Are the 4 guys all gonna be half-naked? I mean, summer and all, but I am curious. Does that mean the girls will be almost naked too??
With the buying stuff always sucks, since in some places a dollar is a lot of money and you kind of don't want to spend a week or two worth of groceries on an outfit. Just saying.
All this stuff we have to buy does this have a final image? The outfit. I kind of feel like I have seen the floaty before, so it's this an outfit that has been before?
Not to mention, since it's "free" and all, why does it cost so much money? (not the clothes you need to buy, but the bindles, etc.) It took me by surprise. Especially not having a hatched egg yet and needing to buy, most times, another chance to change the task.
@Maoyui, damn, wish I had seen this sooner. Good thing I only got the crown and I don't care about it.
Does anyone know how the dress on the octopus would look on an non-octopus body? I remember someone wore it like that, but I didn't spend much time looking at it and now I am curious about how it sits on the body.
Last edited by Shintarou (07/30/2018 at 11:35)