Posts: 107

I finished the Event today and I must say I was not too happy to see the candy crush game again. It didn't match the theme at all and while I do like the idea, the amount of times I had to play it just upsetted me.

The Map is the same as every other year, I guess that's fine for me. But like others, I struggled to find the fragments.

The outfits have a few nice pieces but aren't the best. The problem with most pieces is that they cannot be used outside of Halloween, with ghost auras, never before used color combos and weird straps attached (like with the cape and the hood).

I also would rather have reusable mouths/eyes/hair instead of the ones we mostly get.

The event picture was fine, nothing too exciting but alright, kind of like the event.

Solely pretty


#41 11/04/2022 at 00:07

Obsidian Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 27

The biggest issue with the gem game can be highlighted by a bit of simple math.

You have to get I think 340 points to win 300 gems.
You have 30 moves to win those points.
Several of those moves, like the first one for instance, will be 3 point matches (due to setup).
You have to average over 11 points a move to win 340 points.

You have to be very lucky and have a good starting setup to win this much, and the game is coded so you have very (VERY) limited options in the beginning.

"It's a fire sale and everything must go..."


#42 11/04/2022 at 17:49

Shadow Guard
Vanquished a Chicken
Posts: 822

This event was better than I expected. I liked that it was not time bound and I could finish it at my own pace. It was very easy to complete and I did so already few days ago.

I enjoyed playing the minigame after I got over the fact it works different from candy crush. Though I agree that the it could have been done better and I would have loved it to be halloween themed. I liked that there was no timer, so I could take my time and plan my moves instead of rushing. (And also the attempt wasn't ruined when somebody disrupted me :D)

The thing I disliked the most was the music and sound. Those are nice to have, but I always can't and if I press the sound off -button, I want all sound off. In the minigame too. And I'd like the site to remember my choice and not reset it every time I log in.

It is nice to have the map filled with last years stuff but sadly it is very hard to find stuff I'm actually looking for.

Overall pretty good event. It has its flaws, but I'll take exploration event over the task events anytime.

Don't be afraid of shadows; they're just constant reminders of light all around you


#43 11/05/2022 at 14:50

Obsidian Guard
Posts: 120

Thank you for the event

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶Outfits Gallery༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶


#44 11/06/2022 at 00:04

Fatal Error
Posts: 4 876

i'm a girl who's learnin'. everything i say isn't definitive.
i'm not some kind of minor trope who's never gonna change. that's so derivative.

Thank you for the event! There were a lot of clothing items in the Exploration map!
I wish I could have gotten the colors I wanted, but I'll see what I can do with what I have.
Nonetheless, I'm just glad I filled my closet up more than before with my noob self, haha.
Can't wait for the next event!;h=50&amp;zoom=2

in the thick of it, will you stick up for me? in the thick of it, are you gonna believe that i can do it?
love me in the way that only you can. be my number one fan.


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