I still haven't played the mini-games so I won't comment on them but those clothes are amazing!!
Just found a bug. Can't press buy on shells nor trade for outfits and the event timer says it's 0 and the cost of skipping the timer is also 0.
Last edited by Irathy (08/10/2020 at 09:30)
At a glance?
This event looks amazing.
Loving the outfits, the games seem simple as long as your commuter has a strong connection to run them smoothly, and the timing seems fair. Although it is always a struggle for me to do any event that requires me to come back throughout the day.
Good luck to everyone ~ I hope we get lots of summer goodies to make us feel better about the disastrous MCL event.
Last edited by KumiSasoriza (08/10/2020 at 14:34)
- The mini-games aren't horribly difficult or anything, though I'm having trouble finding plankton to feed the companion for that mini-game.
- The outfits are okay. Like, the Manta outfit is drop dead GORGEOUS, but I also know I'll rarely if ever wear the skin and such. I'm looking forward to that hair though. Like they're great outfits but also I know I won't use them, even for mix and matching.
- The companions are cute. I'm hoping the bank companion has better luck/energy than the Blobiathan, but it probably won't.
It's an okay event, I like it well enough.
Does anyone know how to exchange shells for the outfit pieces?
@Dash, heard u need 20 shells for 1 piece. probably that's why u can't exchange rn.
So far, I love this event. The minigames are all cute and not overly difficult - on my laptop, the race one is impossible to win but on mobile it's much easier. Also, I feel like the waiting times between minigames are much more sensible towards the Eldarya community than those of certain past events - I'm really happy about that.
In terms of outfits, they are all gorgeous and I'm really looking forward to trying them on.
Next up, the familiars - they are so cute! Can't wait to find them in exploration
Overall, imo, this is a very well done summer event. Thank you x
Irathy wrote
I still haven't played the mini-games so I won't comment on them but those clothes are amazing!!
Just found a bug. Can't press buy on shells nor trade for outfits and the event timer says it's 0 and the cost of skipping the timer is also 0.
I love this event already and those outfits are beautiful!
KumiSasoriza wrote
hol up is anyone else having a bit of trouble finding bubble-balls or whatever that fancy companion wants? Finding sponges and plankton no problem, but I can't seem to get that third item to save my life!
I don't care, Regarius is sooooooooo kyute..!!! X3
The feeding + pampering game is just too much!
That shiny adorable eyes & cute lil' mouth! I just can't...!
..& I just can't afford to buy it orz
Although some themes are somewhat recycled, I think the three clothes are stunning, especially the Legend of Sea's skirt and the Manta.
Last edited by Nur (08/10/2020 at 11:20)
I didnt play this game for almost 2 years and came back 5 months ago, out of the easter event and the music event this one is the best.
The outfits are really pretty and u can see the effort that was put into them, the only shame is that the legend of the sea is in one color , but I can get that cause the sea is blue so it would be kinda out of touch if the water was red or black , but yea I cant stop looking at that outfit , the flow is really nice and feels like a sea godess
And I just noticed that the little crab is separated from thte hair , thats a cute little touch
Also I gotta say I was always weirded out by the eyebrows, like when the hair is nice and the eyebrows are just like what ?? and destory the hair, but this time no complains I gotta applaud you for the normal eyebrows´
The games are easy so applause for that too, also the timer isnt bad, better than 3 hours I gotta say
All in all its a good event
Irathy wrote
I still haven't played the mini-games so I won't comment on them but those clothes are amazing!!
Just found a bug. Can't press buy on shells nor trade for outfits and the event timer says it's 0 and the cost of skipping the timer is also 0.
Alright, so I've got a few things to say about this event:
1. The timers. They sure are a lot better than having to wait 3 hours, but a lot of people may be starting school soon or having to go to work. But it's still better than I expected!
2. I wish that they would lower down the number of shells needed for each outfit piece. Twenty shells are needed for each outfit piece, and there are 36 pieces in total. That's 720 shells needed. Let's assume that if you get a perfect score every day, then 720/25 would be 28.8. 29 days of having to log in every day and getting a perfect score, with only one day to get any extra for mistakes. Hopefully, they can lower the number of shells to 10 or 15 or something. But again, better than I expected.
3. The Companions. Clearly a lot of work has gone into them and I LOVE them SO MUCH!! Their little faces are just so cute, and aaaaaaaa! It's just so cute! I have nothing but good things to say about them!
4. The minigames are okay. I wish that maybe we could get a maximum of 3 or 4 shells for the crab one and the obstacle course, especially the obstacle course. That one is pretty hard. But the one with the companion is just so cute!!!! I love the animations and like, omigosh!!!!
5. The outfits are really pretty. I noticed that someone pointed out that one of the hairstyles seemed to have been copied from a previous one, but at least they don't look way too similar. It's just the dreadlocks. So yeah, they're super pretty! Shame that one of them only comes in one color.
So yeah! I'm pleasantly surprised at all of this! Amazing event in terms of Beemoov! And about numbers two and four, only one of these things happening would be good enough for me, and yep! Looking forward to getting outfit pieces and companions!
Is it possible to finish this event as F2P and get all the outfits? I really want them but the island olympic mini game is kinda hard for some reason?? I can only get one shell.
The way things are going for me I might not get all the clothes.
Last edited by Valkyarie (08/10/2020 at 12:24)
Mithuna wrote
The shell minigame is fun but I can't seem to find the bubbles for the third one. Anyone else having this issue?
FalleaWOLF wrote
The outfits are really pretty and u can see the effort that was put into them, the only shame is that the legend of the sea is in one color , but I can get that cause the sea is blue so it would be kinda out of touch if the water was red or black , but yea I cant stop looking at that outfit , the flow is really nice and feels like a sea godess
I'm not sure but i think that this is the correct math below by Evelina and NoName_NoPower and i think that that means, yes you can get everything as F2P but you can only miss out on 30 shells during the entire event to get all outfits, that means missing out on only one shell per day or ~one entire day.
So no you can definitely not get everything as F2P if you miss 5 days!
I could be wrong though my brain is pretty tired, can anyone confirm? :)
Evelina wrote
NoName_NoPower wrote
So you need 20 shells per item, each outfit has 12 pieces and there are three outfits.
An outfit costs 240 shells, the 3 of them, 720
You can get max 2 shells per round in the minigames, thats 20 per day, we've got 30 days, thats 600 shells. Impossible to get them for free (I was doing the math while writting, don't mind the messiness)
I think you forgot that we can also get 5 shells from the exploration minigame, which would make the total amount of shells per day 25 instead of 20.
so 25x30 is 750, so you can indeed get every piece if you get 2 shells each time you play the minigames + 5 shells from exploration minigame.
It's still unfair, especially since you might miss rounds or not get 2 shells per try but it's technically possible
Last edited by Valkyarie (08/10/2020 at 12:50)