For some reason my Companion has not been recharging it energy. Is this happening to anyone else?
#77 06/21/2017 at 15:55
Oh My! Those outfits are incredibly beautiful! ♥ I will spend so much maana to those items, I want them more than one color...
#78 06/21/2017 at 16:37
Those outfits are simply amazing... I foresee hard decisions ahead as well as rapid maana depletion XD
I also love how each Poulpatata had a bunch of sayings when you click on them.
Being called 'Commander' by Darthpatata is simply the best~ \0/

#79 06/21/2017 at 17:07
Sooooo, when the king falls asleep... My mission is complete?
#80 06/21/2017 at 17:25
the end was so cool :000 Love it
so much yeah I couldn't wait until
the end needed to spend some coins xd
★ - - - B E L I E V E ✘ I N ✘ T H E ✘ S H I E L D - - - ★

#81 06/21/2017 at 20:11
Dioxin wrote
Oops, I already played the whole event through.. ^^'
But I got to say, those outfits are so beautiful ♥
Is the final surprise of the event an event egg? I thought that it might be the case because there is a new food in the shop and I am really curious as to what the the new companion might look like. Plus, the final surprise is eating up my curiosity.

#82 06/21/2017 at 21:13
I've only participated in a bit of the event thus far, but I think it's a really cool idea to give the Poulpatatas a king and to make him be the one to give out the missions--it's both original and makes the event really fun! Also, I'm really glad that we're celebrating International Music Day. <3
Just a question though: is this to be considered this year's summer event, or will that come later on?

#83 06/21/2017 at 21:39
Fantasia wrote
Just a question though: is this to be considered this year's summer event, or will that come later on?

#84 06/21/2017 at 22:23

#85 06/21/2017 at 22:32
Frayedsoul17 wrote
For some reason my Companion has not been recharging it energy. Is this happening to anyone else?
Have you fed your companion? If that is not the case, then please send me a message with a screenshot of your companion screen

made by Faye
Read Desperate Measures and Enchanted in the Moonlight, a Leiftan x Guardian series I co-wrote with Jolteonrules
#86 06/21/2017 at 22:34
HeartKiller wrote
Fantasia wrote
Just a question though: is this to be considered this year's summer event, or will that come later on?It's a event apart, summer event should be around july/august if we're lucky.✮
Thanks, dear! In that case, it's exciting that we'll be getting two events! Just this one has such beautiful outfits, so I'm really excited for all the summer ones. ^_^ :3

#87 06/21/2017 at 23:05
Link to external image
Wow these outfits are so stunning, especially the 3rd one. Thank you so much for your hard work~!
Link to external image
Link to external imageLink to external imageLink to external image
Last edited by Koizumi (06/21/2017 at 23:06)

#88 06/21/2017 at 23:38

#89 06/22/2017 at 00:25
OMG It's so pretty. Can't wait to get them all

#90 06/22/2017 at 00:49
I'm a little confused on the 11 missions, So I have done both missions for today and yesterday, but I only received 2 outfit pieces per mission, if this is continuing trend then we can only get 22 outfit pieces. Will the number of reward outfit pieces increase overtime?
#91 06/22/2017 at 01:52
Sweetpea25 wrote
Dioxin wrote
Oops, I already played the whole event through.. ^^'
But I got to say, those outfits are so beautiful ♥
Is the final surprise of the event an event egg? I thought that it might be the case because there is a new food in the shop and I am really curious as to what the the new companion might look like. Plus, the final surprise is eating up my curiosity.
Spoiler Click to display
#92 06/22/2017 at 02:35
My first Eldarya Event kyaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
The clothes ar awesome I want them all!!
Thanksssss :3

#93 06/22/2017 at 02:46
VelvetCoco wrote
I'm a little confused on the 11 missions, So I have done both missions for today and yesterday, but I only received 2 outfit pieces per mission, if this is continuing trend then we can only get 22 outfit pieces. Will the number of reward outfit pieces increase overtime?
I hope so, otherwise it would be really unfair to those players who cannot afford to buy gold coins and can get them only from bindles.
#94 06/22/2017 at 03:53
I really hope that we'll get more than two clothing pieces per day.. Otherwise there's only handful of players who will be able to finish this whole event /
Last edited by Ruuti (06/22/2017 at 03:54)
#95 06/22/2017 at 03:58
As you progress further into the event, you are gifted with more than two items of clothing at a time. Do not worry

made by Faye
Read Desperate Measures and Enchanted in the Moonlight, a Leiftan x Guardian series I co-wrote with Jolteonrules
#96 06/22/2017 at 05:02
Oh my god I love this event! The Poulpatatas are so cute and funny and the outfits are all so pretty! Thank you so much for this event!
pahat enteet hiljaisuuden kaiken täyttää
#97 06/22/2017 at 06:54
Thanks for this event, love the outfits
#98 06/22/2017 at 13:59
This looks so great! Thank you for your hard work <3
#99 06/22/2017 at 15:22
The outfits are absolutely stunning and we could not ask for more.
Side note: The development in the inventory section has not gone unnoticed.
Much more efficient and easier to keep up to date of the things I need now. Keep up the good work!

#100 06/22/2017 at 16:07
anybody else getting a glitch where the companions not eating an restoring energy?
My Companions:
Mystique, Ciralak
Scarlet, Rowtsya
Lamiria, Blobbiathan