Just realized there was an Event, button just randomly showed up in the middle of an Exploration~

Just realized there was an Event, button just randomly showed up in the middle of an Exploration~
Can finally play the event, but the newer items aren't in the shop. Only last year items seem to be there.
The game is a mess. It's really hard and it gets stuck while trying to sort the chocolate eggs from the junk
Why the chocolate egg is the only item that get stuck? Every trash that falls down is so bouncy, I can't even control it, but the chocolate eggs just get stuck.
Last edited by Vaihanai (04/17/2019 at 12:33)
Personally, I like the outfit, but I was hoping for more than one.
About the mingames: the first one seems less stressful than some minigames in the past, because there isn't a time limit, but it's not easy either.
It's not a nice thing that we can only play once a day with the cauldron minigame for free, because if the outfit has 13 parts, then it means you only can miss two day.
And losing (obviously^^;)the cauldron minigame my first day is a miss.
I like this event better than the last one, but the chocolate mini game is bugging.
I can control it, that the scale is in the green area for 10 seconds or more, but as soon as the timer hits zero, no matter how much I click my mouse it the scale just falls down.
It is, as if Beemoov would want me to spend more Maana trying to play the mini game, so that they can earn more money. But Beemoov would never do that, right?
+ No timer on the egg sorting game so way less stressful than previous years ^=^
the cauldron game is easy once you get the pointer into the area you just have to time your click so it stays in the bit ^=^
finding eggs = easy
- where are the other outfits from previous years??? only the cosplay stuff and that's only for gc when it was for maana too last time -- cause I got multiples of stuff and no way do I spend money on eldarya
That's it...started well for me and the free outfit is cute...I'm ok about missing the gc outfit altho that's pretty cute too ^=^
At least there is a little room for error in the egg collecting mini game because you can find 5 a day by exploring the site. That one is gonna end up frustrating me a bit during this event.
I didn't have any trouble at all with the second mini game. I've played ones like it before, and have always found them to be easy.
I do like this event overall. The outfits are pretty, but I really hate that one is a recharge outfit. I wish we had the option to decide which outfit we got through the free portion of the event at least.
I think I actually like this event. The free outfit is cute, don't know yet is there any pieces that will come in use tbh..but time will tell.
And I'm totally fine with the idea of one outfit that you have to buy. It is reasonable and when we will get on from free...
Last edited by Hisperia (04/17/2019 at 13:04)
Thank you for the event.
Doubt I will play it due to personal life, but at least I won't regret it since the set we can get for free is not my cup of tea.
Good luck to everyone else!
May this event be with fewer glitches for you than the Valentine event of 2019.
Last edited by Minah (04/17/2019 at 13:05)
It's a cute event.
I like the outfit.
I don't have too much trouble sorting out garbage from eggs.
The melting part is designed to break my mouse button. I haven't been able to raise the temperature during my first try. This activity struck me as hard with a billion clicks and bad for my mouse. This game needs to decrease the clicking speed.
Last edited by stellasky (04/17/2019 at 13:45)
Bit of a rocky start, but what else is new...
The free outfit is absolutely darling! I love it a lot! I'm not all that bothered about the gold only one, so that's good.
It seems like the sorting minigame might just end up a luck of the draw thing. I got a couple rounds with 7 chocolate, but not because of any skill! The click game isn't too hard for me either, so I appreciate that. A +1 that the five-to-find eggs on the site are great to correct for minigame error, as well.
I'm actually kind of shocked at this point, I managed to get a piece of an event outfit on the first day...
I will say, I'm not really... into the idea of a giant chocolate fountain people can swim around in, but. You know. I'll accept it lol.
Cute event!
My impressions after playing the games for the first time ^^
Egg sorting game: maybe a little buggy or it's just me, but I had some egg/trash that would stop sliding down/slide down veeeeryyyyyy slowly and I had to wait for the next one to fall down to help - which isn't great when an egg is stuck but a trash come next and vice versa.
Chocolate melting game: I didn't succeed on the first try with only my mouse... and I don't think I clicked slowly either. It felt like the curser goes down faster than a click make it go up.
However I managed to do it while doing it with both my mouse and the touchpad so I guess I'll stuck with that technique!
Is it just me, or is the egg game soo difficult? The eggs tend to stick to the teeter-totter, and when they move, they roll very slowly making collecting eggs nearly impossible..
As for the melting chocolate game, I haven't made it to that part yet because of insufficient eggs ;-;
Nice event. The sorting game is fun and the bank outfit is cool, except that I would have to pay 13 euros for that.
Also is the cauldron game bugged? I've tried it 3 times now, trying to click very fast and very slow, trying to keep the rhythm and even clicking on different spots on the screen. Nothing seems to happen, the arrow won't go up one bit.
I wasn't able to participate in the last year's Easter event so can't compare, but it's pretty enjoyable. The free outfit is also cute.
It's a decent comeback after Valentine...
Haven't experienced any bug yet, so I guess I'm pretty lucky.
I'm not that sure from the description given, but you can obtain the companion through exploration?
Edit: I just read Klee's post. So it is through exploration. I didn't read other comments before posting. Mb
Last edited by Seff (04/17/2019 at 16:05)
I'm a bit disappointed in this event. While it is miles ahead of the last event, this one is just seems so 'meh' to me. I think the Easter event for MCL is much better (which surprised me since the recent ones have been pretty sub par.)
- First is that there is only one outfit. There has always been three outfits to create for the Easter event and there only being one makes it look like they cheaped out. Although I do have to say that the one outfit is very pretty.
- I don't mind finding the eggs around the page and I do actually enjoy the sorting game, but I HATE the heating one. I had to pay 60 maana's to finally get the one item. I've always hated games that forced you to button mash; it's not fun. I also hate how if we fail we have to either pay 30 maana or try again tomorrow. We earned those eggs and being forced to pay or lose all 20 them just seems slightly unfair.
- Bugs everywhere! First the event didn't show up on the US sever for awhile. And it also seems like my companion is bugged as well. My companion is legendary and I've sent her to places that are only worth 10-15 energy and she always brings things back. I've sent her out around 5 or 6 times and she hasn't brought me a single thing back. I can understand there being bugs/glitches, but having something wrong happen every event is getting tedious. You would think a company would be on top of this and fix these things before the event would launch.
Overall I don't care much for this event.
Listen, I can button mash like no body's business, but the button mash minigame is BULL DROPPINGS! I couldn't even get a quarter of the way up. I'm not a robot here
Edit: Tried it TWO MORE TIMES with BOTH my mouse and mouse pad. I can't even pay to have the chocolate auto melt and the game isn't possible to win.
Last edited by Ennarcia (04/17/2019 at 16:28)
Is it too much to ask for the events and the mini games to be mobile friendly?
Morrigyn wrote
Is it too much to ask for the events and the mini games to be mobile friendly?
Ennarcia wrote
Morrigyn wrote
Is it too much to ask for the events and the mini games to be mobile friendly?
They're not even computer friendly this time. You need a mouse for the sorting game, and the melting game is impossible