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#26 04/06/2020 at 07:33

Absynthe Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 21

They don't mention it on this forum page, but chocolate fountain backgrounds are available in the shop - only for gold coin though. I don't like them that much anyway, but many people asked for them.

Last edited by Kaliah (04/06/2020 at 07:41)


#27 04/06/2020 at 07:55

Shadow Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 25

                                                                                                Thank you for the event !

                                                           Happy Easter to everyone !

Last edited by Teyutzz (04/06/2020 at 08:00)


#28 04/06/2020 at 08:00

Obsidian Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 233

Hell yah we got more black girl hair im sooooo happy!!! also the outfits are cuteish and the mini game is decent too.

Last edited by Nifany (04/06/2020 at 08:54)

If only I had this much clothing in real life


#29 04/06/2020 at 08:00

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 6 419

Kaliah wrote

They don't mention it on this forum page, but chocolate fountain backgrounds are available in the shop - only for gold coin though. I don't like them that much anyway, but many people asked for them.

You can also find the backgrounds via exploration, just like the last year's event outfit. I just found one of the backgrounds. So with some luck, you won't have to spend gold on the bg.


#30 04/06/2020 at 08:27

Shadow Guard
Posts: 129

thank you for the event!!


#31 04/06/2020 at 08:40

The Answer to Everything
Posts: 1 505

Omg I love the outfits!!!


#32 04/06/2020 at 08:58

Absynthe Guard
Alchemy Apprentice
Posts: 16 759

Oh gosh, I am SO happy that the only thing for a bank recharge this time is a companion! I was so afraid that they'd put another outfit for that and now's really a bad time for it as everyone is pretty much broke, but it's good to see that they decided not to make things impossibly hard!

Happy Easter everyone and I hope that everyone enjoys the event!


#33 04/06/2020 at 09:34

Absynthe Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 039

I like this event! The game is fun and not too difficult! The outfits are really cute, I love them.

Thank you for the event and Happy Easter!


#34 04/06/2020 at 09:35

Absynthe Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 414

I like the mini game and both outfits.

It's a very nice event so far. /static/img/forum/smilies/smile.png


#35 04/06/2020 at 09:48

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 54

1.)  Yes the berries are cheap and only cost like two coins but you need 50 berries for one piece of each outfit and each outfit has like a dozen or so pieces I don't know. But if you do the math that's a whoooole lot of berries.
2.) If you don't have a keyboard and you're using a phone you can download the app for Eldarya and play the game on there although it's a little bit harder on a phone than I'm sure it would be on a iPad or something like that but you can still play the Pac-Man game with the app.

Happy hunting! /static/img/forum/smilies/smile.png

Last edited by TiaAltivaz (04/06/2020 at 09:49)


#36 04/06/2020 at 10:29

Shadow Guard
Posts: 107

The Timer is buggy. It just goes back to an hour when I reload the page even if the 3hs should be over ö___ö

Solely pretty


#37 04/06/2020 at 10:33

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2 123

I'm SO glad we finally have three free outfits again. This hasn't happened since Summer 2019, which was by far the best event since Christmas 2018


#38 04/06/2020 at 11:01

Absynthe Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 27

okay so i'm liking this event so far. at first glance, it seems very difficult, since you don't get many chocoberries with the minigame.

but! you can get more through exploration - more than i initially thought. yes, you get them in packs of five - but i've gotten two packs from one exploration, one from another. so you can get more than one pack per exploration. that's good news.

also, this may just be me, but i only really want Jamon's outfit anyways. i'm not crazy about the other outfit. so that reduces the amount of chocoberries i need to collect as well.

plus, while the minigame doesn't give you a ton of chocoberries, at least it's available more than once per day. that's good too.

now, on to my favorite part: no recharge outfits!! usually they save the best outfit for those who can actually afford to pay for it. but the reason a lot of us are here is that this is a free to play game... not a lot of us here who are thrilled about something we'd have to pay for.

i mean, of course i understand why, though. if they put anything but the best outfit for sale, no one would buy it. if the paid outfit was mediocre, would you really pay for it when there's better ones for free? i didn't think so.

so it's kind of a telling sacrifice on their part. i think that this may be a sign they're more willing to make concessions - at least a few.

anyways, i could be wrong about that last one, but i'm still going to enjoy this event. i hope all of you do as well!

-Even in death, may you be triumphant-
(Kurda Smahlt, Cirque du Freak)


#39 04/06/2020 at 11:13

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2 123

I also love that color variations of the Loleaster outfit can be found via exploration (I just got a WHITE version of the hair!). That was an excellent move to include, though I HOPE it doesn't make it harder to collect pieces of the new outfit (then it might get annoying).

Being able to get the chocoberries through exploration is also nice.

The fact that they made the companion the recharge reward instead of a beautiful outfit is a blessing. It was like they were holding an outfit hostage that they used to offer for free, considering the number of free outfits in 2018 per event.

I hope this means that they find other bank exclusive rewards to earn money to keep themselves going. I don't think it'd be fair to those who want to collect companions if the bank exclusive was always made a companion either.

I think what a better idea would be is if they made items like what would've been monthly rewards and make them bank exclusive. When they took the rewards away it sounded like they were going to find other avenues to offer animated items (like they did with the 2019 music event). So I feel like if they designed a super nice animated item and made it bank exclusive they could still make money from those who can pay, but not deprive normally free things like full outfits and companions from all free-to-play players.


#40 04/06/2020 at 11:35

Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 076

Ewelein's outfit looks like Alcremie from Pokémon lmao


#41 04/06/2020 at 11:42

Obsidian Guard
Vanquished a Chicken
Posts: 661

Thank You for the event.
I wanted the same board style as we had with Valentine's 2020 so I am not too happy about a mini-game which can lag a lot more than the board game.
The fact we can find needed items during exploration kind of saves me since I can already see the Ash game annoying me.

I am surprised You didn't go ahead and made a not so typical set for the bank but rather put a cute companion for points instead. I can't say I am too happy about that because it looks really cute and it's sweets based. Oh well...

I like the exploration only set so that's the one I will go for.
The rest I don't care much about.

Negative points so far go to The lack of explanation about certain aspects of this event that players find out about as they play along.


#42 04/06/2020 at 12:34

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 38

Thanks Beemoov, the mini-game is so fun and cute!


#43 04/06/2020 at 13:28

Absynthe Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 6

Gotta love the minigame! It's much easier to play on computer than mobile but that might be just me : D
Also, the ogress outfit is my favorite! I hope the event isn't too hard to finish!


#44 04/06/2020 at 13:37

Shadow Guard
Posts: 30

I like the mini game so far. It's not too difficult, but being able to get all of the outfit items is going to be a stretch for those that can't spend any extra gold. Many of us might be in quarantine, but we still have other things to do besides wait to play every 3 hours. I haven't been able to gauge the drop rate for the new exploration outfit, but I really hope it's not as terrible as previous events.


#45 04/06/2020 at 14:19

Shadow Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 207

I really like the companion but it's a shame it's only available through the bank.

My favorite outfit is the mischievous easter outfit, so I hope my companion is lucky enough during this event!

ღ ❀ ℓιησα ❀ ღ


#46 04/06/2020 at 14:27

Absynthe Guard
Guard in Training
Posts: 163

First off, thank you for the event! I really like that we can once again, collect items from explorations. <3

The mini-game is a nice idea, but as many have said above, it's not entirely practical. I mostly access Eldarya from my phone and have no way of playing the mini game on there. When I did play it, Ash kept following me - I thought our goal was to avoid him not run away from him.


#47 04/06/2020 at 15:00

Shadow Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 214

So they changed a real money outfit with a real money Companion. Figures with Beemoov that you can never have it all. At least with outfits, there's always more than just the $$$ one. There's not even a free Companion to this Event to go with the $$$ one, so there's just straight up no Companion for this Event without buying

Well, whatever, it is what it is~ Unless the evolved version looks better, I'll live without it. They pulled the same thing last Valentine's so it's not like this is new but I wished they kept the outfit behind the paywall over the Companion.


#48 04/06/2020 at 15:29

Obsidian Guard
Guard Patrol
Posts: 5 981

Maoyui wrote

So they changed a real money outfit with a real money Companion. Figures with Beemoov that you can never have it all. At least with outfits, there's always more than just the $$$ one. There's not even a free Companion to this Event to go with the $$$ one, so there's just straight up no Companion for this Event without buying

Well, whatever, it is what it is~ Unless the evolved version looks better, I'll live without it. They pulled the same thing last Valentine's so it's not like this is new but I wished they kept the outfit behind the paywall over the Companion.
you're in a minority there cause the rest of us were sick of having the nice outfit behind a paywall
Tifa forever ❤️ Aerith never


#49 04/06/2020 at 16:06

Absynthe Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 23

Really not sure if I'll be able to finish the event, seeing the chocoberries to item exchange rate. Starting up my laptop three times in one day, with a three hour gap in between, just to play a minigame is more effort than I can bother with. Hopefully my companion will have some luck finding the chocoberry packs via exploration.

Not too gutted if I don't finish though, the only outfit that holds some appeal to me is the Ogress one, and that's completely dependent on the colour variations it comes in.

On a positive note, it's nice to see that we're finally getting more mouth items, and I really like that this time there's no bank outfit. Also nice to see that the backgrounds are available through exploration.

Does anyone know how the chocoberry to item exchange goes? Is it like in the previous events where the order in which you get each outfit item is established by the game, or can you actually pick and choose which stuff to exchange for first? I'd like to get the wigs from both outfits but the wigs are normally the last items that we get in events, and I don't really care for all of the elements of the Cream of Fashion outfit.


#50 04/06/2020 at 16:48

Obsidian Guard
Guard Patrol
Posts: 5 981

LiPali wrote

Really not sure if I'll be able to finish the event, seeing the chocoberries to item exchange rate. Starting up my laptop three times in one day, with a three hour gap in between, just to play a minigame is more effort than I can bother with. Hopefully my companion will have some luck finding the chocoberry packs via exploration.

Not too gutted if I don't finish though, the only outfit that holds some appeal to me is the Ogress one, and that's completely dependent on the colour variations it comes in.

On a positive note, it's nice to see that we're finally getting more mouth items, and I really like that this time there's no bank outfit. Also nice to see that the backgrounds are available through exploration.

Does anyone know how the chocoberry to item exchange goes? Is it like in the previous events where the order in which you get each outfit item is established by the game, or can you actually pick and choose which stuff to exchange for first? I'd like to get the wigs from both outfits but the wigs are normally the last items that we get in events, and I don't really care for all of the elements of the Cream of Fashion outfit.
the hair is probably last... First for the ogre is shorts and then top... There's colour variations posted in the Easter event thread in eldarya the game section by one of the mods ^=^
Tifa forever ❤️ Aerith never


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