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#76 02/13/2019 at 12:09

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 30

Not a fan of this event. I currently have 14 maana to my name and there's no way I'll be able to finish in time. I don't even think I'd be able to complete one outfit in 2 weeks, let alone 4.


#77 02/13/2019 at 12:12

Shadow Guard
Young Recruit
Posts: 21

Seriously? What is with Beemoov lately? Year after year everything just goes downhill another notch and I'm honestly surprised they even have websites with people who actually play their games because this whole money grab fiasco is a sham.

It's hardly any fun anymore honestly, not only is the Alchemy game just a complete waste of absolutely everyone's time, but to turn that very poorly designed game into the basis of our next holiday event only screams "Give me your money!"

Beemoov seriously needs to pay attention to its user base and expand on the feedback they get from various new things they keep trying to push.
And let's not even forget the fact that if you ARE going to get more maana or gold, unless you live in the USA if you go to change where you live to get prices, they're just scamming you out of even more money. Seriously? Why not keep it the same throughout the platform? How is it fair that I pay the same price for 100 less maana or whatever.


That being said let's hope that Beemoov actually starts to listen to their users for once and come up with something easier to use, friendlier for newer users, and something that's not a quick cash grab.
For shame.


#78 02/13/2019 at 12:13

Shadow Guard
Posts: 88

I don't understand Beemov. I mean, why do they want to lose everything they've worked for? Are they tired and simply want to shut down the company? Maybe they're depressed from all the failure and feel it's pointless to go on. The self-sabotage is a clear sign of giving up. It's sad.
What? That's NOT the case? But why else would they be so ****ing determined to ruin the experience for practically all players at every turn by doing their worst with creating decent events? Why else would they work to not give everyone an equal or fair chance and send about 99% of their game members into an infuriated frenzy then ignore the displeasure every single time, thus proving incapable or unwilling to learn from poor decisions? If they're so damn desperate for money then they should be honest and ask for support through something like Patreon instead of taking advantage of their players through the games.

And any naysayers can claim I'm wrong until you're blue in the face, but you can't change the evidence of their track record.

Last edited by Raine (02/13/2019 at 12:17)

For an awesome band and comic check out September Mourning! New graphic novel now available!


#79 02/13/2019 at 12:17

Just Arrived
Posts: 8

They messed up badly with mycandylove and now they're trying to suck wallets dry on this platform too. Hey Beemoov, it's not going to work. All you're doing is continuously driving away your fanbase. This is truly sad, fam. It's a shame this is all crashing and burning.


#80 02/13/2019 at 12:19

Shadow Guard
Sylph Sidekick
Posts: 967

Faybaby wrote

I'm just thinking that did I miss something or they basicly ****ing did what they did... I have all pictures now so the event is completed for me BUT usually we get the companion at the end as a bonus. This time, I only got a message from Purriry to check out the companion shop cause they've discovered a new companion... Checked my inventory to make sure that the companion isn't there and yeah, it wasn't there. I cannot imagine what purpose this served other then losing the rest of your loyal community's support -.-

I'm truly hoping this is an error of some sort... I even went back and checked and they said, and I quote, 'When you complete the event, a beautiful surprise awaits you'...

Surely the illustrations don't count as a 'beautiful surprise' because one would need all 4 illustrations for the event to be completed...

If it really is the case that they don't intend to gift us the companion when we done then they're definitely going about the right way to lose their players...


#81 02/13/2019 at 12:20

Shadow Guard
Posts: 88

SavannahCay wrote

They messed up badly with mycandylove and now they're trying to suck wallets dry on this platform too. Hey Beemoov, it's not going to work. All you're doing is continuously driving away your fanbase. This is truly sad, fam. It's a shame this is all crashing and burning.

Precisely. You can't profit off your players if you keep DRIVING THEM ALL AWAY. They're only hurting themselves, and the lack of common sense is truly baffling.

For an awesome band and comic check out September Mourning! New graphic novel now available!


#82 02/13/2019 at 12:23

Shadow Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 089

The event says the first scroll for the outfit is free, but the rest can be found through explorations. I know that they are also in the alchemy shop, but I would rather try to get them off the map.
Does anyone know the locations of the scrolls? Please PM me if you do! Thank you.


#83 02/13/2019 at 13:05

Absynthe Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 2 129

I have to agree with everyone, this event is pretty awful. First of all, the fact that the whole event is based on this lame alchemy mini game is more than ridiculous. I didn't give a damn about it when it first came out and even now I just could not care less about it, since the outfit imo is kinda meh and also it's just a huge waste of maanas. But now that even this event is based on it, it's just... I can't. It's confusing, buggy, requires too much maanas/money and it is not fun at all! Even the mini games from previous years were so much better than this...

Second of all, I don't quite get these outfits. The second and the fourth one is not horrible at least, but the other 2 is just ugh, I cannot look at them.

And last but not least, which I'm most disappointed about is the fact that those who haven't been playing during last year's Valentine's day event, cannot access the items. I'm like... are you kidding me? Maybe, just maybe the reason I would like to access them now is because I wasn't around last year and I want to buy them!!! Like where's the logic in this? I seriously don't get Beemoov, they're pretty much digging their own grave imo. I just cannot be frustrated about the things they do anymore, I kind of just laugh at it and cringe.

(And why am I not surprised that every single event is buggy? Can't they just make an event accessible without bugs for once? Lol)

I'll probably try to finish Leiftan's outfit if I can while the event lasts, but I cannot care less if I can't.

Last edited by Rubrae (02/13/2019 at 13:07)


#84 02/13/2019 at 13:16

Absynthe Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 166
This is what you get at the end of the Event. Basicly in the message, they tell you to check out the companion in the Shop so I doubt it's a bug... Though hopefully I'm wrong and magically the companion shows up either cause it was actually a bug or the players basicly threw out their windows with bricks for this cashgrab act.

They had many options to earn cash by making older items GC only, introducing the 2016's Valentine's Day special outfit or bringing back all previous companions (including Valuret) for GC. But they really have to remove all the fun from events (even MCL one looks decent compared to this one).

Last edited by Faybaby (02/13/2019 at 13:17)

"Love can be easy unless you are wicked." - Faybaby, Mistress of Malice
Link to external image


#85 02/13/2019 at 13:22

Shadow Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 214

Faybaby wrote
This is what you get at the end of the Event. Basicly in the message, they tell you to check out the companion in the Shop so I doubt it's a bug... Though hopefully I'm wrong and magically the companion shows up either cause it was actually a bug or the players basicly threw out their windows with bricks for this cashgrab act.

They had many options to earn cash by making older items GC only, introducing the 2016's Valentine's Day special outfit or bringing back all previous companions (including Valuret) for GC. But they really have to remove all the fun from events (even MCL one looks decent compared to this one).

Soooo...., the prize is the BG..

And the Companion can only be got from the Shop...

And only for GC...


#86 02/13/2019 at 13:31

Shadow Guard
Sidekick of the Sylphs
Posts: 1 226

Honestly, the idea itself isn't that bad. What sucks is the fact that we have to buy dye and spend maana to do alchemy.
Remove both those aspects and make things a little easier to find, maybe replace one of the exploration items with something you can find on the pages (like not a small thing like they've done before, but something very clear, the sun in MCL's event) and I think I could've had fun with this event instead of, y'know, hating it??

Another issue is having to complete one guy to move onto the next. Like, I feel bad for people who just picked someone without checking the outfits first, like that's harsh.  Let me jump around according to my whims.


#87 02/13/2019 at 13:54

Shadow Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 265

This is by far the worst event I have ever experienced from Beemoov. I had complained on MCL how I didn’t really like the Valentine’s Event, but this is so much worse. As soon as I saw the alchemy teaser I knew it was going to be bad. The Valentine event has always been my third favorite event and this is just insulting.

First of all, we have to use our maana for the event. Are you serious? This has NEVER been done before except if failed or wanted to move forward a bit more then we could use some gold coins. This just really shows how money hungry Beemoov is.

Not only is the maana the problem, but we don't even get the companion after completing the event. I know we get a background instead, and while it is beautiful, a companion is worth more (which is probably why they decided to make it that you only get it by paying).

I'm not even going to bother trying until the bugs are fixed. Laggy site, other severs not working, and not being able to move forward. At least MCL Valentine event didn't have any bugs (as far as I could see).

Now the outfits are okay, they don't really say Valentine's Day to me. There are some really good pieces, but there are also some 'meh' pieces as well.

I do admit the illustrations are gorgeous.

With the way Beemoov has been acting I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they released an episode a few weeks after the event (which I wouldn’t even be able to play because I’m stuck on episode 23 because of a bug and despite reporting it to Beemoov a month ago (and sending a reminder that I’m still stuck a week ago) they still haven’t fixed it).

Worst event yet. Congratulations Beemoov you just outed yourself as only caring about money and not giving a damn about your players (although most of us already knew this).

Last edited by CottonCandy (02/13/2019 at 15:04)


#88 02/13/2019 at 13:58

Absynthe Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 5

Yeahh... This event is a no from me. Usually you guys do great events and I'm sad to see this flop. I don't know which one is worse, this or university life.


#89 02/13/2019 at 14:28

Shadow Guard
Elf Sidekick
Posts: 7 604

Ok, so where are the pictures of the items you get in the alchemy thing?
I want to see them first, before wasting maanas on them Dx want items in this game, if you have the items i want, you can sell the item(s) to me, here is the link to know what items i want:,4-market-exploration-wishlists.htm&#p40468


#90 02/13/2019 at 14:29

Shadow Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 291


Every event that has happened since I signed up has at least had some aspects that I enjoyed. I can honestly say that this is by far the worst that has happened. I think that the alchemy game is interesting, but only because you can play it at your own pace. With a time limit, it becomes a chore. If you want people to play an event game, don't mix it with exploration. I can see that a lot of work has gone into it, but this has fallen flat.

I can't believe that I am saying this, but I will not be playing any of it.


#91 02/13/2019 at 14:37

Shadow Guard
The Answer to Everything
Posts: 1 709

Faybaby wrote
This is what you get at the end of the Event. Basicly in the message, they tell you to check out the companion in the Shop so I doubt it's a bug... Though hopefully I'm wrong and magically the companion shows up either cause it was actually a bug or the players basicly threw out their windows with bricks for this cashgrab act.

They had many options to earn cash by making older items GC only, introducing the 2016's Valentine's Day special outfit or bringing back all previous companions (including Valuret) for GC. But they really have to remove all the fun from events (even MCL one looks decent compared to this one).
E v e n   i n   t h e   d a r k e s t   o f   t i m e s


That really bites, considering I actually really liked the event companion this year /static/img/forum/smilies/sad.png Beemoov, wyd
w e   w i l l   a l l   h a v e   o u r   l i g h t   t o   g u i d e   u s

S  o     y  o  u ' r  e     a  f  r  a  i  d     o  f     t  h  e     d  a  r  k  ?
W  e  l  l     d  o  n  t     w  o  r  r  y     c  h  i  l  d   ,   f o  r     I     w  i  l  l     l  e  a  d    y  o  u     t  o     t  h  e     l  i  g  h  t


#92 02/13/2019 at 14:41

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 5

500 Maana for five scrolls with an estimated 150 to 200 on the items to craft the item bringing it to a costly 600-700 maana on what I believe is the outfit with the least props, mind you it's a repetitive process for all of the other boys and I only learned basic maths for this.


I genuinely don't care for this event, do that even understand that games should prioritize fun? that players shouldn't feel like they are trapped in a lubeless scam screeching at them to throw their money at it, that only tightens me-my heart.

Beemoov just got accepted in the Yikey League university of Oof Here They Strike Again.

Last edited by Kija (02/13/2019 at 14:50)


#93 02/13/2019 at 14:54

Shadow Guard
Elf Sidekick
Posts: 7 604

Also where is the Sweetheart outfit, the Chibusa hair, and the Valuret companion the valentines event stuff that ONLY came out on the French version?
Where are they????
I want them now!
I have been waiting for them for 3 years.
They also have to do with Valentines day, not like these outfits you newly made and released today! DX :-(
Beemoov please start doing your job properly!
And stop favoring the French version! want items in this game, if you have the items i want, you can sell the item(s) to me, here is the link to know what items i want:,4-market-exploration-wishlists.htm&#p40468


#94 02/13/2019 at 15:03

Absynthe Guard
Unicorn Sidekick
Posts: 305

I was hoping that there would be no Valentines, but if there was going to be one, that it would be simple and not waste mana /static/img/forum/smilies/sad.png(

Perhaps, maybe next year - fingers crossed though I don't hope for it much - there will be a map where we can explore for our Valentines items. As for this event, I'll either try and get the first and second outfit on the left.

Last edited by Mizore (02/13/2019 at 15:09)

Got event items or companion food you'd like to get rid of? Message me on Discord and I'll take them off your hands! Mizore#1203


#95 02/13/2019 at 15:29

Obsidian Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 4

I'll be honest this event is a bit of a mess
the alchemy is already pretty hard to do without alot of mana but this event is even worse   /static/img/forum/smilies/sad.png

The Strength Arcana  represents both passion and self-control. It is depicted as power with reason


#96 02/13/2019 at 16:03

Shadow Guard
Posts: 30

I was wondering why I don't play this game much.. This event reestablished why. Nice one, Beemoov.


#97 02/13/2019 at 16:17

Absynthe Guard
Posts: 38

I have been on this site since it launched, completed every event which had progress bars and, yes, also spent money on the site and still haven't gotten further than ep 13 because all my Maana is used for event clothes.

So when the alchemy lab was introduced, I was absolutely certain to never, ever use it simply because I don't have the Maana for it, ever.

And now, this event... it's just ridiculous. Leiftan's outfit is gorgeous (I don't really care if something is fitting the event, I just care about it being pretty), but the others really seem... lacking. And I get why. It's five pieces per outfit because of the alchemy thing, which makes for less details than the usual 8+ pieces per outfit. But still, requiring me to use Maana to get what was usually one free copy in all other events? That's ridiculous.

The worst event for me had been the one easter one where we had to basically spam the forum and annoy others to get the companion, but it was still doable for free. This? Nothing about this is any sort of free. I had saved Maana since the Christmas event, only ever buying companion food, and I am at 833 Maana. Even if I would find every bit of material (which won't happen, I haven't even found enough to complete the first item!), there's no way I would ever finish my outfits.

The few gold coins I have left from my Christmas purchase will definitely not go into outfits I don't even like... and I really don't feel like buying more despite liking several colors of Leiftan's outfit, simply because I don't feel like supporting such a cash-grabby event. Given how I spent at least a few bucks on every event so far, I must say: Good job, Beemoov, you know how to get rid of your customers.


#98 02/13/2019 at 16:23

Shadow Guard
Just Arrived
Posts: 8

I don't mind the whole alchemy mini-game thing that they decided to go with, so far I haven't played it a lot but I don't think the idea is that bad. It's not everyones cup of tea but there are people who enjoy it.

Also it's a pretty new feature so I understand that they want to promote that.

However, forcing us players to pay ridiculous amounts of maana for the mini-game itself as well as the items needed to play it is just awful. Paying a small fee in the mini-game I can live with but the rest is really unnecessary.

I hope they change this in some way. Either make everything available through exploration or lower the prices significantly.



#99 02/13/2019 at 16:29

Shadow Guard
Soldier of the Guard
Posts: 533

*looks at the camera like I'm on the office*

Well, that happened.

I'll give this event my best shot if only to have a baseline for what it takes, because, as we know, based on past years, regardless of how the userbase feels, this will be the format for the Spring Event & Music Festival as well.


#100 02/13/2019 at 16:34

Shadow Guard
Posts: 4 591

You've got to be kidding! I haven't even made ONE SINGLE THING on the mini game. And now if we want this stuff we're FORCED to use maana??

This "event" is horrible!!!


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