Nice joke, but a little bit sсary at first.) And Jenny is too cute to be kept in drawers *.*
So Happy April Fools everyone!)
#76 04/01/2017 at 11:17
#78 04/01/2017 at 12:48
"I address a poem of farewell to my loathsome past;
I have to abandon the remains of these terrible days- these horrid dreams... even if it kills me!
In the next life, a flower will bloom to tell you a poem of transition;
Filled with suffering - grieving and moaning, but never dying out... even when starved of sunlight."

#79 04/01/2017 at 12:57
This thing is the Magikarp of Eldarya
#80 04/01/2017 at 12:57
Please come back! <3
#81 04/01/2017 at 13:11
xD Well, that was an interesting little tidbit to wake up to. Very clever. ^^

#82 04/01/2017 at 13:11
what does blobby eat
#83 04/01/2017 at 13:38
Wow, I didn't expect that!! At first, when I saw that fish, it scared me, thou xD
I almost forgot that today is the day xD Well, nice joke, nice And this Jelly is so cute *o*
Thank you very much!! Have a nice day everyone
#84 04/01/2017 at 14:25
I did not expect this!!!! XD I thought my companion was taking a walk then I see a fish familiar!
He's so cute! I'm going to name him Blurp! Even though he'll be only around for a few hours T^T I'll spend those hours with him and malkmalke the most of it!
Thank you Eldarya for this amusing April 1st!
Happy April Fools Day Everyone! :3
Red rubies
Blue sapphires
Black onyx
Green Emeralds
Loyal Obsidian Guard, Valkyon, I acknowledge your strength and determination. Proudly sport the red gem of the Obsidian Guard, showering my enemies with compassion and the flames of justice.
#85 04/01/2017 at 14:30
I love blobby. He is my blobby.
#86 04/01/2017 at 14:33
VisceraNight wrote
If you try to put Blobby back in the egg, it yells at you. XD
Aw, I didn't get to try that, haha >w<
#87 04/01/2017 at 14:36
First off, Blobby is so cute! It's too bad he's only here for a few minutes but I'll cherish those moments! He should be an actual companion. He's just so darn adorable! <3
Thank you Eldarya for this adorable April 1st!
Hope everyone has a good April Fool'!
Got event items or companion food you'd like to get rid of? Message me on Discord and I'll take them off your hands! Mizore#1203
#88 04/01/2017 at 14:41
Vynn wrote
VisceraNight wrote
If you try to put Blobby back in the egg, it yells at you. XD
Aw, I didn't get to try that, haha >w<
I just tried it and he said, "I name Blobby!" Kawaii!!
Got event items or companion food you'd like to get rid of? Message me on Discord and I'll take them off your hands! Mizore#1203
#89 04/01/2017 at 14:47
#90 04/01/2017 at 15:25
I was a bit like
then I remembered it's april lool and then I freaked out cause blobby bought me a crowmero when I sent him out so I was like
Link to external image
but then I sent him out again and he came back with the hat so I was like
Link to external image
cause even tho i <3 blobby my kitty would end up doing this
#91 04/01/2017 at 15:53
'...Da heck is this ugly thing?'
People keep saying she's cute...I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!!

#92 04/01/2017 at 16:42
I will evolve blobby one day, no matter how long it takes. *9000 days later* ok I did it I evolved blobby, what now?
Last edited by NickFoxtails (04/01/2017 at 16:43)
Ogres are not cute and cuddly deal with it. I do apologize for the smell though.
#93 04/01/2017 at 17:03
i miss Blobby already..
Link to external image
#94 04/01/2017 at 17:19
It has to be based off the Blobfish. It has to.
Last edited by Teyr (04/01/2017 at 17:20)

#95 04/01/2017 at 17:46
inaya1030 wrote
I love blobby. He is my blobby.
"I will call him Blobby and he will be mine and he will be my Blobby."
#96 04/01/2017 at 17:49
Me: Work is really busy! I should probably put on vacation mode so Pepper doesn't starve!
*opens companion tab*
I never finished my last exploration. Thanks Pep-
*Checks forum*
The prankster has been pranked! Haha! I love it!
Yes, I am not wearing pants. No, I don't see it as a problem!
On the prowl for Event clothes! Message me if you need to sell something!
#97 04/01/2017 at 21:45
I don't like Blobby
I want my pretty lil Becola back
#98 04/01/2017 at 22:16
i wish i could send mine out but it turned back into an egg

#99 04/01/2017 at 22:35
Tahira81 wrote
This thing is the Magikarp of Eldarya
For real though when I saw this...thing. I was like "RUPERT. NO YOU CANNOT HAVE LEFT ME!"
Then I remembered it was April fools...
A sweet smelling rose in the garden of darkness
#100 04/01/2017 at 22:36
nvm I have Blobby but why won't it let me feed him?