so excited for the outfits! but same its so hard to pick when the preview is so small...
on a side note, my wittle baby xylvra's all grown up now ❤

so excited for the outfits! but same its so hard to pick when the preview is so small...
NoName_NoPower wrote
Sefirah wrote
the fragment on the site is like a diamond shape (with equal side likes a square) with a circle in the middle--the diamond shape is outlined in black, and the circle can be blue, green or red depending on who it belongs to. I found mine in one of the purreko shops. It'll help if you just hover over the screen as you cycle through pages if you're not sure what to look for.
It's admittedly harder to spot compared to my candy love though...
I also find it quite hard to pick outfit colors after completing a mission because the preview is too small on my screen to be able to see the details...
Yeah, I have to zoom to almost 500% to see what the item is. Couldn't they just put the image of the item insead of the random blob of color?
Mitsu wrote
How do you all fill the purreko maana thing?
I thought it'd count if I played a bit of any episode, but after using at least 30 maana, the counter in the event page is still at 0. Do I really need to use 50 maana in the shops every day??
For those struggling with finding fragments, make sure that you check your profile, account, and messages pages as well as all those in the menu bar (either side of the crystals).
The fragment I found was on my "account" page, and was shaped like a diamond with rounded edges, and a green coloured orb inside.
I apologise if I'm not supposed to describe it like this, but I figured a picture might be opposed to even more
Hope this helps!
Cazza182 wrote
For those struggling with finding fragments, make sure that you check your profile, account, and messages pages as well as all those in the menu bar (either side of the crystals).
The fragment I found was on my "account" page, and was shaped like a diamond with rounded edges, and a green coloured orb inside.
I apologise if I'm not supposed to describe it like this, but I figured a picture might be opposed to even more
Hope this helps!
Finally found the fragment by recharge but cant get it... Its not clickable.
Ive checked every single page i could open, both in the origins and the new era, three times now. Ive checked the account page, journal in the profile, the attic, the egg page under companions, even the help pages like those on the alchemy and market pages. And i still havent found any fragments.
I know what it looks like based on the ones I collected from exploring and using maana.
At this point i might just drop this event cause I'll just be frustrated not being able to collect all the outfits and the illustration
Hello, i found the voice fragments, but i cant get it, what should i do?
Last edited by Dandellyon (07/05/2021 at 07:59)
For anyone who can't find/click on the voice fragment, perhaps try using the mobile app instead?
I found it in the attic.
To be honest, I really like this event. It looks pretty simple, and the outfits are nice. I have already caught one of the companions and I can't wait for us to receive the other one.
One thing I'm not a big fan of is that I have to pay 50 maana a day to advance in the event, but I guess you can't earn anything without sacrifices.
By the way, a tip for those who can't find the fragments. Don't look for musical notes. The fragments have a diamond shape with a colorful center. They are quite small so it would be good to look in all corners of the site. Good luck everyone.
Last edited by Nickiy (07/05/2021 at 08:20)
The thing I dislike the most is the manna task for each and every day! They are literally forcing us to spend the entire daily free manna on stuff we don't need nor want in order to get a voice fragment?! I wouldn't mind the existance of this task if it wasn't mandatory for completing the event for "free", but since you can't actually finish it in time with only 2 tasks each day, it pisses me off a ton! Earning manna is hard as is, and the fact that we have mini-games doesn't compensate this theft of our daily income! The mini-games are butt hard, especially the diamond thing (whose creator I hope rots in the pits of Hades after death) where most often than not the average player has 40% chances of earning 0 manna (pretty high of a probability for a mini-game that's supposed to "help" you earn more manna).
I'm still looking for that fragment on the site XD
Last edited by Aronis (07/05/2021 at 09:02)
Hi! I found a fragment but I can't get it... It is on the recharge site and it is on one of maanas cube...
I found the fragment in the archives on the scroll.
using maana on the market counts towards the purrekos task, including the maana charged for posting an item for sale. If you sell enough items, costing you a few maana each you potentially don't have to lose maana to complete the task. Bindle items and food would be my best bets. And if you want to not have to sell as many items to finish the task, post everything for 48 hours because it'll cost more to post it, even if you sell it within an hour.
this just in, always go for a 10 energy location for your first exploration of the day, cuz when you find the voice fragment you don't get any clothing items. Just wasted an extra 5 energy because I chose a place i had zero items from. Still have zero after the exploration.
Last edited by brokenendings (07/05/2021 at 10:11)
OoOoOOo yess
People:-Are finding the fragment, and have even provided a picture-
Me: -gives 5 times the effort again like a mad woman- Still no fragment. I've practically ripped the site apart T_T
Thank You for the event.
I love the map and event companions.
Not a fan of the clothing sets but it's fine.
I personally found my fragment on the hair section of the clothes shop.
It literally took me like 6 hours to find it.
Found the fragment, everything‘s alright. :,D But wow it can even be in the journal…
Outfits look interesting