WhimsicalRose wrote
Does anyone know if you have to buy maana to get the bank outfit, or could you use the same amount of money to get gold coins and still get the bank outfit??
No, you don't. You can buy either maana or gold coins. On the French server the bank page has this banner visible explaining the bank outfit situation. I guess this banner should be visible on our US bank page as well, but at least for me, I only see a broken image icon on top of the bank page.

The banner says that you need to collect 1500 points to get the bank outfit. When buying currency, 1 maana = 1 point, 1 gold = 3 points. So you can mix and match any kind of combination of maana and/or gold coinsvyou wish to reach the 1500 point goal.
Larjus wrote
You don't have to buy 1500 gold to get the bank outfit. I think that's only for maana. I got it with 500 gold coins (with Finnish prices it was: 335 + 65 gold = 10 euros, and 100 coins = 3 euros, so yeah 13 euros /static/img/forum/smilies/roll.png I envy you guys who get it cheaper... still don't think it's fair the prices vary a lot for different countries.)
I completely agree with you on this. The prices shouldn't vary from country to country, but instead have the same value with any currency or area. It would make the game more fair and equal for every player around the world.