Ilyada wrote
I was able to finish the second outfit without any trouble - the snow kept appearing on the map even after the other outfits were already complete...
Did you finish all of the outfits before we got 100% on the community meter? I think what happened for a lot of us is we had only finished the third outfit (or the first and third) and it was only when we got the bonus companion that it triggered the event as being "completed" and stopped giving us snow, even though a lot of us still hadn't gotten the second (and, in my case, also the first) outfit.
I think they set up the event with the expectation that we'd get the three outfits in order, but calculated it based on the assumption that we'd get 300 points on the mini-game every single time we played. However, I got the third outfit and the illustration before completing either of the other two, which wasn't a problem until we got 100% on the community meter and it locked me out/stopped giving me snow.