I can't find it there. D:
#102 04/11/2020 at 11:27
This is the post:SecretHere wrote
Can I see the different parts of the outfits anywhere?
I can't decide which one I want and won't get both.
So I would like to see the individual parts.
It's been a pleasure serving in the guard with you all, but it's time for me to leave.
Hope you all have a wonderful time here in the lands of El.
Concept Art Suggestions
My Interactive Adventure: Don't worry, I will find the best treasure...Or not...
#103 04/11/2020 at 12:27
I really hope that they extend this event to 14 days, 10 days isn't enough for most people to complete it!
With Beemoov wanting to be generous at this time, an extension would certainly be a way of showing that.
#104 04/12/2020 at 00:04
So far, this is a pretty cool event. The game is pretty fun but in regards to completion, it'd be nice to get more time to finish! The game has so far bugged out in the last two days, frozen for a few seconds and Ashkore is just reaping my hearts while the character is stuck. One game I only got 8 chocoberries ( T - T ), I'm definitely going to need more time.
Got event items or companion food you'd like to get rid of? Message me on Discord and I'll take them off your hands! Mizore#1203
#105 04/12/2020 at 00:27
I'm not going to be able to finish the event
I think they should have made the game to be played every 3 hours
NOT every 3 hours for only 3 times a day..
like what even man??
Here for the outfits and the companions ♥
#106 04/12/2020 at 09:49
Did they change the minigame? So far I was able to get 24-26 chocoberries, but today every time I played it I struggled to get 18-20 cause the berries were placed so far from eachother. Am I cursed or did they actually made it harder?
Last edited by BlackPaperMoon (04/12/2020 at 09:50)
#107 04/12/2020 at 11:41
@BlackPaperMoon I've had that problem too. Except for me in the beginning, I got around 20 and that's it, so I'm not getting as much. It's gonna be really hard to finish both outfits if not impossible.

#108 04/12/2020 at 16:35
BlackPaperMoon wrote
Did they change the minigame? So far I was able to get 24-26 chocoberries, but today every time I played it I struggled to get 18-20 cause the berries were placed so far from eachother. Am I cursed or did they actually made it harder?
Yep me too, I was pretty confused

Why on earth would they make it even more difficult tho??? It was already impossible to finish the event without a huge amount of luck on explorations but now..?
#109 04/12/2020 at 20:25
Welp, just finished my first outfit. Only three days left to somehow get 500 more chocolates... HAHAHAHA
Also, the app version of this event is terrible. The controls are SOMEHOW even worse than the computer controls. Guardian is somehow even less responsive to direction changes and is somehow even slower.
Beemoov tried and failed to keep up the momentum and goodwill the last few events built up after their string of poor ones. Either there needs to be an average of 100 chocolates a day, or the event needs to be 14 days. I feel if either of these things were the case, this event wouldn't be half as frustrating as it is.
#110 04/12/2020 at 23:35
I mean the event is overall pretty good, I just wish we had more time to finish it. The outfits look amazing though so thank you.
(◕‿◕✿) KAMRA (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ NYANYAKAI 。◕‿‿◕。 ROSE (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
#111 04/13/2020 at 00:31
I agree we should get a few more days to complete it. I also finally got it
#112 04/13/2020 at 00:49
My opinion on the event:
The Good:
-I like the mini-game, it's fun and cute.
-The outfits are very nice; I like that they have many pieces to them and the sweets theme being different for every color is lovely.
Plus it is good that we have a chance to get three well designed outfits, and an extra one from last year's.
- I also like that we can get extra berries in exploration.
The Ok:
I personally don't mind it too much that the Companion is pay-only, it doesn't stop the enjoyment of the rest of the event.
The Bad:
-I don't like the empty explorations. There are two outfits with every different color that makes a large number of pieces, plus the berries. Companions should have enough to find and not to come back empty handed.
-Not enough time to get all the pieces. So I'm not too much bothered by it as all other Otome Games I play you need to either save for months their free coins or to pay to get special pieces and complete scenarios. Having said that, I'm used to getting all free here in Eldarya and it is a bit sad not to be able to get all pieces.
All in all, I am enjoying it and I think the Event is loads better than last year's!
Last edited by Anlii (04/13/2020 at 13:20)

#113 04/13/2020 at 01:45
Imho Loleaster outfit + Mischievous Easter + 1 complete out of the two from the mini-game is quite fair. I also retrieve much more items on the exploration maps during such events. I just found 2 energy potions - so I can send out my companion to my heart's content. Beemoov even makes it possible to get good items from low-maana-cost spots like HQ, HQ gardens etc. on the "old" map

#114 04/13/2020 at 02:06
The closer it gets to the end of the event the worse the minigame gets!! First it was improving ashkore so he's harder to avoid and now the damn thing bugs and you can't even move for half the time so you get even less berries!! No way buttmoov is seriously saying this is an accidental bug when they benefit from frustrated players buying more berries just to get to the point they would have which still isn't even enough to complete the event!!
#115 04/13/2020 at 03:16
Are the bugs even being reported anymore? Or did the mods just stop informing us when they report the bugs?
I mean, you'd think they'd (or whoever is in charge of that area) check the topic after a new message appears, it's not like it gets tons of messages per day.
#116 04/13/2020 at 03:40
We have to remember it's Easter now, so they may be absent. And Beemoov staff definitely have day offs now, so they're not even working.
Last edited by Larjus (04/13/2020 at 03:40)

#117 04/13/2020 at 10:56
I'm enjoying the minigame and I love the outfits, but without paying a ton of money this is impossible to finish. And I say that as a player currently stuck at home who has been able to send her companion out constantly, even with extra energy, and play the mini game all 3 times each day. I haven't even completed one outfit yet and there are 2 days left.
#118 04/13/2020 at 11:39
I like the game itself, but sometimes I have those little problems with moving. Sometimes when I want to go up or down, the character just keeps running forward. Luckily, this is really, really minor thing, and happens only once in a while. So yes, I actually like the game itself, and I like the outfit that Jamon will give to me. The other one is...okay. Nothing against it, but I just don't care too much about it.
I saw the illustration and it was so pretty. I just love it. Sadly, there is not enough time to get it. Bummer.
#119 04/13/2020 at 17:06
Showed up too late for this event, but i like this year's game. Very fun and easy to play.

#120 04/13/2020 at 18:20
I really wish the event was longer. I've been playing everyday and using energy potions and I still won't be able to finish. They should've made the event every three hours without having 3 tries a day like mcl
#121 04/13/2020 at 19:09
I liked the event, even though I won't be able to finish it. The outfits had some items I liked.
My only complaint is that chocoberries are only found in exploration like the first 4 explorations. From that point on it is not possible to find any more by exploring, which I think isn't great...
It's nice we get some items from last year, as I couldn't finish it either. But there were some bugs like I would get the same item two times from the same exploration.
I also have noticed that the items we had from last year's outfit, that weren't sellable, now are, which is a nice detail.
Overall I'm pleased with it so thank you!

#122 04/13/2020 at 22:39
Angxl wrote
I really wish the event was longer. I've been playing everyday and using energy potions and I still won't be able to finish. They should've made the event every three hours without having 3 tries a day like mcl
Agree. I feel like this might actually be impossible to complete without energy potions and/or gold coins, both of which I have none of. But I'd be curious to see if anyone is able to do so! My companion also hasn't aged up yet, so I'm working with 100 energy/day, which doesn't help
#123 04/13/2020 at 22:45
MarinaLou wrote
Angxl wrote
I really wish the event was longer. I've been playing everyday and using energy potions and I still won't be able to finish. They should've made the event every three hours without having 3 tries a day like mcl
Agree. I feel like this might actually be impossible to complete without energy potions and/or gold coins, both of which I have none of. But I'd be curious to see if anyone is able to do so! My companion also hasn't aged up yet, so I'm working with 100 energy/day, which doesn't help
hope is the thing with feathers
that perches in the soul
and sings the tune without the words
and never stops at all
-emily dickinson-
#124 04/13/2020 at 23:22
This event is rather easy but the time! Definitely not going to be able to finish, and is it me or did the game get sped up? I used to get at least 24 - 25 berries, but now barely 20?
Got event items or companion food you'd like to get rid of? Message me on Discord and I'll take them off your hands! Mizore#1203
#125 04/13/2020 at 23:33
Posting my thoughts here too since now I'm certain the Event is impossible to complete without paying.
Overall, it was okay.
The outfits were decent, nothing was really a "must have", but there were some cool colors going on. I also liked how the accessories differed more than just color for some parts of the Cream of Fashion outfit like being different fruits or candies. That makes the variety more interesting. I love the Joy hair but I wish it had streaks in the hair or something to make it just a tad more interesting.
The game was good overall, but still had some annoying glitches that can really be annoying when we only get 3 games a day. Also, the 2 hour reset seems unnecessary? Why can't we just play them all at once? I pity the person who would end up forgetting to play because of that. I almost did one of the days because I was seeing if my Companion would bring back a lot of Berries before I played and it caused me to almost forget to actually do the games. It would be nice if we could get them out of the way at once next time.
Can't say anything about the Companion other than that I'm annoyed there wasn't one for free. If you can give us free and P2W outfits, why not a free Companion since there's a P2W one? I don't mind there being one that costs money, but the fact that you have no option of a free one just irks me since I like the Event Companions.
But the biggest complaint for me is going to be the timing. I don't know if it's just me and the pace I've been going, but with me just finishing one outfit today and looking at the time left (3 Days as of this post), I don't see how anyone is supposed to finish both outfits completely in the duration we have. On top of that, I just realized that there's actually an Illustration for completing both outfits which completely slipped my mind because of how little I actually expected to be able to complete both outfits. They have 10 pieces each, needing 50 Chocoberries per piece. The average amount of pieces to get per day is 1-2 depending on how well your games and Explorations go. With 3 days left, the chance of getting 10 pieces is almost impossible without paying.
Given that I have 17 berries on hand, am projected to get 22-23 in my last game for today, and that I am out of Explorations for the day (unless I want to waste a Potion), there is no way I'm getting any outfit pieces today, meaning I have TWO days to get 10 pieces of the 2nd outfit. That's almost certainly, if not certainly, impossible. So once again, Beemoov has made an Event that is impossible to complete in its entirely without paying. Even if you want your paywall outfits or Companions, every aspect of the actual Event should be able to be completed for free, including the Illustration. I don't know why Beemoov thinks it's cool to do things like this. If it isn't random dialogue choices, it's something else to make these things entice paying. Events should not be P2W.
Make the Illustration obtainable by some other requirement. Or make 2 Illustrations, one for each outfit. Or make each outfit piece cost less Berries. Or just give us more time. I don't understand why they intentionally structure these Events to just make it obvious how money hungry they are.
It seems Beemoov is trying, I will at least give them that. The reception for the last Event was great and it looks like they wanted to keep that going with another cute mini-game type Event. But they always have to take two steps back with the lack of a free Companion and almost impossible to meet requirements for completing an Event in its entirety without paying. I hope the next Event can be more in-line with the previous one.