omg the outfits look amazing!! <3

omg the outfits look amazing!! <3
Okay, so my thoughts overall for this event are mixed.
Overall, as far as execution goes, it's way better put together and organized than the music event was. The explorations go well and I am very appreciative that this time around we don't lose exploration items whenever we find the sun tokens like with the voice fragments that took up a full exploration chance and we got no outfit pieces. The companion was extremely easy to obtain as I caught it in the first try and the place where it spawns is pretty obvious as it has the companion's name within the destination's name. Items variation and spawn rate is good, I'm halfway done with both the Summer Fairy and Orchid Dancer so that's a plus and the outfits themselves are allright (not the best, not the worst, but they're allright). The minigame is very easy, after you get the hang of it there isn't too much bother with completing the illustration, were 2 days in and I already have like 75% of the illustration unlocked, as for the community meter, it's finally balanced and I don't think we'll need them to step in and boost it this time around.
Only downside tho, as I said before, is the utter blatant greed they're shamelessly showcasing with 2 paywall outfits. As I stated before, there is no issue with them having a bank outfit to bribe people into using the bank, they've been doing that for years at this point and ppl really got used to the fact that it's (most of the times) the only intriguing outfit, but to have the audacity of putting a second outfit behind a paywall while's not a previous years' event outfit like Easter's Bohemian outfit or music event's gold only shop outfit (sorry, didn't really bothered checking it's name out, but I am more than sure it was from some older event since I've seen the wig of it in the Antique store) and's friggin showcased in the illustration, making it feel as if it should've been a bonus for us, but nah, Beemove gotta taunt us with even the slightest details is really annoyin!. I just don't understand why they had to put the Diver outfit as gold only while Summer Fairy and Orchid Dancer are available for manna too! It's really frustrating since I actually wanted it as it reminds me of something from ATLA that the Water Tribe would wear in a warmer climate. Can only hope that it'll be available during explorations next year, unless there'll be butthurt Karen's in the comments who'll complain about that like they did 1 or 2 years ago when we got a bank outfit from an older Halloween event in exploration during a newer Halloween event (like seriously, what's your ppl's problem if we'd be able to gather some outfit pieces from a bank outfit?! Okay, you paid money during that initial event, but you had the opportunity to choose the full outfit's color scheme while we weren't even able to choose the color variations in exploration and there wasn't even a full proof garantee that we could've gotten all the pieces since they were scattered amongst ton of other older outfit pieces).
Last edited by Saby-chan (08/14/2021 at 12:22)
I didn't realize there were two outfits behind a paywall. I knew about the moth outfit but having the diver outfit being gold only is rather distasteful. It's brand new and featured in the illustration we should have been able to find it via exploration like the two free outfits.
Last edited by Amaelia (08/14/2021 at 13:10)
So far I've only gotten three of the clothing items. Not happy about that, but it could be because my pet hasn't evolved yet and only has 90 energy points.
TrafalgarNeo wrote
So far I've only gotten three of the clothing items. Not happy about that, but it could be because my pet hasn't evolved yet and only has 90 energy points.
Cailin wrote
TrafalgarNeo wrote
So far I've only gotten three of the clothing items. Not happy about that, but it could be because my pet hasn't evolved yet and only has 90 energy points.
Nope mine has luck over 300 and finds 3 of one and 4 from the other outfit. What's wrong with the drop rate??
Saby-chan wrote
Only downside tho, as I said before, is the utter blatant greed they're shamelessly showcasing with 2 paywall outfits. As I stated before, there is no issue with them having a bank outfit to bribe people into using the bank, they've been doing that for years at this point and ppl really got used to the fact that it's (most of the times) the only intriguing outfit, but to have the audacity of putting a second outfit behind a paywall while's not a previous years' event outfit like Easter's Bohemian outfit or music event's gold only shop outfit (sorry, didn't really bothered checking it's name out, but I am more than sure it was from some older event since I've seen the wig of it in the Antique store) and's friggin showcased in the illustration, making it feel as if it should've been a bonus for us, but nah, Beemove gotta taunt us with even the slightest details is really annoyin!. I just don't understand why they had to put the Diver outfit as gold only while Summer Fairy and Orchid Dancer are available for manna too! It's really frustrating since I actually wanted it as it reminds me of something from ATLA that the Water Tribe would wear in a warmer climate.Can only hope that it'll be available during explorations next year, unless there'll be butthurt Karen's in the comments who'll complain about that like they did 1 or 2 years ago when we got a bank outfit from an older Halloween event in exploration during a newer Halloween event (like seriously, what's your ppl's problem if we'd be able to gather some outfit pieces from a bank outfit?! Okay, you paid money during that initial event, but you had the opportunity to choose the full outfit's color scheme while we weren't even able to choose the color variations in exploration and there wasn't even a full proof garantee that we could've gotten all the pieces since they were scattered amongst ton of other older outfit pieces).
Ashazra wrote
Saby-chan wrote
Only downside tho, as I said before, is the utter blatant greed they're shamelessly showcasing with 2 paywall outfits. As I stated before, there is no issue with them having a bank outfit to bribe people into using the bank, they've been doing that for years at this point and ppl really got used to the fact that it's (most of the times) the only intriguing outfit, but to have the audacity of putting a second outfit behind a paywall while's not a previous years' event outfit like Easter's Bohemian outfit or music event's gold only shop outfit (sorry, didn't really bothered checking it's name out, but I am more than sure it was from some older event since I've seen the wig of it in the Antique store) and's friggin showcased in the illustration, making it feel as if it should've been a bonus for us, but nah, Beemove gotta taunt us with even the slightest details is really annoyin!. I just don't understand why they had to put the Diver outfit as gold only while Summer Fairy and Orchid Dancer are available for manna too! It's really frustrating since I actually wanted it as it reminds me of something from ATLA that the Water Tribe would wear in a warmer climate.Can only hope that it'll be available during explorations next year, unless there'll be butthurt Karen's in the comments who'll complain about that like they did 1 or 2 years ago when we got a bank outfit from an older Halloween event in exploration during a newer Halloween event (like seriously, what's your ppl's problem if we'd be able to gather some outfit pieces from a bank outfit?! Okay, you paid money during that initial event, but you had the opportunity to choose the full outfit's color scheme while we weren't even able to choose the color variations in exploration and there wasn't even a full proof garantee that we could've gotten all the pieces since they were scattered amongst ton of other older outfit pieces).
Do any of the long-time players remember when that was their MO on Eldarya, tho? Like, I remember the first two Halloween and Christmas events we had, there was a bank exclusive outfit, and then another shop outfit that was GC only (I can't remember which outfits off the top of my head, but I think the Snow Queen outfit was a GC shop exclusive the year it came out). So, honestly, I'm not surprised. By no means am I justifying the practice. Just saying, this isn't new.
Last edited by Saby-chan (08/15/2021 at 15:58)
BlueJayQueen wrote
Cailin wrote
TrafalgarNeo wrote
So far I've only gotten three of the clothing items. Not happy about that, but it could be because my pet hasn't evolved yet and only has 90 energy points.
Nope mine has luck over 300 and finds 3 of one and 4 from the other outfit. What's wrong with the drop rate??
Same, I have only found 3 pieces and my companion has 125.
The music in the snake game reminds me of this
Well now I have the Calypso hair in 13 different color variations when I only wanted the summer faery wings
This event? More, please.
Finally, a summer exploration map; the drop rates on the new outfits aren't that high, but I've been keeping a notepad document of where each item drops happen so I can spam areas (at bubble falls I have found 8 different kinds of outfit parts for example, so that explains the drop rate).
I do love the opportunity for more colours of previous event outfits, so YES YES YES!
The Perlifynn companion is so cute, not one I will use, but am still happy I caught it (though the bait didn't drop for me often). Not sure about Scarlry, cool-looking beetle, but that's just my personal preference; the invertebrate lovers will surely adore it
The snake minigame;
I love it; the simplicity, the slowly increasing speed, the design, if this was one of our daily minigames I'd play it every day. The orb drops for it in the exploration don't disrupt item drops like they did in music day with those voice fragments, so that is a great improvement.
As a result, the illustration was a joy to get -it is gorgeous, despite the showcased outfit being behind a paywall- I'm not sure if I was particularly lucky but I'm getting orbs for days, which, combined with how much I love the snake game, makes the community metre more of an incentive for me to work on. It also seems to be scaling better than previous events, so thanks for that too
There is always a negative, and blocking off one outfit in the shop for GC isn't acceptable; we have a recharge outfit for those who want it (it's nice, but not my style, but great for buy-lovers) and I don't blame players who are upset at being unable to get Aquamarine Diver. I suppose we can hope it is available either in a shop next year for maana and/or in exploration, like other events have had previous bank outfits for maana (which isn't a debate I'm getting into), so it sucks it is teased in the illustration, but it isn't easily available for free to play players, and at around 450GC, that is basically your bank recharge gone. It's ok as an outfit, but it doesn't blow me away enough to warrant spending my GC on. If it had been available in the shop for both maana and GC, there would be less of a problem.
I'm also going to repeat what I said on the My Candy Love event forum; give us post-event surveys so we can tell you what we did/didn't like, and future events will be more successful. I loved this event, so surely it would be nice for the team to have some quantifiable data from us, the players, to reflect how we feel, and events can be adjusted accordingly. Let us give you feedback, it can give players who aren't comfortable posting publically a chance to be heard. E.g.; our surveys showed 'high number % goes here' of players like having an exploration map in events so each event will have an exploration map.
More events like this; give me exploration maps, cute illustration, great minigame, but don't do another GC only outfit when there is already a recharge outfit. Give us surveys to let you know if we liked the event and how you can improve for us in the future.
Last edited by Jupiterr (08/18/2021 at 10:23)
I have to say, I like this event so far. I got the illustration without a problem because the sun coins were easy to find and the game was simple enough to win almost every time, especially once they lowered the amount to suns to collect from 15 to 10. I love that they're continuing to give us event maps with items from past years. Also love the adorable companions and hope to get them both before the event is over.
The outfits are very pretty in my opinion, but I don't like that two of them are behind a paywall. But am I the only one who doesn't find any of the outfits to be the least bit summery? Other than the Diver outfit, we have a faery, a dancer, and a moth. Guess I just imagined more aquatic or beach style outfits. They're still very nice though, not gonna lie.
I think my only real complaint is the drop rate of the items on the map. I found the wings location, but I've only gotten one and just a bunch of Calypso hair instead. I also found the bait and the dolphin companion, but the capture was unsuccessful. I kinda wish event companions were guaranteed to be caught as long as you use the right bait. Takes so much extra time and energy just catching the companion you want.
Overall though, very nice and easy event.
I don't know if anyone is worried about the meter
or if anyone already posted about this
but in case anyone is wondering it looks like 10 wins in the game equals +1% to the meter
Not impressed with this. I've only gotten very few of the new items and they're in colors I don't care for or absolute hate.
love the outfits! The drop rate is higher for the older clothing items than the news one though which is kinda unnerving since my companion's luck is 403 and i only have 4 pieces from the summer faery outfit
Last edited by Lovecra (08/18/2021 at 18:49)
TrafalgarNeo wrote
BlueJayQueen wrote
Cailin wrote
TrafalgarNeo wrote
So far I've only gotten three of the clothing items. Not happy about that, but it could be because my pet hasn't evolved yet and only has 90 energy points.
Nope mine has luck over 300 and finds 3 of one and 4 from the other outfit. What's wrong with the drop rate??
Same, I have only found 3 pieces and my companion has 125.
Well, that stinks.
I'm almost done with the summer faery outfit, then I'll need to focus on orchid dancer. I do feel that older stuff is popping up more often
The Outfits
Okay, I don't like the fact that one of the outfits is a bank outfit and another is an outfit that has to be paid with gold. From my understanding I thought that Beemoov decided to stop with the gold outfits and replaced it with the bank outfit. This seems pretty greedy to me especially when if you look at the MCL Summer event this year and see that we were forced to spend AP in order to even do the event. This just feels like Beemoov is trying another way to suck up a bunch of money from its users.
Summer Faery
I really love this outfit especially the wings (I've been really wanting some more different wings). I really love the petal-like look of the outfit. My other favorite parts of the outfits also like the top, dress, and shoulderpads. I also really like the design of the flower and I love the atmosphere of the butterflies. I usually don't really like two-tone hair, but I actually do like this hair.
The Orchid Dancer
This is another really nice outfit and I like most of the outfit pieces.
Aquamarine Diver
This is an okay outfit, I really like the Tunic and the Diver Suit, but I don't care much for the other outfit pieces.
Moth Lady
I really like this outfit, although I don't think it fits with the Summer theme. I feel like the outfit would fit much better for the Halloween Event. I really like how they gave a skin with multiple arms and I also really like the wings and the dress.
I'm glad that we have another map for an event since they usually are my favorite events. I will say that the drop rates of the new outfits, bait, and companions has been quite low for me.
The Companions
I really like the Perlifyn companion and I would like to capture this companion, but I've had zero luck finding the companion.
I don't care for the Scarlry companion, which is probably because I don't really like insects.
The Game
I really liked the game. I found it to be quite easy and the coins to play the game were very easy to find in exploration.
The Illustration
Eh, it's okay. From the boys, only Mathieu seems to be enjoying himself while all the others look kinda bored/uninterested. This is an illustration that I wouldn't mind if I missed, but I still got it anyways since I enjoyed the game.
Overall I thought this was a decent event. I liked most of the outfits and I liked the game and having a map, although I didn't like having both a bank outfit and a gold outfit and the drop rates for the new clothing, bait, and companion to be quite low.
So after searching everywhere with my companion for this event...I have found maybe 2 parts for the Orchid Dancer costume...but none of the AQUAMARINE DIVER. Anyone have a clue what area's to search for that set of items or is that outfit a pay for only type outfit?
Windstorm wrote
So after searching everywhere with my companion for this event...I have found maybe 2 parts for the Orchid Dancer costume...but none of the AQUAMARINE DIVER. Anyone have a clue what area's to search for that set of items or is that outfit a pay for only type outfit?