Thank you for this lovely event!
The Glassy Light Queen outfit is gorgeous
#76 12/20/2017 at 17:05
#77 12/20/2017 at 17:13
Thank you for bringing this event beemoov! I have been waiting for this! The companions looks beautiful, like wow! <33
#78 12/20/2017 at 17:14
Omg everything's gorgeous, like usual. Happy holidays, enjoy yourselves, and cheers w/ hot cocoa!
Link to external image
#79 12/20/2017 at 17:47
omg, thank you all so much,i'm so excited i love this kind of events; aaand let's talk about the familiars! they are fire ifkjleoe, good job!
#80 12/20/2017 at 17:55
My wishlist is gonna explode
#81 12/20/2017 at 18:11
Thank you, the best christmas surprise!
Merry Cristmas to everybody<3
#82 12/20/2017 at 20:43
I am so in love with the companions!
#83 12/20/2017 at 23:11
Thank you so much!!! I'm about to explode with happiness omg! ♡
Link to external image
#84 12/20/2017 at 23:13
So pretty! And the owl/griffen is cute ^_^ I'll cross my fingers for an okanya this year ❤
Last edited by Linoa (12/20/2017 at 23:22)
#85 12/21/2017 at 00:10
I've been waiting for this for the whole month and it's finally here!
#86 12/21/2017 at 01:56
Everything looks great, team, thank you for the hard work! Happy holidays Eldarya!
#87 12/21/2017 at 03:21
Thank you very much, Eldarya team!
#88 12/21/2017 at 04:18
The hairstlye 'Tilda' is missing from the market.
#89 12/21/2017 at 05:52
These companions and outfits are just so gorgeuse, OMG *o*
And Merry Christmas to the team and every one of you!
Happy holidays!!
#90 12/21/2017 at 05:59
Geralt and I are going to enjoy this! Thank you. ♥ Merry Christmas everyone. ☺
Last edited by MinervaLily (12/21/2017 at 06:00)
"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice." ~ MC Scooter.
#91 12/21/2017 at 09:41
thank you beemov i've already buy something in the shop,and take the legendary companion..( this in only two days of event , because the 23th of december i am on holiday and i can't connect to play until the 6th of january... Is So sad to say it T.T i've would wished to play it more , but that's how the life goes).
#92 12/21/2017 at 11:59
Thank you!!!!
#93 12/21/2017 at 12:02
#94 12/21/2017 at 12:52
Woo! Time to get those cute outfits (and potentially make some money hehe)!
Thank you for the event and have a wonderful holiday everyone !
#95 12/21/2017 at 15:00
now i can waste my life away again trying to get adorable companions, and gorgeous outfits. <333
#96 12/21/2017 at 16:33
Thank you for the lovely items!
Happy holidays!
<3 I finally found an owlett of my own!<3
Last edited by ILorelei (12/27/2017 at 07:52)
#97 12/21/2017 at 21:41
Phew. 2 illustration pieces in one day. I can do this ^-^ although i still dont know the character who is the center. Lol
#98 12/22/2017 at 03:28
I'm so excited!This is my first Christmas event. I just love the outfits!
#99 12/22/2017 at 06:34
Thank you so much for the event !
The Items are gorgious.
#100 12/22/2017 at 09:48
Oh My Gosh! This event is so cool and wonderfull!
Thanks for the event! ^^